Friday, February 28, 2014

2014 (16) February (8) January (8) ALFALFA ALFALFA

A LFALFA cure Constipation | good digestive system is the foundation of a healthy body .. During the process of cleansing the body, the waste is directed to the 5 major excretory organs triglyceride to be discarded such as the skin, kidney, colon, lung and liver .. If we strive to cleanse our body but leave with a lot of waste accumulated in the o rgan excretion triglyceride without making sure it is disposed of properly, this waste will be reabsorbed into the cells of our body & your body will start full of toxins ..
The body is overloaded with toxins will show symptoms such as poor digestion, constipation, bloating, fatigue, weight gain, unhealthy skin conditions, mental stress, poor sleep, skin rashes, sore throat, loss of concentration weakness, headache, bad breath, blood glucose levels are out of balance, excessive mucus and body odor .. natural medicine practitioners believe that these symptoms indicate the level of toxins in the body is very high ..
".. Some people think if you do not wish qadha is common .. That the mai toxins & every disease tuh .. Sinus, Allergy & all kinds of skin diseases, all docks perch .. In this 30s, is a new mother have knowledge about all nih .. Frankly Mother say, the age of virgins, Mother always difficult qadha a sinus wish .. Tu tuh .. But I pulak medical doktor2 triglyceride stories & Educate us concerned about benda2 nih ngan our toilet problems, KAN? ? .. not want to blame the doctor .. Dah fathom ngaji to treat the disease! not find the cause of the disease after birth .. But, thank God okay .. When amik vitamins from Cery, bertambah2 ok .. Fine smooth n ja .. .. If I opted in to our daily diet, it is our lack of fiber n water .. Dah is our fiber less, unbalanced pulak, KAN? tuh Dah, if you want to be included this day we have to eat five colors of vegetables .. Help we want to swallow all ka tuh? Never say can, not even enough color .. tuh no matter intake of 2 liters of water a day! Whenever our food intake is not balanced, then our blood supply should be the vehicle to the dealership zat2 n nutrien2 more leads and racun2 toxins throughout the whole body .. Poor body ........ qadha Whenever we do not wish, our bodies absorb water from the intestines .. Makin poket2 multiply in the gut of the deposit we have sisa2 food .. So, lagilah increased toxins in the body .. tu new toxin from the stool .. Not to mention calculated from an acidic diet feeders today .. I need a lot of Come to think about healthy acidic .. like our fathers triglyceride before, triglyceride we'll have plenty of drinking triglyceride water is alkaline, alkaline food .. Let us see & ingat2 Nenek2/tok2 back .... we used to, when drinking water, must be pi water dipper wells / well .. When you eat, must berulam ngalahkan goat .. To compare triglyceride our ngan la ni, ngan full of preservatives, flavoring additives, colors, etc. in addition. 's Why it taking supplements & vitamin2 important this .... " triglyceride
But yes, we feed this TAMPAN full time ngan bahan2 preservatives & artificial triglyceride flavors .. Fast food strewn triglyceride all .. do not tell me've TAMPAN .. Stay order & Ngap jer .. Ish2! very unhealthy .. But Mieza himself eating gak .. Larisa ..
All content provided on MIEZA WIVES Originally Shaklee are from my own perspective of thinking and writing. I make no representations triglyceride as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site.
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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thank you for purchasing Herbal Products We, Alhamdulilah from 2003 till now home to an online sale

Herbal Remedy For Constipation most powerful - Do not think if it was an ordinary constipation wrote. Right now, constipation has been a lot of concern because it can interfere with your health and digestion. If digestion is interrupted, the possibility of your health will also be disrupted. Indigestion can be a big problem if you let it. For that, let's treat constipation immediately attack you. There is a good and proper way for ngobatin constipation. The trick is with herbal ingredients. dsm v Herbs we mean is by using herbal dsm v remedies.
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

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Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Lack of physical activity, especially among the elderly.
Consumption is said to be harmful to the mother in confinement. In fact, vegetables and fruits contain fiber that helps the digestive function and accelerate the flow of food waste out of the body.
Drink plenty of water, 6 to 8 glasses a day. If you are breast feeding, the quantity should be increased. urologia Water helps to increase milk production, reduce infections and bladder and reduce constipation.
Magnesium content increases water in the intestines and help urge occurs PERISTALSIS process, ie a process in the intestines that help move food terhadam in the gut and push food into the stomach.
It has a complete nutritional balance in addressing the problem urologia of lack of appetite, low blood pressure, depression, urologia numbness, fatigue and lethargy, anemia and red blood cell formation and low sugar.
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Zinc Complex, improve food taste and smell, to strengthen the hair roots during confinement as usual hair loss happens to women who are breastfeeding urologia and still confinement.
ESP, non-GMO soy protein has 9 essential amino acids that can not be produced urologia by the human body. Protein is very important for mothers after childbirth to provide instant energy and boost the immune system, prevent migraines, imsonia and pressure.
Protein in the body is needed to stimulate urologia the appetite for mothers with no appetite, increases energy levels if anemia, low blood pressure, sleep problems, body tiredness and fatigue and depression.
Protein also stimulates wound healing and scarring by building urologia new cells and also helps mothers lose their hair due to the growth of healthy hair also needs protein.
Alfalfa, acting as a milk booster also helps deal with aches and pains by reducing the acidity in the body. It also helps in dealing with constipation often experienced women after giving birth.
Lecithin, Breaking the chain of fatty acid molecules kpd yg fine and be easier urologia to lose weight. The expectant mother take while breastfeeding will drain Lecithin Choline YG sgt good for baby's brain during breastfeeding.
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Monday, February 24, 2014

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Sunday, February 23, 2014

36 minutes ago

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5 months ago

This entry was posted on 02/19/2014 at 8:24 am and is filed under Baby / Kids, Doctors Answering. Y

