Thursday, July 31, 2014

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Firstly, retention is the popular name that describes the swelling in the body or a part thereof, a

Firstly, retention is the popular name that describes the swelling in the body or a part thereof, and to some extent is common for people bloating to feel like they are retaining fluid. Swollen legs at the end of the day, with pressure marks of socks or shoes, are an example of swelling. The swelling is the result of a leakage (poor blood proteins) liquid coming out of blood vessels and goes into the subcutaneous tissue. This gives the net swollen and shiny appearance of the skin, often compressible accessories for clothing or even with the pressure of our fingers on the skin, leaving a mark, a groove, temporarily. Let the tips:
4) Avoid simple carbohydrates (like white bread, white pasta, crackers, candy, fries etc.). Carbohydrates are converted to glucose and stored in the body as glycogen for energy generation. bloating To be retained in the body, a water molecule bloating to bind to glucose. The more carbs you have stored, heavier and will feel bloated;
5) MOVE UP, exercise helps to eliminate excess water through respiration and accelerate digestion. When you exercise, stimulates the muscles to move faster food and water into your body. Finish with constipation doing some activity you prefer at least 30 minutes a day to promote the passage of food through the digestive system. Sweating also releases fluids; bloating
6) CONSUME supplements or foods rich in calcium and magnesium (dark green vegetables, nuts, avocado, cottage cheese, nonfat yogurt, whole grains, bloating oilseeds). Both competing with sodium absorption in the body; so if you consume adequate amounts of both, your body will be forced to remove the salt that was not effectively absorbed; bloating
7) Caution with diuretics. When stopped taking diuretic, the body retains more water and swells during one or two weeks. This can lead to physical dependence, causing the body needs the medication to get rid of excess fluid, rather than eliminate it naturally;
AVOID soda. The caffeine in soft drinks cause dehydration and phosphorus, a common additive of this type of drink, can cause inflammation in the intestinal wall, further enhancing the feeling of bloating;
16) Increase the consumption of teas with 100% natural diuretic activity - horsetail, coot, hibiscus, gorse green tea, hibiscus, lemongrass, fennel, lemongrass, chamomile, hair corn, dandelion, jigsaw stone, sarsaparilla porangaba, guabiroba, buggy tea).

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Related dsm v articles: Nervous system lupus erythematosus and complete blood lupus erythematosus,

Neuro-Psychiatric-Nervous system lupus erythematosus and complete blood | Vionefrologika dsm v Vionefrologika
To antiphospholipid syndrome as a final form of autoimmune disease, the antiphospholipid syndrome described by Hughes, from whom he now named and thus established, mainly in terms of its clinical picture dsm v the incidence of DVT in both arteries and in Veins More ... From lupus antiphospholipid syndrome in recent years the field of study of the body's defenses, that is, immunobiology, has literally jumps the latest observations with the help of course of special diagnostic tools that are available to our Today in this More ... Ulcers, multiple sclerosis and lupus erythematosus A very regular combination in cases of multiple sclerosis with the coexistence dsm v of lupus erythematosus are some ulcers that appear dsm v both around the mouth, and in the region of the nasopharynx More ... Lupus erythematosus, dsm v leukopenia and central nervous system usually dsm v extensions of the central nervous system and the projections, in that the co-existence of a systemic lupus erythematosus, is the appearance of clinical disorders in the form of psychoses and seizures More ... Multiple sclerosis and jumps of the body's defenses dsm v Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease, we all know that, but what we do not know last discovered more and more is that the clinical form can occur in many other autoimmune syndromes, such as systemic lupus wolf or as we have seen here on Vionefrologiki quite regularly in the form of antiphospholipid syndrome More ... thrombocytopenia, systemic lupus erythematosus and multiple sclerosis is a doublet of diseases, such as multiple dsm v sclerosis and lupus, as well as the first regular public dsm v symptom exhibit thrombocytopenia More ... lymphopenia and chronic neurological diseases Lymphopenia is something that can be seen regularly in a routine complete blood More ... Nervous system lupus erythematosus and complete blood As we have seen in Vionefrologiki, too many times a complete blood is the key to our show many times, beyond the clinical symptomatology, and "affinity" that can have systemic lupus erythematosus with central nervous system More ... Headaches and lupus erythematosus Systemic lupus erythematosus, as we seen in Vionefrologiki is literally a puzzle when associated with other neurological diseases More ... Photosensitivity, lupus erythematosus and multiple sclerosis dsm v in some forms of multiple sclerosis have noticed here in Vionefrologiki dsm v very regularly "complaint" of having a photosensitivity More ...
Related dsm v articles: Nervous system lupus erythematosus and complete blood lupus erythematosus, leukopenia and central nervous system O lupus erythematosus and neurologic examination lupus erythematosus, nervous system and lupus drugs and the central nervous system Neuro-Psychiatric-Nervous system and spasms Nervous system lupus erythematosus and Environmental Neurology - Neurology Lupus Erythematosus - Lupus erythematosus - Children The problem of photosensitivity and lupus followers now * TERRA INCOGNITA - TOGETHER FOR CHILDREN - PART 3/9 * Dr.. Dimitris Kountouris has participated in numerous television shows as an expert scientific consultant of Neurology and Psychiatry. For a full list of TV shows you can visit our channel on YouTube: Neurology Channel
Badisma Dizziness Hearing dsm v Hashimoto vascular events Restless legs Immunoglobulins Alzheimer Dementia Dementia and Alzheimer's Reflective demyelinating disease dsm v Ataxia Ear, Tinnitus, deafness, vertigo Suicidality Cervical syndrome hearing loss and vibration performance enhancement of cerebral bioelectric signals and neurological disorders Mental retardation and fatal alcohol syndrome disorders gait Myelopathy-Mobility Disorders Movement disorders and speech and language disorders Panic disorders of vision: a sensory and cerebral problem dsm v dyscalculia dysgraphia Dyslexia Dystonia and Dyskinesia Bottox Dysphasia names Cerebrospinal fluid and brain tumors Brain-Psychoses-Depression Experiences physical distancing Intestinal function-Examining the Brain Nervous System Epilepsy syndrome neuromyelitis optica chamber Ideopsychanagkasmoi Depression Grief Headaches dsm v Movement disorders dsm v coprolalia Speech - Speech Infectious mononucleosis myoclonus Narcolepsy nervous and circulatory system Nerves

