Meniere's Disease myelodysplastic syndrome Snoring Laryngology foreign body in the nose foreign body in the ear ringing (noise) in the ear Hearing Qatar Obstructive sleep apnea Otosclerosis Acute otitis media Acute inflammation of the inner ear perforation of the tympanic membrane myelodysplastic syndrome tonsil hypertrophy Nasal polyps abscess (infiltration) peritonsillar Tinnitus Ear float Pharyngitis myelodysplastic syndrome Laryngitis subglottic larynx Otitis Otitis externa Sinusitis Clogged ear expand
Chronic sinus puncture Topics Sinusitis Sinusitis Sick sinus allergy symptoms allergy treatment treatment of allergy symptoms of inflammation appendages children without myelodysplastic syndrome fever pneumonia zdrowie_indeks Conjunctivitis Eye diseases and disorders of vision lenses pregnant Conjunctivitis indeks_zdrowie expand
Sinuses are the air cavity communicating with the nasal cavity through myelodysplastic syndrome the natural holes in its side wall. Gulf play a role in ensuring the protection of thermal and mechanical eye sockets and brain and increase the strength of the facial bones. Are also involved in the issue of voice and sound conduction and receiving. You can not miss their respiratory function - moisturize, heat and purify the inhaled air. There are frontal sinus, maxillary, wedge sieve cells and the front and rear. Contents Classification of Causes of sinusitis sinusitis symptoms myelodysplastic syndrome and course of sinusitis diagnosis of sinusitis in children Sinusitis Chronic Sinusitis Treatment of Fungal sinusitis sinusitis complications of sinusitis 1. Classification of sinusitis
Sinusitis is a disease of the mucous myelodysplastic syndrome membranes of one or more paranasal sinuses extending always rhinitis. There are three forms of inflammation: acute inflammation which, when cured leaves no changes in the mucosa, recurrent acute inflammation (recurrent episodes of acute inflammation, but properly treated leaves no permanent changes), myelodysplastic syndrome chronic inflammation (chronic inflammation impossible to eliminate conservative treatment). 2. Causes of sinusitis X-ray of the patient with rhinosinusitis
The cause of sinusitis in adults are usually viruses. Infection mostly occurs directly through the mucosa of the nasal cavity, and less frequently by hematogenous or odontogenic. Viruses usually cause mild illness. However, myelodysplastic syndrome it can occur to bacterial superinfection. In infections of bacterial origin is dominated by streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, myelodysplastic syndrome and Staphylococcus. myelodysplastic syndrome Infections with other pathogens, eg. Fungal myelodysplastic syndrome infections in patients with deep concern the immunocompromised. Sinusitis may include sinus and only be caused by an infection of the teeth and periosteum. More often, however, covers the whole of Sinusitis.
How to develop sinusitis? Infection of the nose and paranasal sinuses are one of the most common diseases, which meets the doctor otolaryngologist in their daily work. The most common inflammatory process involves several myelodysplastic syndrome bays at the same time, which is conditioned by the proximity of the location of their natural estuaries. Together with the inhaled air to the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses get dirt and microorganisms. In the correct bay running an efficient self-cleaning mechanism, which involves cells that produce mucus and epithelial cilia lining the bay. The cilia are able to move the mucus with impurities in only one direction - to the natural sinus and further to the rear wall of the nose. Disturbance of this mechanism leads to inflammation. Predisposing factors are crooked nasal septum, auricle-can, improper construction of the complex ujściowo-wired. There are genetic diseases in which the movement of cilia is impaired, as well as environmental factors that may contribute to abnormal cilia function: high temperature, low humidity, pH change, tobacco smoke, trauma, hormonal disorders.
The symptoms of sinusitis vary depending on where the sinuses appeared inflamed. Inflammation myelodysplastic syndrome inside the sinuses causes them to swell, which limits their permeability and causes headache or feeling of pressure myelodysplastic syndrome in specific areas. The pain increases with the pressure of the space. In the case of maxillary sinusitis that lie under the eyes and on the sides of the nose, tightness or headache covers his face, teeth and forehead. In the case of frontal sinusitis, which lie at the height of the forehead, oppression or headache covers myelodysplastic syndrome the forehead. In the case of sinusitis, ethmoid, which lie on the sides of the nose and eyes, pressure or headache includes pain behind the eyes, there is also a splitting headache.
Characteristic symptoms of sinusitis include: rhinitis (runny nose), fever of about 38 C, headache - when tilted, with changes in pressure, with emphasis on the area of the sinuses, purulent nasal discharge myelodysplastic syndrome or backward