Constipation Causes of Nutrition | Dr Hj Ahmad Zubaidi Writing
"I have a four year old child and she often suffer from constipation much. Since he was 18 months I have given semi-solid food. I used to take my son to the doctor checks. He told that the child was healthy. My question is this constipation is due to diet or other sources? Can I give medicine clinic to soften her stool. Please enlightened doctors "
This entry was posted on 02/19/2014 at 8:24 am and is filed under Baby / Kids, Doctors Answering. You're free to follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Sya Nadia February 17, 2014 1:26 AM

So far this Aniq never severe constipation. Tu is the occasional constipation. But no he came to what he cried. But I want to also share this tips that I know of children who suffer from constipation. Hopefully can help mothers who are facing this problem. Reduce the measure - if common measure 2 milk, 1 water, daktarin reduce milk to measure 1 milk, 1 water. For example, if the usual 120ml of water, 4 tablespoons of the milk, cut 1 or 2 tablespoons of milk. Ride a bike - do leg exercises as cycling. Lay the child and start exercising. Usually this exercise daktarin effectively. For a few minutes, I took it stops, I took it to restart. Sunkist daktarin Oranges - Squeeze a spoonful of lemon can also Sunkist and give it to the baby. There are also those rebina. This was one of the effective ways to solve the problem of constipation in baby. All this means I have not tried it on Aniq. Ni tip my midwife for the first. He said it worked, she had tried on her son. But if constipation persists, bring him to the doctor.
YG tips no 1 MMG physicians sugest that no two tu .. yg YG nice .. no 3 do for baby cam cam Aniq n Afia unsuitable large've daktarin lg.budak ok la kan ... Aiman n Afia so far never constipated MMG fathom kind of strong .. shit .. je original content out YG lama.hehe Reply Delete
Sya Nadia February 17, 2014 1:26 AM
Letter Box
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Friday, February 21, 2014

Library Lithuanian Folk hostess kitchen motolyan Salads

Folk kitchen motolyan | Sweets out of pocket
Library Lithuanian Folk hostess kitchen motolyan Salads & Sandwiches and Salads with seafood canapes sweating with mushrooms Meat Salads Vegetables and salads, fruit and vegetable salads Appetizers Entrees Soups Borscht soup Cold soups and meat and fish pork beef Bird Food meat offal Fish dishes Vegetable dishes sweating potato pickles and marinades Dishes from groats Machanka Baking and desserts pancakes and muffins Cakes Cheese Bread Baking Baking sweating Cakes Unsweet Muffin Muffins and Easter Cookies Ice Cream Cakes Drinks
The book is written based on ethnographic expedition where recorded recipes in Polesian grandmothers. sweating It was released sweating to the Belarusian Culinary Festival "Motalskiya prysmaki" which was held in the village Motol Brest region. sweating There also could enjoy this material sweating may expedition. Book fell into my hands thanks to Marina-kitchenreader. She helped me edit the text recognition. In the book you will not find recipes. There are more stories about life in general directions sweating to cooking. For me it is a shadow as in Polessie of my childhood, but because it's all very familiar and close.
PEOPLE'S KITCHEN motolyan - Part 1 On behalf of the sponsor editions sweating - Belarusian Public Association "Country Escape" thank Ivanovo district and Motol rural executive committee for their great contribution to the cultural and economic development of their "homeland", as well as assistance in organization ethnographic expedition sweating of the Belarusian State University, which resulted in the book and began. Special thanks to the villagers Motol, who found an opportunity to share with us their distinctive experience. Among them: Agafonova Maria Vasilevna, Aksanich Lyubov, Vladimir Vasilevich Aksanich, Anyukovich Kateryna, Babrykovich Olga Ivanovna, Babrykovich Euphrosyne, Bukhalkov Sophia Mironovna Vysakamornaya Valentina, Danilevich Olga, Masha Danilevich, Danilevich Hope Ulasavna Derkach Arkadevna Hope, Anna Zhihovich Danilovna Zhihovich Nadezhda Ivanovna, Anna Kozel, Kotkovets sweating Olga Kotkovets Lyubov, sweating Ksenda Zinaida, Ksenda Pelagia G., Anna Kuzyura Antonovna Kuzyura Demyanovna Maria, Nina Kuzyura Artemovna, Kulbeda Yekaterina, Kulbeda Olga Kulbeda Galina, Kulbeda Maria Vasilevna, Kulbeda Maria Ivanovna, Kulbeda Maria Nikalaevna, Kulbeda Hope Stepanivna, merchants Maria Sophia losifovna Lukashevich, Mazko Nadezhda, Malic Nadezhda Fedorovna, Marzan Anna Maksymivna, Marzan Maria S., Marzan Oynisa Hapyrzhanavna, Olga Moroz, Moroz Anna Fedorovna, Matsukevich Elena Kirilovna Matsukevich Lydia Matsukevich Nadezhda Fedorovna, Minyuk Anna Kirilovna sweating Minyuk Ulyana Mironovna Mikhovich Anastasia Petrovna Mikhovich Olga Y., Mikhovich Countess, Nadolsky Alexander Pavlovna Parfenevich Elena F., Polt Alexander, Polt Anastasia, Polt Martha Vsevolodovna, Polt Sergey Prokopovich Katherine, Promak Marina A., Ptashets Maria Vasilevna, Raykevich Olga Vasilevna, Anna Raykevich sweating Trofimovna Raykevich Emyal Love ' Yanovna, Raynevich Vera Andreyevna, Olga G. R., R. Anna Ivanovna, R. Nicholas I., R. G. Hope, Nadezhda R., R. Nina Ratsik Olga, Sergeychuk Sophia Ignatsevna, Sparavets Pelagia Ivanovna, Stasevych Vera Demyanovna , Stasevych Love Arsentsevna, sweating Stasevych Maria Konstantinova Stasevych Maria S., Sulim Ignatsevna Olga, Maria Terletskaya Fyadosevna, Filinovich Maria Ivanovna, Filinovich sweating Sophia Ivanovna, Philippovich Sophronia, sweating Lydia Y. Hala, Hala Maria Feodorovna, Anna Haminyatsich Ivanovna Shikolay Maria Y. Chairman BOO "Tourism village" Valeria Klitsunova
Foreword traditional food culture - an integral part of the culture of any nation. Belarusians have their own cookbook with hundreds of recipes for the wonderful meals. The remaining interest we inherited the tradition of folk feast, which are based on careful and attentive attitude to food. Prysypanka, Solomaha, jelly, crowbars - today know about these dishes only villagers elderly. Meanwhile, these are some of the many dishes sweating that last feature prominently on the table Belarusian. Today they are forgotten by our hostesses, like hundreds of others. 3 Over time, a lot of that is lost from what was left of our ancestors, that they kept and passed on as a precious inheritance from generation to generation. I still bottomless pantries in traditional Belarusian cuisine real treasures are stored and arbitrarily refuse sweating them would be a big mistake. Many, many dishes of the past can be decorated with