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Electronic Brochures

Neuro-Psychiatric-Nervous system and thrombosis | Vionefrologika Vionefrologika
Antiphospholipid syndrome and therapeutic approaches Because the antiphospholipid syndrome characterized mainly by the presence of venous and arterial thrombosis, as the first therapeutic approach condition may be the implementation of an anticoagulation More ... Thrombocytopenia, anemia and antiphospholipid syndrome is a diagnosis almost new, existing approximately fifteen years, the diagnosis of so-called antiphospholipid syndrome More ... Clinical forms antiphospholipid syndrome antiphospholipid syndrome characterized mainly by arterial and venous thrombosis throughout the body and especially around the nervous tissue, especially the brain More ... Nervous system and thrombosis A major medical problem are the arterial and venous thrombosis around the nervous system the brain and in terms of the portion binge eating of the spine more ... vascular thrombosis in women Many autoimmune diseases but particularly binge eating a feature, such as antiphospholipid syndrome is literally a high-risk condition for women More ...
Related articles: Neuro-Psychiatric-Nervous system and spasms binge eating Neuro-Psychiatric-Immune system Neuro-Psychiatric-Nervous system and sarcomas Neuro-Psychiatric-nervous system and joints Neuro-Psychiatric-Nervous system and fevers Neuro-Psychiatric-Skin, blood and nervous system Neuro-Psychiatric-Nervous system lupus erythematosus and complete blood-Nervous System Autoimmune Neuro-Psychiatric-Blepharospasm Neuro-psychiatric-bulimia followers now * PHOBIAS binge eating AND PANIC (2 of 3) * Dr.. Dimitris Kountouris has participated in numerous television shows as an expert scientific consultant of Neurology and Psychiatry. For a full list of TV shows you can visit our channel on YouTube: Neurology Channel
Badisma Dizziness Hearing binge eating Hashimoto vascular events Restless legs Immunoglobulins Alzheimer Dementia Dementia and Alzheimer's Reflective demyelinating disease Ataxia Ear, Tinnitus, deafness, vertigo Suicidality Cervical syndrome hearing loss and vibration performance enhancement of cerebral bioelectric binge eating signals and neurological disorders Mental retardation and fatal alcohol syndrome disorders gait Myelopathy-Mobility Disorders Movement disorders and speech and language disorders Panic disorders of vision: a sensory and cerebral problem dyscalculia dysgraphia Dyslexia Dystonia and Dyskinesia Bottox Dysphasia names Cerebrospinal fluid and brain tumors Brain-Psychoses-Depression Experiences physical distancing Intestinal function-Examining the Brain Nervous System Epilepsy binge eating syndrome neuromyelitis optica chamber Ideopsychanagkasmoi Depression Grief Headaches Movement disorders coprolalia Speech - Speech Infectious mononucleosis binge eating myoclonus Narcolepsy binge eating nervous and circulatory system nervous system and inflammatory arthropathies Neuro-rheumatologic diseases Neurology Neurology and Neurological Psychology incident Alzheimer disease binge eating and immune system disease WILSON and hemiballismus Nyktalopia Pain as a point of examining binge eating the patient's nightmares and their certification Homeostasis and neuropsychiatric diseases Bud palsy Parkinson binge eating TIAs About Sleep Problems Face and facial nerve disorders binge eating Sexual disorders Neuralgia Multiple Sclerosis vertebrae-cerebellar Dystrophy Cogan Syndrome Bonnet Syndrome Guillain-Barré syndrome Syndrome Klippel-Feil syndrome Prune Belly Syndrome Rett Syndrome Sturge Weber Syndrome Compartment syndrome of motor neuron body, feelings, problems The electroencephalogram (EEG) in Hanoi social profile of Alzheimer's disease The face and the "onion" The jaw "tremble" or shakes his psychiatric problem of multiple stool Toxoplasmosis and depressions Terror - Volatility Hydrocephalus and Intracranial Hypertension Overweight and Brain Sleep paralysis Sleepwalking Phobias Chorea and compulsions Psychiatric Treatment-Children and Psoriasis traumatized and nervous system
Electronic Brochures

Monday, July 28, 2014

Related articles: Neurological diseases and viral antibodies Neuro-Psychiatric-Skin Disease Neurolo

Neuro-Psychiatric-Neurological disorders and anticardiolipin antibodies | Vionefrologika Vionefrologika
O risk of thrombosis and anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA) The clots during reduce fat fast certain neurological systemic diseases is too dangerous ... more "primary" and "secondary" antiphospholipid syndrome The antiphospholipid syndrome is characterized as "primary" when there is systemic lupus erythematosus and when patients have systemic lupus erythematosus with antiphospholipid antibodies and similar clinical manifestations, then characterized as "secondary" More ... anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA) and autoimmune diseases Inside the diagnostic effort is made to neurological diseases and there is a large share of this, in that on the differential or certification comorbidity with these and other autoimmune diseases, especially SLE More ... anticardiolipin antibodies and antiphospholipid syndrome As we have seen in Vionefrologiki, high levels of specific and anticardiolipin IgG antibodies are more widespread and greater clinical significance reduce fat fast of that the IgM More ... Antiphospholipid reduce fat fast syndrome and neurological disorders The term "antiphospholipid syndrome" refers to patients exhibiting the typical clinical manifestations prone to blood clots and also have positive anticardiolipin antibodies or lupus anticoagulant are More ... The relationship of anticardiolipin antibodies with the clinical picture In observations we have made in Vionefrologiki, we found that elevated levels of anticardiolipin antibodies reduce fat fast occur frequently in patients over neurological diseases have relationship with systemic lupus erythematosus More ... Clinical and anticardiolipin antibodies in Vionefrologiki have gained the experience that the results of anticardiolipin antibodies should be interpreted in conjunction with the patient's history More ... Neurological disorders and anticardiolipin antibodies recent years new laboratory methods have received huge area More ... When we define the "lupus anticoagulant"? In recent years, reduce fat fast more and more regularly becomes the laboratory determination of the "lupus anticoagulant" More ... When we use the "lupus anticoagulant" in order to confirm the diagnosis? In Vionefrologiki have noticed that if antiphospholipid antibodies in one or two tests give positive results, then we can characterize the weak positive More ... What is the "lupus anticoagulant"? In Vionefrologiki too regularly seek the "lupus anticoagulant" in order to confirm a diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome More ...
Related articles: Neurological diseases and viral antibodies Neuro-Psychiatric-Skin Disease Neurology-Psychiatry-Autoimmune Rheumatic Disease Research Sleep salvation for neurological disease genes in neurological and psychiatric disorders Various gases and neurological diseases biting wolf and neurological disorders Genetic and neurological diseases Neurological diseases and neuropsychological testing Neuro-Psychiatric-retinopathy reduce fat fast followers now * TERRA INCOGNITA - TOGETHER FOR CHILDREN - PART 8/9 * Dr.. Dimitris Kountouris has participated in numerous television shows as an expert reduce fat fast scientific consultant of Neurology reduce fat fast and Psychiatry. For a full list of TV shows you can visit our channel on YouTube: Neurology Channel
Badisma Dizziness Hearing Hashimoto vascular events Restless legs Immunoglobulins Alzheimer Dementia Dementia and Alzheimer's Reflective demyelinating disease Ataxia Ear, Tinnitus, deafness, vertigo Suicidality Cervical syndrome hearing reduce fat fast loss and vibration performance enhancement of cerebral bioelectric signals and neurological disorders Mental retardation and fatal alcohol syndrome disorders gait Myelopathy-Mobility Disorders Movement disorders and speech and language disorders Panic disorders of vision: reduce fat fast a sensory and cerebral problem dyscalculia dysgraphia Dyslexia Dystonia and Dyskinesia Bottox Dysphasia names Cerebrospinal fluid and brain tumors Brain-Psychoses-Depression Experiences physical distancing Intestinal function-Examining the Brain Nervous System Epilepsy syndrome neuromyelitis optica chamber Ideopsychanagkasmoi Depression Grief Headaches Movement disorders coprolalia Speech - Speech Infectious mononucleosis myoclonus Narcolepsy nervous and circulatory system nervous system and inflammatory arthropathies Neuro-rheumatologic diseases Neurology Neurology and Neurological Psychology incident Alzheimer disease and immune logged

