Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Pregnant allergies frequent colds Children Children Children anorexia scoliosis constipation scolio

The average pregnant women will experience swelling problems, scoliosis especially in the ankles and feet, the face can also be puffy, sometimes until I got to know in his own way. UMI is no exception. Usually at the end of pregnancy, not only the leg to swell up to normal wear sandals dah dah was not fit, turn kat puffy in the face, the nose too, have a bowl of flowers ... Adoi..segan right'm going out to everywhere. I do not feel like my own face. Aishwarya Rai turns into Kalu Tu takpelah jugak. The .... aish ... I never want to say there. Sib good husband is still fondly. Dare not love it ..... haha.
Do not worry ye mommies. It's one of the things we will experience normal during pregnancy. Think of it among my fondest memories because not all the time the pregnancy was not good. There must be the best. Examples can ask all sorts of en husband, what will they eat, je order and direct Zass can, can break from doing homework (pretend to smell dapur..hehe scoliosis je tak leh).
During pregnancy, the body produces about 50% more blood and body fluids in preparation to accommodate the growing baby. Chemical changes in the blood cause water to meet the tissues of the feet and ankles. Usually this water will be absorbed by the body. But because the content was increased in body fluids, scoliosis for it is the same body also helped to swell.
Elevate the legs during sleep or anytime to increase blood flow. While in the office, can use a small stool or box to accommodate your feet. Wear socks that are comfortable, not too tight Baring left during sleep. This can reduce the pressure on the blood vessels. Avoid sitting or standing for too long. Avoid crossing legs when sitting. Wear comfortable shoes. No high heels ok .. Plenty to drink boiled water 2-3L per day. Drinking enough water can get rid of toxins and unnecessary excess scoliosis from the body. Exercise such as walking and swimming. With swimming, water pressure from excess fluid can distract. Soak feet in cold water. Use the supporters of the stomach. Gently massage methods at the ankles and soles of the feet to the knees. Maintain a healthy diet and avoid foods high in sodium and salt are the most numerous in the instant scoliosis and processed food. Adopt a supplement that contains magnesium and vitamin B6. The lack of magnesium scoliosis in the diet can also exacerbate this puffiness. Magnesium is usually scoliosis supplied with the calcium pills taken by pregnant women for a better absorption of calcium (some calcium pills that do not contain magnesium). Vitamin B6 is found in Vitamin B supplements such as B-Complex.
Two of the four are among supplement mandatory in the Pregnancy scoliosis Set Shaklee. Ostematrix is magnesiun pills containing calcium and Vitamin D. The vitamin B Complex is equipped with all the 8 types of Vitamin scoliosis B including B6 and folic acid are also equipped with. Not all the Vitamin B is a complete B-Complex. Nature is not it.
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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

THE ENTRY She commented Ali on 20 Things Never To Say Housewife Rakiah gume on 20 Things Never To S

The average pregnancy may experience swollen feet during pregnancy. Zue own experience bore time 'Ayyash first, start 7 months gume swollen feet dah dah. Shoe been turned 2.3 times because not fit. UPSs. Non-point je swollen feet. Face even scattered flowers ... hihi .. fortunately got a swollen hand.
Swollen feet during pregnancy or edema usually occurs at the end of the second trimester or third trimester. When content grows, the body will begin to produce more fluid or blood in the body due to the growth of the body during pregnancy.
When the uterus grows, it will push up the blood vessels interfere with the return gume of blood to the heart. Then it will cause extra fluid gathered in the legs and causing swelling of the feet and ankles. Sometimes this swelling also occurs on the face and hands. TIPS TO AVOID PREGNANCY WHILE leg swelling
10 # Avoid tight clothing around the wrists, gume ankles and feet.
Making ends meet maternal nutrition during gume pregnancy so that mother and baby are in good condition. Zue practice SET BEST OF PREGNANT ni .. Easy and safe. After all can continue to use the current confinement and lactation.
Tags: swollen feet during pregnancy edema pregnant kitika tip tackle swollen feet
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Monday, June 1, 2015

a) ATFL (Anterior talofibular ligament) - fun

What 'ankle sprain' and how is it determined? 'Ankle sprain' is an injury in the ankle, which involves tearing lice the ligaments. lice It also involves other structures such as blood vessels, nerves, tendons, tearing the muscle and can lead to bone fractures (rare). This injury can occur when a foot sprain in an 'inversion, plantarflexion and Version' either when walking, running and doing activities such as sports and others. In sports for example, these injuries often occur in sports that require jumping conditions (sepak takraw, basketball) and change the orientation (football, rugby). However, these injuries can also occur akhibat of environmental factors such as uneven ground, violence in sports and action is too aggressive. What will happen when there 'ankle sprain'? 'Ankle sprain' in particular lice is an injury that occurs when the ligament tears in his ankle. Ligamentous structures as its original lice function is one of the hub structure that controls the movement of the foot or excessive movement of the joint. ' Upon the occurrence of tearing, a person will experience symptoms or signs of particular include: 1) Pain 2) There was a crack 3) Swelling 4) Bruising 5) the occurrence of fracture CJ ketidakapastian the event of symptoms above or Other symptoms such as pain in the ankle, difficulty walking lice and difficulty in standing, one should lice seek treatment immediately to facilitate lice the process of identifying whether it is an injury 'ankle sprain or even' ankle fracture '. Basically, every ligament has its own role and it also varies in strength. lice Ligaments in the ankle divided into two parts, namely: lice 1) Medial>
a) ATFL (Anterior talofibular ligament) - fun & easy to tear injury. b) CCFL (Calcaneofibular Ligament) - a powerful medium. c) TFL (Posterior talofibular lice ligament) - the most powerful and difficult injury.
Ligament injuries can be classified into a number of specific grades as follows: Grade 1 - Applicable only few pieces lice known as 'torn microscopic'. Pain that is felt not too serious and the most minimum lice level. lice Patients are usually able to walk and stand slowly but unable to run and jump. Grade 2 - There was approximately 50% tear. Moderate pain felt akhibat of internal bleeding. The patient feels pain when standing and walking but can walk a few steps slowly. Grade 3 - Ligaments completely broken and felt excruciating pain. Patients have difficulty in standing and walking. Lost stability when standing and usually can not move the part that hurts. Treatment In summary, treatment 'ankle sprain' is divided into several lice main aspects of which are: 1) Treatment prefix (RICE) a) Rest After injury, the victim should be rested. Any movement that continues lice in place of the injured will result in an increase in blood flow or continuous and is aggravating the injury. b) Ice Ice wrapped in cloth or plastic didemah over the injured site. Injuries that do not involve lice open wounds appropriate given this treatment. Do not allow ice directly over the injury as a result of 'ice lice burn' and kill the cells around the injury site. The lower the temperature of the ice Demahan tissues and cells that have been injured and can restore damaged cells faster. c) Compression of the injured part should be wrapped to prevent excessive swelling. d) Elevation Elevate the injured area to facilitate and accelerate lice the return of blood into the heart. This reduces bleeding to the injured lice site. The wounded must be higher than the level of the heart. This method of treatment is needed for the first 48 hours. However, physicians should be carried out references as soon as possible. Within the athlete undergo sports massage is not recommended as it can cause many complications. lice 2) Follow-up: a) To examine and test a specific foot - Anterior Drawer Test (to test ATFL) - Talar Tilt Test (to test CCFL) - electrotherapeutic (use of electronic machines) - Massage (at least after 48 hours of injury) - Wrap feet (do 2-3 days to reduce swelling and pain) b) Rehabilitation - Retrieving rom with taking lice the 'stretc