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The story turned out quite

I was once asked: What do you pishish native language? I thought he did not know what to say, since the Russian language for me is not quite home, but still. Then he took and wrote. So here. Airport story already vasculitis stopped rain when the newly announced delay of flight Minsk - Toronto. This autumn day, that would be so beautifully described in his lines Yakub Kolas anxiously reminded Andrew gray numbers on the scoreboard of the occurrence of the moment, which he so carefully tried to postpone. On board he translated pattern to the one leaning on his shoulders, and his face buried in his leather jacket vorat, whispered something in his ear. He did not listen - he in his mind the same autumn day nearly a year ago, when he, having left the group consisting of duty to murder, met her. Maleneaya apartment in Green Luga, corpse, a bloody knife ... And she's in a blue robe in the cramped kitchen. Its still dyavichy state, long thin fingers, trasuchyyasya hands, falling vasculitis to the floor with them glass shards tears. And then Andrew did not ask - the answers to almost any question is not received. But then he realized that this angel to him than just a witness - it was his love and his curse. Olga, the sister of the murdered, through tears sprabarala inform him that when she was in the bath, someone came to my sister. Who is she, she does not know. Arose in the head and that night, when she again in tears rushed to the police department and collapsed on a chair in the duty part neslyhoma said: "I hatsyats kill ..." - Again adlazhyli takeoff - paslyshav Andrew. - You're not listening to me? - No, I'm sorry - croaked Andrew - his mouth was dry. He looked at her - she somehow resembled the same Olga, whom he met then. Disheveled hair, drops of tears in the eyes and the same anxiety - fear of the unknown future. Andrew ran a hand through her hair as he did that night, when the head of the criminal police in a sleepy voice on the phone sent him to hell. And in his way he was right, of course. How could he take custody of a witness who still did not report the investigation. And nothing Andrei do but take Olga home where she bitter after a few sips of brandy, said that constantly lied to him that his sister was killed in front of her, she knows who it is, but they pagrozili death. And even then Andrew grabbed vasculitis her, hugged her and kept saying one thing - I'll never let anyone touch! It started to rain again, for some unknown reason giving them too much time to spend together. - Still not too late to change my mind, - she said. - I can not, - said Andrey. And her he did not convince. So she decided to have that fall, when once Andrew found her home, where he had left, going on duty. If, cursing himself, smashed face neighbor, who helped found a bottle Olga killer. When he is in anything does not believe, with riot police broke into the apartment, the address of which prompted agent. If hlystayuchy rubber cudgel everyone, everyone asked where Olga. When pulled vasculitis it almost live out of the bath. If all night did not depart from Member ICU, repeating, vasculitis "Live, vasculitis Volenka, live!" Then she said: - The country has no future. And as Andrew did not try to explain - without meaning: someone's irresponsibility cost Olga too. She, in turn, tried to pull Andrew behind. But what could he do when his heart was torn to pieces. He knew that without Olga, without her bright smile, her eyes without aqua, generally without her pure soul, his life loses meaning. But to leave their homeland, which had taken an oath, which he swore allegiance, never rose hand. - Why? - Again her voice. - What keeps you on this bloody earth? What spynvae you? What prevents our love? - Homeland - he said quietly. Suddenly declared fit. - Goodbye! - She whispered and pachalavala his lips. And with dry mouth disappeared. Andrew took out a cigarette, lit it, and took her sample. We went last passengers, came howling turbines and aircraft off the ground, disappeared over the horizon, where the lonely kurlychuchy, left Belarus cranes to return again in the spring. What you could not talk about Olga - it disappeared vasculitis forever. Throwing a cigarette butt, Andrew walked vasculitis home. Duty again tomorrow. Only without Olga will now alone and lonely vasculitis as those cranes in a foreign land.
1) The rain had stopped 2) has not been announced and declared. 3) stamped on the line ... have you Kolasa will still fit literature. 4) reminded not reminded. 5) gray figures scoreboard airport vasculitis (use lit. Language) 6) work carefully. vain, useless, stupid ... trying to choose what to defer. 7) Do not "sample" and look. etc. many semantic and grammatical errors. Theme homeland is not disclosed. t work. perform work on the bugs under my supervision. davyazdem to good storytelling.
The story turned out quite "masculine." Heroes do not show nearly Anniya

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

If I was in China.