Sunday, July 27, 2014

There the shape of the secondary, when deployed in a patient alongside other autoimmune disease, pr

Clinical forms antiphospholipid syndrome | Vionefrologika clinical forms antiphospholipid syndrome - WATCH NOW MORE INFO CLINICAL FORMS antiphospholipid syndrome
The antiphospholipid syndrome is mainly characterized by arterial and venous thrombosis throughout the body and especially around the nervous tissue, especially the brain. Accompanied very regularly heart and stroke by thrombocytopenia and hemolytic anemia. In neurology distinguish two essential forms of antiphospholipid syndrome.
There the shape of the secondary, when deployed in a patient alongside other autoimmune disease, primarily systemic lupus erythematosus syndrome, Sjogren. Regularly there and the combination to secondary antiphospholipid syndrome of multiple sclerosis and even regularly autoimmune thyroiditis.
The coexistence of many autoimmune heart and stroke diseases with prominent like clinical picture of antiphospholipid syndrome in recent years is too regular. Environmental, hereditary factors and new diagnostic tools are those that "contributed" to the regular diagnosis of this syndrome.
Is the antiphospholipid syndrome a headache for doctors in both forms, both in terms of the primary and the secondary, mainly because the development is "severe" if it does not become valid diagnostic heart and stroke and therapeutic intervention.
Related articles: H clinical syndrome Devic's Clinical forms Hashimoto The nervous system between lupus erythematosus and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome Antiphospholipid syndrome and therapeutic approaches heart and stroke from systemic heart and stroke lupus erythematosus in antiphospholipid syndrome Grief of premenstrual syndrome Thrombocytopenia, anemia and antiphospholipid syndrome How is valid diagnosis of hypereosinophilic syndrome? Reactions syndrome acid Anger To antiphospholipid syndrome as a final form of autoimmune disease
Why multiple sclerosis leaves and "returns"? In Vionefrologiki have seen too many times patients attended for decades, they have some breaks clinical rest ... More
Tuberculosis is not only in India Although until now has been that pressure tuberculosis and particularly fymomata brain are a rare condition only endemic in India, and proved that in Europe have very regular appearance, probably due to the high migration heart and stroke mainly detected cerebellum, especially in children More ...
Watching now * PHOBIAS AND PANIC (3 of 3) * Dr.. Dimitris Kountouris has participated in numerous television shows as an expert scientific consultant of Neurology heart and stroke and Psychiatry. For a full list of TV shows you can visit our channel on YouTube: Neurology Channel
Badisma Dizziness heart and stroke Hearing Hashimoto vascular events Restless legs Immunoglobulins Alzheimer Dementia heart and stroke Dementia and Alzheimer's Reflective demyelinating disease Ataxia Ear, Tinnitus, deafness, vertigo Suicidality Cervical syndrome hearing loss and vibration performance enhancement of cerebral bioelectric signals and neurological disorders Mental retardation and fatal alcohol syndrome disorders gait Myelopathy-Mobility Disorders Movement disorders and speech and language disorders Panic disorders of vision: a sensory heart and stroke and cerebral problem dyscalculia dysgraphia Dyslexia Dystonia and Dyskinesia heart and stroke Bottox Dysphasia heart and stroke names Cerebrospinal fluid and brain tumors Brain-Psychoses-Depression Experiences physical heart and stroke distancing Intestinal function-Examining the Brain Nervous System Epilepsy syndrome neuromyelitis optica chamber Ideopsychanagkasmoi Depression Grief Headaches Movement disorders heart and stroke coprolalia Speech - Speech Infectious mononucleosis myoclonus Narcolepsy nervous and circulatory system nervous system and inflammatory arthropathies Neuro-rheumatologic diseases Neurology Neurology and Neurological Psychology incident Alzheimer disease and immune system disease WILSON and hemiballismus Nyktalopia Pain as a point of examining the patient's nightmares and their certification Homeostasis and neuropsychiatric diseases Bud palsy Parkinson TIAs About Sleep Problems Face and facial nerve disorders Sexual disorders Neuralgia Multiple Sclerosis vertebrae-cerebellar Dystrophy heart and stroke Cogan Syndrome Bonnet Syndrome Guillain-Barré syndrome Syndrome Klippel-Feil syndrome Prune Belly Syndrome Rett Syndrome Sturge Weber Syndrome Compartment syndrome of motor neuron body, feelings, problems The electroencephalogram (EEG) in Hanoi social profile of Alzheimer's disease The face and the "onion" The jaw "tremble" or shakes his psychiatric problem of multiple stool Toxoplasmosis and depressions Terror - Volatility Hydrocephalus and Intracranial Hypertension In

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Systemic lupus erythematosus and antiphospholipid syndrome

Miracle in Gaza came out alive from the belly of the dead mother-VIDEO - Miracle on Gaza came out alive from the belly of the dead mother-of video is not a child of war. Is the infant embodies the dreams mean ...
What "skills" parkinsons forget the parents to teach their children - The truth is that it is impossible to predict what will society and the needs of the coming decades, as demonstrated also the historical ...
Systemic lupus erythematosus and antiphospholipid syndrome
Major attack internal organs (kidney, parkinsons lung, cardiac, neuropsychiatric, hematologic) can prove fatal. Some patients have concomitant antiphospholipid syndrome, which is characterized clinically by thrombosis (arterial or venous), abortion, and thrombocytopenia, and the laboratory by the presence of anticardiolipin antibodies and / or lupus anticoagulant. Pregnancy parkinsons can adversely affect the course of the wolf and vice versa. Epidemiology Women are affected more often (ratio parkinsons women: men 9: about 1) in fertile age. Lupus is more common in Asians or people with ancestry from Africa or the Caribbean than in whites. Reason Unknown. Certain drugs (e.g. hydralazine) can induce systemic lupus erythematosus. Clinical parkinsons features The wolf can cause almost any kind of clinical feature. Some common parkinsons findings are fatigue, fever, photosensitivity (rash sidewalls parkinsons - Fig 33), mouth sores, alopecia, this phenomenon Raynaud, the syndrome secondary to Sjögren (dry eyes and dry mouth) and arthralgia / arthritis. It should always be discussed the possibility of infection in patients with lupus and poor general condition (Fig. 34). Lupus patients at increased risk for atherosclerosis. Fig 33 Rash cheeks (type "butterfly") in systemic lupus erythematosus.
Fig 34 monoarthritis left ankle in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus, septic probably parkinsons nature. Patients with lupus are at increased risk of sepsis. The ankle was edematous and erythematous, parkinsons warm and sensitive on palpation. The movement was very painful.
Investigations Regular testing of urine through Dipstix (for blood levels and protein) can quickly demonstrate the presence of renal disease. It may manifest anemia (hemolytic probably), leukopenia or thrombocytopenia. Over 95% of patients are positive for antinuclear antibodies. The antibodies against double-stranded DNA have high specificity for SLE and are a useful measure of disease activity. Treating Patients should use strong sunscreen whenever needed. Blood pressure should be monitored and controlled carefully. Many patients benefit from antimalarial drugs. Steroids and immunosuppressive therapy is indicated in serious cases of active disease. Counseling before pregnancy is particularly important in young women. Clinical course varies and depends on the degree of infestation of internal organs. parkinsons
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Friday, July 25, 2014