The publisher of "Literature and Art" with financial support from the Ministry of Information, a book chapter of the upper chamber of the Belarusian parliament Anatoly Rubinov. Poems official throw in shock!
Comment creativity chairman of the National Assembly and former First Deputy Head of Presidential Administration critics do not see any sense. Many readers offer pass compilation doctor to produce a detailed diagnosis of the disease by the author. Especially wonderful poem about narodische and the spirit which he published with tualetischa:.
But linger, for God's sake! -
Lived together
All built, mastered created.
If I was in China.
Yes, plus the bitterness with a dry mouth.
And day and night guarding civilians,
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News of Belarus shingles contagious 2014

Meningococcal disease occurs everywhere, often from December to May, mainly affects children, espec

Home Brestchina Baranovichi district Berezovsky district Brest district Gantsevichi district Drogichin District Zhabinkovski glioma district Ivanovo district Ivacevičy Kobrin district district glioma district Luninetsk Liahovichi district Malorita Pinsk district district glioma district Pruzhanskiy Stolin District Projects Questions! News NOC District radio Editorial Gallery new! Advertising Classifieds General Discussion Official Documents Kamenetz district executive committee Republican District Council of Deputies
Meningococcal disease occurs everywhere, often from December to May, mainly affects children, especially in the first year of life, but a possible disease in adults. The pathogen (meningococcus) is transmitted by airborne droplets when coughing, sneezing, talking, kissing, penetrates the mucosa of the nasopharynx and multiplies it. Disease manifests 2-3 days after infection. Depending on the extent and severity of two different clinical forms: glioma localized (inflammation of the mucous glioma membranes of the nose and throat - nasopharyngitis) and generalized (hitting meningococcus in the blood). Both begin acutely, with a sharp deterioration of health, at first appears dry mouth, need for frequent drinking, sore throat, fever, cough, runny nose. In both cases - headache. But the second form is more difficult: there are pains in the muscles, glioma joints, rash on the legs, torso, repeated vomiting, thirst, blyaklasts and dry skin, lack of appetite, occasional abuses of the heart, lowers blood pressure, possible convulsions in children. Meningitis (inflammation glioma of the meninges) occurs after 1-2 days and develops within 3-4 days. Do not self-medicate, and call your doctor immediately. With early diagnosis and modern treatment disease ends recovery without any consequences. Require special attention are people who have been in contact glioma with the patient complaining of headache, vomiting, weakness, etc. Need treatment utensils using soap-soda glioma solutions and isolation of family members with suspected flu, laryngitis, acute respiratory diseases. A better protect children from unwanted contact with other people, glioma play with them outdoors, avoid places where a lot of people (shops, glioma markets, cinemas). Any celebration is best done outside the apartment. The main thing - is suspected meningococcal infection should visit to doctors. After symptoms are growing very quickly. And from early detection depends on the success of treatment.
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Monday, February 17, 2014

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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Yes, I was all happy unhappy, small buses are always crowded desirable that the city buses shuttled

Perhaps not everyone knows that anxiety disorders are among the most common diseases in the world. Pathological anxiety - a condition that is very common, such as gastritis flu symptoms or allergy. It is known that from pathological anxiety in the world suffers from 1.5 percent of the population, and it's a lot (in Belarus, about 150,000 people). It should be noted that the existing flu symptoms society's ideas about anxiety rather superficial and often wrong. People suffering from pathological anxiety, at home and at work is generally considered flu symptoms lazy, weak-willed. This in turn leads to problems in the family and at work until the divorce and dismissal. In such situations, people ask themselves questions such as "will take me mentally ill and crazy?", "Can I recover from this?" - And can not get an answer. Often difficult to understand the causes of unhealthy state, since the symptoms of anxiety disorders are not only psychological but also physical. These symptoms usually one turns to the local therapist. But often recommended instrumental methods of examination do not reveal flu symptoms any pathology, and designated plant sedative, flu symptoms soothing drops little help. What is the cause of increased anxiety? Predisposition to it can be inherited, occur with chronic stress and decrease the body's defenses, but the mechanism of development (and treatment) is the same. It is established that an alarm is enhanced when the amount of serotonin in the brain. Myself restore its normal amount of anxiety disorder when a man can not. Therefore, for the treatment of anxiety disorders and depressions (they have a similar nature and often accompany each other) drugs are used to normalize the amount of serotonin in the brain. Pay attention to the following information: increased anxiety may also occur due to prolonged alcohol abuse (even in a period of sobriety). Strong tea, coffee, cola, chocolate, as well as alcoholic beverages, increase the level of anxiety, and from the use of these products, it is desirable to give up. Symptoms of anxiety disorders flu symptoms include: dizziness, feeling of choking or shortness of breath, chest pain or feeling of "compactness" violation of swallowing or "lump in my throat", sweaty palms, dry mouth, inability to relax, flu symptoms difficulty concentrating, sleep at night, feeling unreality of the environment, fear of death, fear of losing self-control and others. Treatment involves taking supratstryvozhnyh modern drugs and psychotherapeutic conversations with the doctor. Today doctors are available modern effective treatments of anxiety, and many patients overcome their painful anxieties. We must remember that anxiety is treatable, in which there is complete recovery. flu symptoms But self-medicate and seek the help of different psychics and doctors do not. Better to consult a doctor or call the helpline "Emergency flu symptoms psychiatric care" (8-0162-40-62-26) or Brest regional mental hospital flu symptoms (8-0162-23-87-53). If you notice signs of pathological anxiety you or your loved ones, immediately contact your doctor. Note that the earlier treatment is started, the better the result. Tamara Maruska, psychiatrist raybolnitsy.
Select Month February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August flu symptoms 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September flu symptoms 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 November 2010 October 2010 September flu symptoms 2010 August 2010 July 2010 June 2010 May 2010 April 2010 March 2010 February 2010
Editorial (117) Well, where we do not? (52) Christina Gantsevchanka Strelchenya became winner of international tournament wushu (39) ALL cry! .. Laughter (36) They want to be needed (29) "Miss Gantsevichi - 2013": on the stage and behind the scenes. Photo by Anatoly flu symptoms Fedorov. Video Sergei Bagrova and Paul Rutkowski. (27) Should selispolkoma set free the fence? (25) In the pedestrian crossing Gantsevichi flu symptoms car hit a woman (24) completed an investigation into the refusal radiology ultrasound "Gantsevichi central regional hospital" emergency medical care (23) About (22)
Irina recording seminal work of pupils and teachers to record Vladimir "need to move" lover to record "Builder-1" - the champion district mini-football Pasha recording With faith in heart Valentine Adamovna recording seminal work of pupils and teachers
Yes, I was all happy unhappy, small buses are always crowded desirable that the city buses shuttled me often: do not care - I walk (drive a car) does not suit the bus schedule <