Regarding the tetanus vaccine, infusions containing OMVs and recombinant (genetically-modified) DNA

One of the more recent technologies used in production of new vaccines involves the use of outer membrane vesicles (OMVs), a type of pathogenic bacteria mimics phospholipids naturally present in the human body, as identifiable assistants vaccines. But vaccines that use this untested technology, which include vaccines for tetanus, human papillomavirus (HPV), and influenza-related
Several recent studies published in prestigious medical journals have explored the relationship between APS, which belong to a wider class of Vaccine-Induced hygiene conditions known as autoimmune / inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA), and vaccines, and found that OMVs directly linked to the activation APS. As the common vaccine adjuvant squalene, a phospholipid material in the vaccine, when injected into the body tissue, can cause an immune response that results causing the body to attack the naturally occurring phospholipids.
Regarding the tetanus vaccine, infusions containing OMVs and recombinant (genetically-modified) DNA, appears to cause blindness, cardiovascular diseases, headaches and migraines, salonpas miscarriages, skin disorders, ulcers, necrosis, and neurological disorders. And as an increasing amount of vaccines becomes quiet in OMV-based auxiliary mixes, the prevalence of APS is also expected to continue, as it has been for some time.
"The OMVs are even more accurate as human tissue (squalene), why not just lipids, salonpas phospholipids which is - which is exactly what the body attacks APS , explains Heidi Stevenson of GAIA Health salonpas on increasing prevalence of vaccine-caused by the APS. "Therefore, we can expect that there will be more and more cases of APS, since we see the adoption of OMV-based vaccines, which are in progress now." salonpas
The Cervarix, the HPV vaccine to rival Merck & Gardasil of Co, the Gardasil, containing OMVs, as do some flu vaccines - and many more common vaccines are reformulated with OMVs this moment. This means that we can expect an increase in the number of vaccinated individuals develop autoimmune symptoms as we move into the future. And these symptoms are likely to be systemic, such as APS can target almost all areas of the body.
"People suffering from APS antibodies that destroy phospholipids wrong parts of the eye, cardiovascular system, salonpas brain, nerves, skin, reproductive system - in short, any part of the body," adds Stevenson for the horrific nature of this relatively new term. "This self-destruction caused by the technologies of vaccines." To be sure to read the full report of Stevenson vaccine induced APS here: (atheatignosi) salonpas
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Thursday, July 24, 2014

In this case things should be simple and completely general impression should prevail, should not p

To antiphospholipid syndrome as a final form of autoimmune disease | Vionefrologika To antiphospholipid syndrome as a final form of autoimmune disease - WATCH NOW MORE INFORMATION tmj TO antiphospholipid syndrome SAN FINAL FORM autoimmune DISEASE
Vionefrologika> Diseases> Neurology> Neuro-Psychiatric-Nervous system lupus erythematosus and blood count> To antiphospholipid syndrome as a final form of autoimmune disease
The antiphospholipid syndrome described by Hughes, from whom he now named and thus established, mainly in terms of its clinical picture the incidence of DVT in both arteries and veins.
What there many times, especially in the areas of visual pathway in thrombosis of course, we have noticed and Vionefrologiki too regularly, not knowing what it is or how to qualify.
In this case things should be simple and completely general impression should prevail, should not perish, and valuable therapeutic time is that we are dealing with an immune entity autoimmune syndrome, where lupus erythematosus, antiphospholipid syndrome probably the and 'brain' tmj wolf is the same thing with different clinical expression.
As for this clinical expression, if one or the other category, plays an essential role, but always only in the diagnostic field, the existence of one or the other antibody, anticoagulant antibodies tmj or antiphospholipid antibodies, or any others who may have relation thereto.
Related Articles: The nervous system between lupus erythematosus and antiphospholipid syndrome systemic lupus erythematosus in antiphospholipid syndrome Refusal autoimmune disease after administration of drugs The Miller-Fisher syndrome is multiple sclerosis, a distinct syndrome? Stress syndrome and Sjogren To syndrome Steele-Richardson-Olszewksi and gaze palsies The relationship of the autoimmune system with T-cells and memory tmj Premenstrual syndrome About syndrome motoneuron
The TAU proteins and allergies As we have seen for many years in neurology, disorders of protein TAU create "anomalies" in the structure and the "supporting" function in nerve cells ... More
The hereditary migraines in children and adolescents Hereditary Migraines are a very powerful problem for anyone who has. Such patients are accustomed to doctor visits and treatment plans More ...
Strokes and lifestyle as it may seem strange, from our research in Vionefrologiki in people who have suffered strokes and following the exact analysis of their lifestyle, we have seen that there was at most a "gluttony" for food rich in cholesterol, lipids and phospholipids More ...
Watching now * TERRA INCOGNITA - TOGETHER FOR CHILDREN - PART 7/9 * Dr.. Dimitris Kountouris has participated in numerous television shows as an expert scientific consultant tmj of Neurology and Psychiatry. tmj For a full list of TV shows you can visit our channel on YouTube: Neurology Channel
Badisma Dizziness Hearing Hashimoto tmj vascular events Restless legs Immunoglobulins Alzheimer Dementia tmj Dementia and Alzheimer's Reflective demyelinating disease Ataxia tmj Ear, Tinnitus, deafness, vertigo Suicidality Cervical syndrome hearing loss and vibration performance enhancement of cerebral bioelectric signals and neurological tmj disorders Mental retardation and fatal alcohol syndrome disorders gait Myelopathy-Mobility Disorders Movement disorders and speech and language disorders Panic disorders of vision: a sensory and cerebral problem dyscalculia dysgraphia Dyslexia Dystonia and Dyskinesia Bottox Dysphasia names Cerebrospinal fluid and brain tumors Brain-Psychoses-Depression Experiences physical distancing Intestinal function-Examining the Brain Nervous System Epilepsy syndrome neuromyelitis optica chamber Ideopsychanagkasmoi Depression Grief Headaches Movement disorders coprolalia Speech - Speech Infectious mononucleosis myoclonus Narcolepsy nervous and circulatory system nervous system and inflammatory arthropathies Neuro-rheumatologic diseases Neurology Neurology and Neurological tmj Psychology incident Alzheimer tmj disease and immune system disease WILSON and hemiballismus Nyktalopia Pain as a point of examining the patient's nightmares and their certification Homeostasis and neuropsychiatric diseases Bud palsy Parkinson TIAs About Sleep Problems Face and facial nerve disorders Sexual disorders Neuralgia Multiple Sclerosis vertebrae-cerebellar dystrophy syndrome Bonnet syndrome