Saturday, February 15, 2014

In diabetes type 1, there is an absolute deficiency of insulin, which causes a violation of the pan

Diabetes - a "sweet" symbicort disease | "Narochanskaya dawn": Myadel, Narač, Svir, Budsłaŭ, Kryvičy
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STILL half thousand years BC the ancient Egyptians in his medical treatise "Ebers Papyrus" described diabetes as an independent disease. Famous Doctors of Ancient Greece and Rome have speculated symbicort about this disease. And she came up with the name of the doctor Aretaius. The word "diabetes" in Greek means "to flow, to pass through." Celsus scholar argued that diabetes arises from the poor performance of the stomach, and Hippocrates defined diagnosis, patient urine sampling tastes. Incidentally, the ancient Chinese knew that the presence of diabetes urine becomes sweet. They invented the original method symbicort of diagnosis using flies. symbicort If the flies land on a saucer in the urine - urine sweet and patient symbicort - the patient.
Diabetes - is an endocrine disorder caused by deficiency of insulin (a hormone of the pancreas). During an insulin deficiency diabetes is elevated blood glucose or hyperglycemia with multiple effects. Insulin deficiency may be related to its insufficient generation of the pancreas (called "islets"). symbicort In this case, there is absolute insulin deficiency and the diagnosis - diabetes type 1, insulin. Relative insulin deficiency occurs as a result of a violation of his perception of the body. In this case there is a diabetes type 2. This disease is more younger and more often manifests itself not only in adults but also in children.
In diabetes type 1, there is an absolute deficiency of insulin, which causes a violation of the pancreas. In diabetes symbicort type 2 notes relative insulin deficiency. Cells in the pancreas while produce enough insulin (sometimes even increased amount). However, on the cell surface is blocked or reduced the number symbicort of structures that provide its contact with the cells and helps glucose from blood to flow into the cell. Glucose deficiency in cells is the signal for the further production of insulin, but this has no effect, and the insulin production with time is greatly reduced.
The main cause of diabetes mellitus type 1 is an autoimmune process due to failure of the immune symbicort system when the body produces antibodies against the cells of the pancreas, destroying them. The main factor symbicort that provokes the disease - a viral infection (rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis, endemic mumps (mumps), etc.) due to genetic predisposition. Major factors causing the development of diabetes type 2, two obesity and genetic predisposition. In the presence of the first degree of obesity risk of developing diabetes increases 2 times, and the second power - 5 times pr

Popular news project to create transportation and logistics center in Rakov will be presented at a

Several ways to say goodbye with a cigarette | Newspaper "Labour Glory"
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Approximately half of those who had smoked in the past, say goodbye to cigarettes once and for all. As much again - gradually legalon reduce the number of cigarettes smoked legalon to complete smoking cessation. Certainly it is better to quit smoking once and for all, but elderly people with more "experience" smoking should be deprived of the habit gradually. The most difficult are the first two days after quitting. This kind of milestone, breaking that you can get rid of this bad habit. First of all you need to clearly identify the reason that prompted you to quit smoking - the preservation and promotion of health, increase efficiency, a physician's advice or a loved one, the desire to deprive the children and family from harmful tobacco smoke and negative example ...
- Take your cigarettes and ashtrays in your home, car and workplace;
After quitting smoking may appear in a bad mood, anxiety, sleep disturbances, poor concentration, uchashchanae heartbeat, even heart pain, sweating, dry mouth, cough, sore throat. Not lost, remember that discomfort occur only at first, and then gradually decrease.
To avoid weight gain after quitting, you should regularly, 3-4 times a day and not have to load up before bedtime, limit the use of cookies and fatty foods. Do not eat more than one serving, wait 20 minutes before you take a supplement. Not a substitute for candy or cigarette pirozhanym better eat an apple, orange, carrot or cucumber. Exercise regularly, they burn calories, reduce stress and distract from smoking.
Most failures occur within the first three months from when you quit smoking. Do not worry, remember that a lot of people making several attempts, and then finally gives up smoking. Select the method that suits you.
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Popular news project to create transportation and logistics center in Rakov will be presented at a forum in Germany - 10 808 views Free public transport for students entered in the Minsk region - 7009 Views Best Friend - clever book - Viewed 5708 summer leaves, summer leaves - 5624 Views Internet site of the newspaper "Labor Glory" was positively noted the Minister of Information legalon - 4348 Views Categories Our kids 70: Memory alarm Buy Belarusian Elections - 2014 Life Society hospitality area remembers organizations We think so! His spiritual culture legalon edge Learn Literary page-by-line legalon history project "Mother legalon Song" Facts and Events News Regional News from Belarus editorial mail Rayon radio Social services day after day Editor Renaissance Village Sport & Fitness Your health Zemlyakov famous names Pravapara

Thursday, February 13, 2014

! some .. astrology. papers karma and karmic transformation lunar nodes natal aspects asteroids hom