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Neurotalk (Nefrodialogoi) THE

The nervous system between lupus erythematosus and antiphospholipid syndrome cholesterol hdl | nervous system Vionefrologika odds lupus erythematosus and antiphospholipid syndrome - THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AMONG lupus erythematosus and antiphospholipid syndrome
The lupus erythematosus is essentially a "harbinger" of antiphospholipid syndrome characterized by symptoms throughout the wolf while trend towards thrombosis. This is an item from one side shows the differential of the other but the difficulty, because of neurological assistance.
Related Articles: cholesterol hdl The fall of hair lupus erythematosus Photosensitivity in lupus erythematosus How regularly should be careful lupus? Involuntary movements in SLE Kinetic lesions in lupus erythematosus Vascular episodes of spinal cord injury in lupus erythematosus syndrome Klippel-Feil and symptoms of the nervous system and nervous system Amyloidosis Chronic thyroiditis (Hashimoto) and the central nervous system's nevus and nervous system
Psychotic and degenerative disorders cause intense yawning The fact that we have noticed in Vionefrologiki, and indeed in many hours vinteokatagrafes EEG in psychotic individuals or epileptic or with lesions in the midbrain. More ...
Disorders of speech as a problem on intense migraine attacks migraine attacks even low symptomatology appear 'quite a lot', as we have seen in Vionefrologiki, some disorders of speech More ...
Watching now * TERRA INCOGNITA - TOGETHER FOR CHILDREN - PART 7/9 * Dr.. Dimitris Kountouris has participated in numerous television shows as an expert scientific consultant of Neurology and Psychiatry. For a full list of TV shows you can visit our channel on YouTube: Neurology Channel
Badisma Dizziness Hearing Hashimoto vascular events Restless legs Immunoglobulins Alzheimer Dementia Dementia and Alzheimer's Reflective demyelinating disease Ataxia Ear, Tinnitus, deafness, vertigo Suicidality Cervical syndrome hearing loss and vibration performance enhancement of cerebral bioelectric signals and neurological disorders Mental retardation and fatal alcohol syndrome disorders gait Myelopathy-Mobility Disorders Movement disorders and speech and language cholesterol hdl disorders Panic disorders of vision: a sensory and cerebral problem cholesterol hdl dyscalculia dysgraphia Dyslexia Dystonia and Dyskinesia Bottox Dysphasia names Cerebrospinal fluid and brain tumors Brain-Psychoses-Depression Experiences physical distancing Intestinal function-Examining the Brain Nervous System Epilepsy syndrome neuromyelitis optica chamber Ideopsychanagkasmoi Depression Grief Headaches Movement disorders coprolalia Speech - Speech Infectious mononucleosis myoclonus Narcolepsy nervous cholesterol hdl and circulatory system nervous system and inflammatory arthropathies Neuro-rheumatologic diseases Neurology Neurology and Neurological Psychology incident Alzheimer disease and immune system disease WILSON and hemiballismus Nyktalopia Pain as a point of examining the patient's nightmares and their certification Homeostasis and neuropsychiatric cholesterol hdl diseases Bud palsy Parkinson TIAs About Sleep Problems Face and facial nerve disorders Sexual disorders Neuralgia Multiple Sclerosis vertebrae-cerebellar Dystrophy Cogan Syndrome Bonnet Syndrome Guillain-Barré syndrome Syndrome Klippel-Feil syndrome Prune Belly Syndrome Rett Syndrome Sturge Weber Syndrome Compartment syndrome of motor neuron body, feelings, problems The electroencephalogram (EEG) in Hanoi social profile of Alzheimer's disease The face and the "onion" The jaw "tremble" or shakes his psychiatric problem cholesterol hdl of multiple stool Toxoplasmosis and depressions Terror - Volatility Hydrocephalus and Intracranial cholesterol hdl Hypertension Overweight and Brain Sleep paralysis Sleepwalking Phobias Chorea and compulsions Psychiatric Treatment-Children and Psoriasis traumatized and nervous system
Computer heartbeats Calculator Body-Mass Index Calculator Cost smoking

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Electronic Brochures

Antiphospholipid syndrome and therapeutic approaches | Vionefrologika antiphospholipid syndrome and therapeutic approaches - WATCH NOW MORE INFORMATION antiphospholipid syndrome AND THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES
Because the antiphospholipid syndrome characterized mainly by the presence of venous and arterial thrombosis, as the first therapeutic approach condition may be the implementation of an anticoagulation.
Anticoagulation in patients with arterial and venous thrombosis is anticoagulation concussion symptoms drugs and are necessary even in non clinical stage event risk, but suspicion or certified diagnosis.
In pregnant women who have a history of previous miscarriages and found the existence of antiphospholipid syndrome, treatment with a combination of low molecular weight concussion symptoms heparin subcutaneously and aspirin is very important.
Timely must be made even in young ages intravenous gamma globulin and also is very essential in cases of anemia or thrombocytopenia be given the same treatment, regardless of the stage presence of antiphospholipid syndrome and the immunological extension.
Related Articles: The nervous system between lupus erythematosus and antiphospholipid syndrome systemic lupus erythematosus in antiphospholipid syndrome To antiphospholipid syndrome as a final form of autoimmune disease H clinical syndrome Devic's O control medication in eosinophilic syndrome Steven-Johnson syndrome and vision encephalopathy and chronic fatigue syndrome Brain and deprivation syndrome hypereosinophilic syndrome and cerebrospinal concussion symptoms fluid What is the thalamic syndrome?
When lost hope for treating multiple sclerosis? At least from our experience in Vionefrologiki and with hundreds of patients we treat every day, it is clear to us that hope never dies ... More
When the hearing lost in Alzheimer's disease Menier concussion symptoms Menier disease is a common disorder based perception of sound in the ear, as shown in arrow image More ...
Watching concussion symptoms now * Concussion and Fading - Neurological issues - Part 3/3 * Dr.. Dimitris Kountouris has participated in numerous television shows as an expert scientific consultant of Neurology and Psychiatry. For a full list of TV shows you can visit our channel on YouTube: Neurology Channel
Badisma Dizziness concussion symptoms Hearing Hashimoto vascular events Restless legs Immunoglobulins Alzheimer Dementia Dementia and Alzheimer's Reflective demyelinating disease Ataxia Ear, Tinnitus, deafness, vertigo Suicidality Cervical syndrome hearing loss and vibration performance enhancement of cerebral bioelectric signals and neurological disorders Mental retardation and fatal alcohol syndrome disorders gait Myelopathy-Mobility Disorders Movement concussion symptoms disorders and speech and language concussion symptoms disorders Panic disorders of vision: concussion symptoms a sensory and cerebral problem dyscalculia dysgraphia Dyslexia Dystonia and Dyskinesia Bottox Dysphasia names Cerebrospinal fluid and brain tumors Brain-Psychoses-Depression Experiences physical distancing Intestinal function-Examining the Brain Nervous System Epilepsy syndrome neuromyelitis optica chamber Ideopsychanagkasmoi Depression Grief Headaches Movement disorders coprolalia Speech - Speech Infectious mononucleosis myoclonus Narcolepsy nervous and circulatory system nervous concussion symptoms system and inflammatory arthropathies Neuro-rheumatologic diseases Neurology Neurology and Neurological Psychology incident Alzheimer disease and immune system disease WILSON and hemiballismus Nyktalopia Pain as a point of examining the patient's nightmares concussion symptoms and their certification Homeostasis and neuropsychiatric diseases Bud palsy Parkinson TIAs About Sleep Problems Face and facial nerve disorders Sexual disorders Neuralgia Multiple Sclerosis vertebrae-cerebellar Dystrophy Cogan Syndrome Bonnet Syndrome Guillain-Barré syndrome Syndrome Klippel-Feil syndrome Prune Belly Syndrome Rett Syndrome Sturge Weber Syndrome Compartment syndrome of motor neuron body, feelings, problems concussion symptoms The electroencephalogram (EEG) in Hanoi social profile of Alzheimer's concussion symptoms disease concussion symptoms The face and the "onion" The jaw "tremble" or shakes his psychiatric problem of multiple stool Toxoplasmosis and depressions Terror - Volatility Hydrocephalus and Intracranial Hypertension Overweight and Brain Sleep paralysis Sleepwalking Phobias Chorea and compulsions Psychiatric Treatment-Children and Psoriasis traumatized and nervous system
Electronic Brochures
Neurotalk (Nefrodialogoi) THE "MEANING OF LIFE" COMPROMISE, RESIGNATION AND SOCIAL SECURITY The blog of Multiple Sclerosis appearance

This acute, pathologies strong tendency presence of arterial, venous thrombosis throughout the surf

Thrombocytopenia, anemia and antiphospholipid syndrome | Vionefrologika thrombocytopenia, anemia and antiphospholipid syndrome - WATCH NOW MORE INFORMATION thrombocytopenia, anemia and antiphospholipid syndrome
Delaying entry to neurological and rheumatic diseases, particularly autoimmune nature of the antiphospholipid syndrome, has to do with the late development of technology at this level. Particularly characteristic is the coexistence of these morbid conditions in cases where thrombocytopenia or hemolytic anemia.
This acute, pathologies strong tendency presence of arterial, venous thrombosis throughout the surface of the body, but especially in the brain in these cases. Feature is also the intracerebral, demyelinating type hyalinosis lesions of the brain tissue.
Today most authoritative certification of diagnosis after history taking is the presence of anticardiolipin antibodies or lupus anticoagulant antibodies in the blood. Exams are now done with great ease due to the processing of laboratory picture of a heart data reported in this disease.
Thus, clinicians have at their fingertips a large "gun" for early diagnosis and therefore the immediate treatment in such cases. The point of immediate treatment should be strongly picture of a heart emphasized, because it is very effective in terms of those facts.
Where combined thrombocytopenia and hemolytic anemia with an antiphospholipid syndrome usually damage resulting permanent and too hard for the patient. So is of paramount importance that a valid diagnosis.
Related Articles: To antiphospholipid picture of a heart syndrome as a final form of autoimmune disease from systemic lupus erythematosus in the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome Antiphospholipid syndrome and therapeutic approaches to the nervous system between lupus erythematosus and antiphospholipid syndrome Stroke and sickle cell anemia, leucopenia and cerebrovascular syndrome of motor neuron and affinity with other neurological disorders Mental retardation and fatal alcohol syndrome Cervical syndrome, disorders and bone skaningk Neurological diseases and viral antibodies
Blows to the neck and vision picture of a heart disorders There is a path of the autonomic picture of a heart nervous system that "runs" along the spine of the cervical spine and nerves and vessels eye More ...
The 'type' bowel As we have seen in Vionefrologiki, men and women with various neuropsychiatric diseases are slightly different picture of a heart in terms of gastrointestinal disorders ... More
Watching now * TERRA INCOGNITA - TOGETHER FOR CHILDREN - PART 4/9 * Dr.. Dimitris Kountouris has participated in numerous television shows as an expert scientific consultant of Neurology and Psychiatry. For a full list of TV shows you can visit our channel on YouTube: Neurology Channel
Badisma Dizziness Hearing Hashimoto vascular events Restless legs Immunoglobulins Alzheimer Dementia Dementia and Alzheimer's Reflective demyelinating disease Ataxia Ear, Tinnitus, deafness, vertigo Suicidality Cervical syndrome hearing loss and vibration performance enhancement of cerebral bioelectric signals and neurological disorders Mental retardation and fatal alcohol syndrome disorders gait Myelopathy-Mobility Disorders Movement disorders and speech and language disorders Panic disorders of vision: a sensory and cerebral problem dyscalculia dysgraphia Dyslexia Dystonia and Dyskinesia Bottox picture of a heart Dysphasia names Cerebrospinal fluid and brain tumors Brain-Psychoses-Depression Experiences physical distancing Intestinal function-Examining the Brain Nervous System Epilepsy syndrome neuromyelitis optica chamber Ideopsychanagkasmoi Depression Grief Headaches Movement disorders coprolalia Speech - Speech Infectious mononucleosis myoclonus Narcolepsy nervous and circulatory system nervous system and inflammatory arthropathies Neuro-rheumatologic diseases Neurology Neurology picture of a heart and Neurological picture of a heart Psychology incident Alzheimer disease and immune system disease WILSON and hemiballismus Nyktalopia Pain as a point of examining the patient's nightmares and their certification Homeostasis and neuropsychiatric diseases Bud palsy Parkinson TIAs About Sleep Problems Face and facial nerve disorders Sexual disorders Neuralgia Multiple Sclerosis vertebrae-cerebellar Dystrophy Cogan Syndrome Bonnet Syndrome Guillain-Barré picture of a heart syndrome Syndrome Klippel-Feil syndrome Prune Belly Syndrome Rett Syndrome Sturge Weber Syndrome picture of a heart Compartment syndrome of motor neuron body, feelings, problems The electroencephalogram (EEG) in