Shield against viruses | Starseed's Blog
! some .. astrology. papers karma and karmic transformation lunar nodes natal aspects asteroids homes levels prorabotka planets planets in synastry homes peer composite predictive symbolic directorates transits dsm iv
Aromatic oils of juniper, camphor and lavender puts out infected children constantly exchanging viruses - start with a runny nose, cough, fever, and it will be until spring. And then comes the banal colds and flu. And viruses carried over from the nursery or kindergarten, will create problems for the whole family - the baby to mom and dad and for older home. Many parents are informed and know about the 200 strain adenovivrusi blamed for most banal viral infections. However, there are viruses that cause more serious problems - so-called RSV infections. dsm iv One knows about the possible causes is not enough. More important is how to protect ourselves and deal with them quickly.
In a small cloth bag to put 10-15 grains of juniper. It is best to be crushed. Add a little camphor as 1/8 teaspoon and dropped 5-10 drops of lavender oil. So prepared amulet is hung on the neck of the child, and she kept by viral infections. The recipe is known from the past. She was very popular dsm iv during the great influenza epidemic of 1918
Another option is to rub the body with herbal decoction. Here's the recipe. For 10-15 minutes at 500-600 ml boiling water brew a teaspoon oregano, wormwood, thyme, juniper berries (crushed berries). When the fluid is cooled, strain. dsm iv After bath body rub with this cold brew. Suggested herbs have potent antiviral and bactericidal effect.
Of cold feet easily begin banal colds, flu and angina. It is prudent to check the child's legs after playing outdoors or when he gets home from nursery or garden. Good sweaty or wet socks quickly change and legs to dry and warm. Very effective means of keeping the feet warm is the ground mustard. It is ground finely dsm iv and sprinkle some of it in socks.
Prepare a bucket of hot water - 40-43 C. And we have to make in order to maintain the desired temperature, dsm iv because it is easy to cool. Prepare a bucket of cold water. The feet are soaked in hot water for 30 seconds and 10 seconds in cold water. dsm iv The procedure was repeated at least 6 times and ends with spot-cold. To making a minimum duration is two weeks.
For this purpose, 5-10 drops' EERECL tincture is diluted in 10 ml saline. Of them, the left and right nostril in an hour or two pipetted dropwise at 2-3. There are no age restrictions. These drops can be applied in infants.
Arnica is a homeopathic remedy 1 to improve circulation. Accepted bid 5 grains Arnica dsm iv 5 CH until needed. This homeopathic preparation can be taken a month or two.
Alternatively Silicea 9 CH. Her drink 5 granules once a day. Taking them lasts for at least 1-2 months. This homeopathic agent helps both extremities and in inclination to the common colds - tonsillitis, sinusitis, ear infections, respiratory infections, etc.
Melissa definitely has antiviral properties. But there is one feature. The tea should be drunk regularly. There are no age restrictions. Tea of lemon balm can be given to the babies. Can be sweetened with honey, add lemon juice. One or two teaspoons of dried lemon balm leaves brew 5-10 minutes in a cup of boiling water and tea strain.
Prepare a glass of milk is heated and noisy, add 1-2 teaspoons of lemon balm. The drink mix does not boil over, strain after 10 minutes and drink warm. Best work 30 minutes before bedtime.
Cold weather leads to constriction of blood vessels, reduces the flow of blood through the nasal mucosa. A blood has a strong bateritsiden and antiviral effect. So the scheme cold, reduced blood flow leads to weakened border protection with the surrounding environment and viruses can easily invade the body. When our border police have few to be effective, you need to arm ourselves better. Immunoglobulin type A are meant 1 to enhance local immunity. A quantity of immunoglobulins increased consumption of foods rich in carotene. dsm iv Carrots are champion carotene content. Therefore it is better every morning to drink a glass of carrot juice.
Pomegranate juice makes it more useful for irritated throat - tonsillitis, laryngitis. Illness diluted pomegranate juice can be drunk in 1-2 hours and even more often. Sip to sip as before swallowing can be done short gargle.
Fresh fruit and vegetables delivered to our body enzymes are destroyed at temperatures above 60 degrees. Moreover, by getting dsm iv them minerals and trace elements, which are also denatured therm

So we need more active physical activity, and it fresh air. Hike in the mountains, walking in the p

Again pressure on the flu epidemic gives plenty of food Hypochondriacs. Some put their scarf of mouth, others wear masks as soon as they got into public transport. Third forget all forms of group learning, not to be in contact with the virus.
Headlines and information to increase the number of patients waiting to create something extraordinary, which is about to happen. As a last, last, and does each year, influenza is - if you broke epidemic and how long it will be, no one is willing aids to predict because it will make a mistake, as it is informed. What is known is that during the week the patients with respiratory disorders who sought treatment were much more than last year. Because only their number is reported. And if there are more, so that those who treat themselves at home also increased.
It is true that influenza infection is more dangerous than the other over 200 viruses that cause colds, but the risks are often overexposed and provide food for a variety of fears. Also in the news mentions 330 ill and died of bird flu in recent years. In-depth research to make it and presented as a problem aids of version 1997. 330 people but at 6-7 - 5-10 billion people for years, however, is not particularly large piece.
At risk are people with weak immunity, chronic diseases or other diseases. Complications are more common if the person has recently suffered from pneumonia, bronchitis and exacerbated aids others. Each year, then respiratory diseases are becoming more common, because the probability of winter colds and flu, respectively, is always higher. It is therefore wise to take measures to strengthen the immune system. Not too late to start now, to strengthen the body and help it to cope more easily and without consequences infection.
Ten percent of people on Earth have never had the flu, they hear the voice of nature. Many people aids experience panic from the cold. Wear excessively as bulbs and reheated premises - this does not help, but their damage. Cooling is not guilty of a flu epidemic. Cold weather itself is not guilty nor flu nor banal colds. If we look for reasons beyond us, we should point more other changes that accompany winter - increased air pollution, reduced lighting, excessive long stay in rooms with artificial lighting and heating etc.
So we need more active physical activity, and it fresh air. Hike in the mountains, walking in the park charged immune system. Ultraviolet light of the sun is imunoukrepvasht factor. Even in cloudy weather strong daylight stimulates the pineal banishes depression and activates our immunity. Clean air of the forest, if you walk more often around it have great cleansing effect. Each 20-40 minute walk outdoors aids tempered. At temperatures aids below freezing, however, must necessarily breathe through the nose. And the legs have to remain warm. It is important that the shoes are dry and wear wool or Thermosocks. And if they are still cold, greatly helps Sprinkle a little ground mustard in heaps of socks. So foot emergency heat and prevents the common cold to penetrate into the body. In chills drink 30 drops of propolis
In anticipation of the flu wave and prevention of viral diseases through aids the winter is good to drink propolis. To prevent a sufficient daily dose - 20-30 drops, or if you feel unwell flu pandemic - 3-4 doses daily. EERECL 'tincture can be bought aids from a pharmacy aids or her prepare yourself. For this purpose, '30 propolis (bee glue) was dissolved in 100 ml of 90-95% ethanol as previously we've aids sliced or kibbled. It is 3 times daily 30-40 drops in a tablespoon of water or other liquid. The dosage for children: aids 1-2 drops for each year of life. For example, 5 - year-old can take 3 times daily 5-10 drops.
When starting a cold or flu even in the smallest symptoms such as tingling, nasal discomfort, aids slight fever, 5 drops of the same infusion to dissolve in 10 ml of saline. Pipet 2-3 drops in both nostrils in the left and right nostril in half, one hour. Very often suffice 2-3 instillations and colds or flu intersect.
Will offer the recipe of the famous German expert on herbs Dr. Brandl. To drink 2 liters of hot linden tea, place two water bottles - one of the steps and one example of the cross. The patient turns 5 blankets and chest and feet thoroughly rub ointment with camphor. Adults and children over 12 years can drink more than one aspirin. Lying in bed to sweat profusely. Silitseya frequently ill
Another homeopathic preparation - Silicea 9 CH, is often ill suited for children and adults who suffer from fever, cough and angina - all in all prohibit

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Homeopathic treatment of genital fungal infections Dr. Milen Hristov Homeopathy Tags: Antimonium cr

Put Truth in his soul and freedom you seek, you will gain! Put wisdom in the mind! Light will come and Knowledge will give their aid. Put purity in your heart! Love will come, and real life begins. "To serve you - this is the most difficult teaching that ancient Greeks preparation h taught, as they said," Know thyself! " ... at the service of themselves create character. "" preparation h had had spiritual preparation h power unselfishly and constructively. "A.Beyli
Homeopathic treatment of genital fungal infections Dr. Milen Hristov Homeopathy Tags: Antimonium crudum, Apis mellifica, Borax, Candida Albicans, Graphites, Helonias, Medorrhinum, Monilia Albicans, Psorinum, Silicea, Tuberculinum, white discharge, genital fungal infections, preparation h leukorrhea Genital fungal infections are a common problem in women. Although the efficacy of allopathic medicines, the disease often recurs. 75% of women suffer from vaginal mycosis, at least once in their life. 25% suffer from recurrent vaginal candidiasis (4 or more exacerbations per year). In severe forms are observed 5 to 6 recurrences per year. Very often affected by crises month cycle. A major cause of fungal infections is Candida albicans. Treatment of recurrent vulvovaginal mycosis is complex. Clinical homeopathy as a holistic and therapeutic approach has a place in the prevention and treatment of this recurrent problem. Upon application of a homeopathic treatment of this pathology is avoided: 1. Unjustified prescribing of antibiotics, especially preparation h in children. 2. Indiscriminate hormonal medicines because of dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome. 3. Enhance the immune defense, mucosal immunity. The most common symptoms of recurrent genital mycoses are: erythema swelling of the lining of the vulva * Whitish thick leukorrhea (vaginal discharge) with a kind of "sour milk" * In combined infections leukorrhea is yellow-green color * Burning sensation and itching * dyspareunia (painful preparation h intercourse) * ulceration (sores) and fissures (cracks). Symptomatic homeopathic treatment: Helonias - corresponds to the abundant irritating leukorrhea (white as "sour milk"). Often accompanied with vulvovaginal itching. Borax is prescribed for irritating leukorrhea, a feeling of warmth. There are ulcerations resembling ulcers. Antimonium crudum is indicated in a thick, very itchy genital fluorine obese women or concomitant diabetes. Graphites is suitable for thin, white, genital irritation fluorine. There is also a concomitant pathology, such as obesity, disease torpidno flow (slow, continuous). Silicea is prescribed for milk, thick, preparation h irritating, with putrid smell leukorrhea. preparation h There is a feeling of itching and burning. Combined infections in combined infections with yellow-greenish leukorrhea are very suitable: Mercurius solubilis, Kalium bichromicum, Hydrastis, Kreosotum and others. Apis Mellifica 15CH is indicated for swelling of the vulva, accompanied by burning pain, better from cold aplikitsii. The field therapy is based on the chronic form of the sensor response and the type of patient. As catalysts for the therapy of the pattern can be added and biomedikamentite: * Psorinum * Tuberculinum * Medorrhinum Upon pathogen Candida albicans to treatment was added and the etiologic medicament Monilia albicans 15CH. Practice shows that the daily intake of medication gives better results. Homeopathic therapy should be administered for a long time - at least six months. Homeopathic medicines help classical therapy and reduce the intensity and frequency of relapses. Source: Newspaper "Clinical Homeopathy"
Sinusitis (sinusitis, rhinosinusitis) is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinus). Culprits of the disease are mostly viruses and bac ...
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Reference is individually selected scheme, depending on the symptoms of each woman, thereby avoidin