Monday, July 21, 2014

Neurotalk (Nefrodialogoi) THE

Anxiety, antiphospholipid syndrome before and after | Vionefrologika Anxiety, antiphospholipid syndrome before and after - WATCH NOW MORE INFORMATION ANXIETY, antiphospholipid syndrome BEFORE bmi calculator women AND AFTER
The bad news about this case is that before the appearance of intense bmi calculator women clinical thrombosis featuring the antiphospholipid syndrome in small or large vessels of the body, the stress that existed is powerful, but not always accompanied by a large volume of blood clots.
General may have, for some time even for years, a subclinical form which escapes the attention of the patient or even the observation of doctors or appreciated symptomatology should.
This happens because many times patients and doctors believe the symptoms and not casually done deep research on them. In all these cases there is a high risk of relapse typically occurs later, after intense, stressful situations.
Related Articles: The nervous system between lupus erythematosus and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome Antiphospholipid syndrome and therapeutic approaches To antiphospholipid syndrome as a final form of autoimmune disease and thrombosis Anxiety Thrombocytopenia, anemia and antiphospholipid syndrome systemic lupus erythematosus in antiphospholipid syndrome Anxiety and relapses of thrombotic episodes Brain before and after psychotherapy Somatopoiimeno anxiety Anxiety and conscience bmi calculator women
Watching now * Concussion and Fading - Neurological issues - Part 3/3 * Dr.. Dimitris Kountouris has participated in numerous television shows as an expert scientific consultant of Neurology and Psychiatry. For a full list of TV shows you can visit our channel on YouTube: bmi calculator women Neurology Channel
Badisma Dizziness Hearing Hashimoto vascular events Restless legs Immunoglobulins Alzheimer Dementia bmi calculator women Dementia and Alzheimer's Reflective demyelinating disease Ataxia Ear, Tinnitus, deafness, vertigo Suicidality Cervical syndrome hearing loss and vibration performance enhancement of cerebral bioelectric bmi calculator women signals and neurological disorders Mental retardation and fatal alcohol syndrome disorders gait Myelopathy-Mobility Disorders Movement disorders and speech and language disorders Panic disorders of vision: a sensory and cerebral problem dyscalculia dysgraphia Dyslexia Dystonia and Dyskinesia Bottox Dysphasia names Cerebrospinal fluid and brain tumors Brain-Psychoses-Depression bmi calculator women Experiences physical distancing Intestinal function-Examining the Brain Nervous System Epilepsy syndrome neuromyelitis optica chamber Ideopsychanagkasmoi Depression Grief Headaches Movement disorders coprolalia Speech - Speech Infectious mononucleosis myoclonus Narcolepsy nervous and circulatory system nervous system and inflammatory bmi calculator women arthropathies Neuro-rheumatologic diseases Neurology Neurology and Neurological Psychology incident Alzheimer disease and immune system disease WILSON and hemiballismus Nyktalopia Pain as a point of examining the patient's nightmares and their certification Homeostasis and neuropsychiatric diseases bmi calculator women Bud palsy Parkinson bmi calculator women TIAs About Sleep Problems Face and facial bmi calculator women nerve disorders Sexual disorders Neuralgia Multiple Sclerosis vertebrae-cerebellar Dystrophy Cogan Syndrome Bonnet Syndrome Guillain-Barré syndrome Syndrome Klippel-Feil syndrome Prune Belly Syndrome Rett Syndrome Sturge Weber Syndrome Compartment syndrome of motor neuron body, feelings, problems The electroencephalogram (EEG) in Hanoi social bmi calculator women profile of Alzheimer's disease The face and the "onion" The jaw "tremble" or shakes his psychiatric problem of multiple stool Toxoplasmosis and depressions Terror bmi calculator women - Volatility Hydrocephalus and Intracranial Hypertension Overweight and Brain Sleep paralysis Sleepwalking Phobias Chorea bmi calculator women and compulsions Psychiatric Treatment-Children and Psoriasis traumatized bmi calculator women and nervous system


Sunday, July 20, 2014

What is movement disorder? When we look nystagmus in a patient presenting with disorders of balance

Pregnancy and antiphospholipid syndrome | Vionefrologika chicken pox symptoms Pregnancy and antiphospholipid syndrome - WATCH NOW MORE INFORMATION AND PREGNANCY antiphospholipid syndrome
In female patients have a prehistoric antiphospholipid syndrome there is always chicken pox symptoms a problem with gynecological complications. Mostly these gynecological complications occur if there coexists chicken pox symptoms a pregnancy.
So generally, in cases of severe anxiety in women with a history of thrombosis or pregnancy in any process, it is always good to identify antiphospholipid antibodies.
So women who know this thing should be prepared accordingly and the physician to ensure that regulates any hypertensive crises exist and "subdue" the anxiety.
Related Articles: Stress, early miscarriage and antiphospholipid syndrome Anxiety, pregnancy, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome Antiphospholipid syndrome and therapeutic approaches from systemic lupus erythematosus in antiphospholipid syndrome To antiphospholipid syndrome as a final form of autoimmune disease Thrombocytopenia, anemia and antiphospholipid syndrome Neuro-Psychiatry-Anxiety, pregnancy , antiphospholipid chicken pox symptoms syndrome Neuro-Psychiatric-Headache, antiphospholipid syndrome, kidney Anxiety, antiphospholipid syndrome before and after The nervous system between lupus erythematosus and antiphospholipid syndrome
What is movement disorder? When we look nystagmus in a patient presenting with disorders of balance, sometimes, we have seen and Vionefrologiki observed a rapid deviation of the eyes downward, while a very slow 'spin' to the top ... More
Degeneration of the basal ganglia and Parkinson's There is a region in the brain where various brain formations create a combination, which is functioning chicken pox symptoms as traffic and harmony of the limbs and head ... More
Watching now * CheckUp - Sleep Disorders - Part 1o * Dr.. Dimitris Kountouris has participated in numerous television chicken pox symptoms shows as an expert scientific consultant of Neurology and Psychiatry. chicken pox symptoms For a full list of TV shows you can visit our channel on YouTube: Neurology Channel
Badisma Dizziness Hearing Hashimoto vascular events Restless legs Immunoglobulins Alzheimer Dementia Dementia and Alzheimer's Reflective demyelinating disease Ataxia Ear, Tinnitus, deafness, vertigo Suicidality Cervical chicken pox symptoms syndrome hearing loss and vibration performance enhancement of cerebral bioelectric signals and neurological disorders Mental retardation and fatal alcohol syndrome disorders gait Myelopathy-Mobility Disorders Movement disorders and speech and language disorders chicken pox symptoms Panic disorders of vision: a sensory and cerebral problem dyscalculia dysgraphia Dyslexia Dystonia and Dyskinesia chicken pox symptoms Bottox Dysphasia names Cerebrospinal chicken pox symptoms fluid and brain tumors Brain-Psychoses-Depression Experiences physical distancing chicken pox symptoms Intestinal function-Examining the Brain Nervous System Epilepsy syndrome neuromyelitis optica chamber Ideopsychanagkasmoi Depression Grief Headaches Movement disorders coprolalia Speech - Speech Infectious mononucleosis myoclonus Narcolepsy nervous and circulatory system nervous system and inflammatory arthropathies Neuro-rheumatologic diseases Neurology chicken pox symptoms Neurology and Neurological Psychology incident Alzheimer disease chicken pox symptoms and immune system disease WILSON and hemiballismus Nyktalopia Pain as a point of examining the patient's nightmares and their certification Homeostasis and neuropsychiatric diseases Bud palsy Parkinson TIAs About Sleep Problems Face and facial nerve disorders Sexual disorders Neuralgia Multiple Sclerosis vertebrae-cerebellar Dystrophy Cogan Syndrome Bonnet Syndrome Guillain-Barré syndrome Syndrome Klippel-Feil chicken pox symptoms syndrome Prune Belly Syndrome chicken pox symptoms Rett Syndrome Sturge Weber Syndrome Compartment syndrome of motor neuron body, feelings, problems The electroencephalogram (EEG) in Hanoi social profile of Alzheimer's disease The face and the "onion" The jaw "tremble" or shakes his psychiatric problem of multiple stool Toxoplasmosis and depressions Terror - Volatility Hydrocephalus and Intracranial Hypertension Overweight and Brain Sleep paralysis Sleepwalking Phobias Chorea and compulsions Psychiatric Treatment-Children and Psoriasis traumatized and nervous system
Alzheimer Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Diabetes and neurological disorders Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Friday, July 18, 2014