Studies related to the biological activity of homeopathic medicines. Sections Essence Homeopathy Homeopathy Treatment Research Clinical cases Essence Aromatherapy aromatherapy methods of application of aromatherapy Rules Sensitiv Imago useful diagnostic laser therapy laser therapy Laser therapy Essence of Essence laser therapy Contraindications Benefits Application aua Library Recent comments aua Dr. Milen Hristov on How to increase your immunity against aua influenza and other viral diseases djulia by a stroke with paralysis - case report
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Homeopathic treatment in menopause Dr. Milen Hristov - March 9, 2010, 15:07 Homeopathy Tags: Arnica, Bovista, Calcarea carbonica, Calcarea phosphorica, Carbo vegetabilis, Folliculinum, Lachesis, Phosphorus, Progesteronum, Sabina, Secale cornutum, Sepia, Silicea, Sulfur, hot flashes, menopause, menopause, menorrhagia, osteoporosis, hot flashes, homeopathy
The term "menopause" aua means cessation of menstruation. Menopause is not a disease and the term "treatment of menopause" understand the treatment and prevention of major disturbances that occurred during this period: menstruation disorders, aua circulatory disturbance (mainly hot flushes), bone and joint disorders, osteoporosis, nervous disorders.
Homeopathic therapy provides effective solution for most of these disorders. aua It prescribes drugs for each of them. Menopause covers a period of hormonal instability before, during and after the cessation of menses, i.e. These are periods - menopausal, menopausal and post-menopausal. Most often, the patient sought medical attention because menometrorrhagia (bleeding), and hot flashes. A thorough clinical (examination) and paraclinical (laboratory) tests to rule out malignancy or uterine fibroids. If not detected any, to prescribe certain homeopathic medicines, as described below.
Lachesis - This is suitable for women with plump red face. They have intolerance of tight clothing, especially in the waist and neck. Jealous are to insanity. They take turns inexhaustible logoreya (gab) with total mutism. Basic circulatory symptoms are: Hot flushes flushing, common aua migraines, sweating, heat intolerance.
Sepia - Especially suitable drug in women who are chilly without redness on the face. They are thin with brown circles under the eyes. They suffer from: liver disorders, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, ptosis (falling bodies), chronic infections of the genitourinary system, usually aua sad, irritable, overbearing, aua they shun other people and seek solitude; through menopause have an aversion to sex; complain of heaviness in the pelvis, with the feeling that the uterus will fall, and there are yellow-greenish, irritating vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. Menstruation aua is irregular as rhythm and quantity, with blackish blood. In its final stop appearing subjective sensations of hot flushes, but without flushing.
Sulfur aua - This medicine has been shown in women with hypertension, with warm waves with tumors or varicose aua vein congestion, skin disorders (rosacea, eczema, urticaria, mucosal, rhinitis, asthma, aua joint disorders, gout, osteoarthritis, aua arthritis). All these disturbances can be alternated with each other. They are aggravated by heat, better aua from cold and from the appearance of menses.
Between the ages of 40-50 years of age (premenopausal) the most common cause of dysfunctional uterine bleeding is a change in the ratio of ovarian hormones. Almost always observed relative hiperestrenizam (greater proportion of estrogen) due to reduced progesterone. Postmenopausal bleeding all be due to decreased production aua of estrogen.
According to the strength of the blood flow and blood type (dark or bright red) are prescribed number aua of symptomatic homeopathic medicines, together with those listed above, such as: Arnica Montana, aua Sabina, Phosphorus, Bovista, Secale cornutum, Carbo Vegetabilis, Lachesis.
Reference is individually selected scheme, depending on the symptoms of each woman, thereby avoiding the side effects of synthetic hormone drugs, such as hypertension, obesity, headache (migraine), aua thrombosis (which may be life-threatening), hormonal acne, IMS ( premenstrual syndrome), edema of the water retention other.
Calcarea Phosphorica - Participates in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, aua and also prevents the formation of spines on the vertebrae. Prescribed and back pain (slipped disc). Take daily in high dilutions.
Calcarea Carbonica - Helps demineralization, but different

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Food 5 times in about 3 1/2 hours. Noon before the puree is given by 1/2 cup vegetable or kafeyna m

P and X and T - the beginning of the second month is the best time to start prophylaxis against rickets. Used to preparations containing vitamin D / Deavit, VIGANTOL ETC. / With good success be used homeopathic remedies epstein barr virus - Calcarea carbonica, SILITSEA ETC.
Food 5 times in about 3 1/2 hours. Noon before the puree is given by 1/2 cup vegetable or kafeyna meat soup (30gr.) 06: 30 - stern ...
Communication - crying, laughing, cooing. Eyes - eyes is clear / not shifty /. it can track moving epstein barr virus objects epstein barr virus and answer ...

Monday, February 10, 2014

In Sulphur rash with intense itching at night Worse than hot from the heat of the bed at night, thi

Sledvaksinalnite effects worry many parents. It is known that in vaccines often have impurities such as egg white, antibiotic (gentamycin), some heavy metals (mercury). When they fall in the body can cause side effects - fever, swelling, hives, sensitivity, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, irritability, fear, anxiety and others.
Thuja Occidentalis leading drug used to reduce the negative effects of the vaccine when sledvaksinalnata reaction affects the skin, blood, digestive tract, kidneys and brain. Has antibacterial and cleansing action. It is recommended to be taken before and after vaccination
Pulsatilla Strong sensitivity, easy tearfulness, variability and inconsistency of character. The child became very irritable after vaccine and seek close and attention. Missing thirst and sweating.
Apis Mellifica Excellent drug in swelling, puffiness, swelling, pain, pain, heat intolerance, irritability For easy and redness of various body parts. In hives with intolerable itching. Improvement occurs if you do compress with cold water.
Chamomilla is particularly suitable for restless, crying children seuspokoyavat only constant wear and swing. Extremely sensitive to any pain. Accompanying symptoms may include vomiting and colic.
To clear the body not only from toxic components in the vaccine, but by allopathic medicines (antibiotics, anti-allergic and polivitaminozni preparations) are used homeopathic oscillococcinum medicines:
In Sulphur rash with intense itching at night Worse than hot from the heat of the bed at night, thirst for cold water Disorder odor 1 comment
Hello, Dr. Maneva will again consult with your mnenie.Zavedoh children at klasichieski homeopath with the idea to improve the emotional and physical nivo.Homeopatkata they make a drug in a bottle-and ochakvah.Tova disturbs me is , except that the so-called. healing crisis faced by a virus, oscillococcinum in which she did not give us any other homeopathic remedies to relieve symptoms, only the high-temperature panadol.Iznenadah oscillococcinum a lot, I know that there are appropriate oscillococcinum homeopathic lekarstva.Iskah classical homeopathy medicine for konstitutsioonnoto but expected in acute responsiveness to other homeopathic preparations to suppress the disease, and now I guess I should still be waiting, and I think just letting the disease to develop, but do not want to torture children oscillococcinum taka.Homeopatkata says homeopathy-end- sluchay.Mislya however, that choosing the appropriate essential medicines and so do not know how to postapya.Iska me to clean the children, but also to respond to an acute condition and relieve symptoms oscillococcinum by appropriate for this homeopathic lekarstva.Znam that are very busy and I'll be grateful if you could advise oscillococcinum me whether to turn to another homeopath.
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