Mainly in cases where the pregnancy in women who are positive for antiphospholipid antibodies may h

Stress, pregnancy, antiphospholipid syndrome | Vionefrologika Stress, pregnancy, antiphospholipid syndrome - WATCH NOW MORE INFORMATION ANXIETY, pregnancy, antiphospholipid syndrome due date
Mainly in cases where the pregnancy in women who are positive for antiphospholipid antibodies may have a complicated premature birth and appearance of a hypertension suggesting some uterine disorder. due date
So in these cases we have a vasculopathy of the placenta expressed with thrombosis and infarction is the major cause of miscarriages of prematurity. In all these cases the appearance of stress plays a central role since it is regular.
Mostly we have intense stressful situations, before the appearance of thrombosis or disorders of pregnancy, but then escalating due date and reaching high levels of hypertension, preeclampsia or eclampsia.
Related articles: Neuro-Psychiatry-Anxiety, pregnancy, antiphospholipid syndrome Anxiety, early miscarriage and antiphospholipid syndrome and antiphospholipid syndrome Pregnancy Stress, antiphospholipid syndrome before and after Thrombocytopenia, anemia and antiphospholipid syndrome To antiphospholipid syndrome as a final version from the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus Anxiety in antiphospholipid syndrome and thrombosis Antiphospholipid syndrome and therapeutic approaches in neuropsychiatry-Headache, antiphospholipid due date syndrome, kidney
The goal of "stochastic" The stillness absolute control of emotions and physical and mental due date health of some is let's say Phrasal due date something like a "contemplative stillness More ...
Vascular events in impaired immune disorder of the immune, primarily in vascular events, according to our knowledge here on Vionefrologiki, is the answer to a non-established antigen More ...
Watching now * CheckUp - Sleep Disorders - Part 1o * Dr.. Dimitris Kountouris has participated in numerous television shows as an expert scientific consultant of Neurology and Psychiatry. For a full list of TV shows you can visit our channel on YouTube: Neurology Channel
Badisma Dizziness Hearing Hashimoto vascular events Restless legs Immunoglobulins Alzheimer Dementia Dementia and Alzheimer's Reflective demyelinating disease Ataxia Ear, Tinnitus, deafness, vertigo Suicidality Cervical syndrome hearing loss and vibration performance enhancement of cerebral bioelectric signals and neurological disorders Mental retardation and fatal alcohol syndrome disorders gait Myelopathy-Mobility Disorders Movement disorders and speech and language disorders Panic disorders of vision: a sensory and cerebral problem dyscalculia dysgraphia Dyslexia Dystonia and Dyskinesia Bottox Dysphasia names Cerebrospinal fluid and brain tumors Brain-Psychoses-Depression Experiences physical distancing Intestinal function-Examining the Brain Nervous System Epilepsy syndrome neuromyelitis optica chamber Ideopsychanagkasmoi due date Depression Grief Headaches Movement disorders coprolalia Speech - Speech Infectious mononucleosis myoclonus Narcolepsy nervous and circulatory system nervous due date system and inflammatory arthropathies Neuro-rheumatologic diseases Neurology Neurology and Neurological Psychology incident Alzheimer disease and immune system disease WILSON and hemiballismus Nyktalopia Pain as a point of examining the patient's nightmares and their certification Homeostasis and neuropsychiatric diseases Bud palsy Parkinson TIAs About Sleep Problems Face and facial nerve disorders Sexual due date disorders Neuralgia Multiple Sclerosis vertebrae-cerebellar Dystrophy Cogan Syndrome Bonnet Syndrome Guillain-Barré syndrome Syndrome Klippel-Feil syndrome Prune Belly Syndrome Rett Syndrome Sturge Weber Syndrome Compartment syndrome of motor neuron body, feelings, problems The electroencephalogram (EEG) in Hanoi social due date profile of Alzheimer's disease The face and the "onion" The jaw "tremble" or shakes his psychiatric problem of multiple stool Toxoplasmosis and depressions Terror - Volatility Hydrocephalus due date and Intracranial Hypertension Overweight due date and Brain Sleep paralysis Sleepwalking Phobias Chorea and compulsions Psychiatric Treatment-Children and Psoriasis traumatized and nervous system
Computer heartbeats Calculator Body-Mass Index Calculator Cost smoking

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Both the renal artery and the renal vein, and the branches, such as the intrarenal arteries, arteri

Headache, antiphospholipid syndrome, kidney | Vionefrologika headache, antiphospholipid syndrome, kidney - WATCH NOW MORE INFORMATION HEADACHE, antiphospholipid syndrome, kidney
In this combination pathogenicity of various symptoms of kidney and brain have regular identification thereof, with respect to renal disorders, especially cystic fibrosis thrombosis in vessels of the kidneys, and severe headache.
Both the renal artery and the renal vein, and the branches, such as the intrarenal arteries, arterioles, capillaries cystic fibrosis and venules coil may clot and cause disturbance to a large extent by the kidney of a the main symptoms are severe headache. cystic fibrosis
Related articles: Neuro-Psychiatric-Headache, antiphospholipid syndrome, antiphospholipid syndrome and kidney cystic fibrosis destruction Cervical syndrome, kidney demyelination Antiphospholipid syndrome, seizures, renal dysfunction Neuro-Psychiatry-Anxiety, pregnancy, antiphospholipid syndrome and cervical syndrome Kidney The nervous system among lupus erythematosus and antiphospholipid cystic fibrosis antibody syndrome Antiphospholipid syndrome and therapeutic approaches To antiphospholipid syndrome as a final version from the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus in the antiphospholipid syndrome
Hashimoto Encephalopathy and squint Hashimoto's encephalopathy is characterized as an autoimmune disease that is consistent with psychiatric disorders, seizures, impaired consciousness and neurological symptoms several times ... More
Cancer cells and staging Staging is the procedure where the diagnostic doctor trying to identify if there is, at what point there is, what extent and at what intensity and with what effects some carcinomatous development More ...
Neuroscience and control of feelings A major problem of criminal law is the decision of the judges, regarding transactions arising cystic fibrosis from poor control of emotions ... More
Watching now * CheckUp - Sleep Disorders - Part 2o * Dr.. Dimitris Kountouris has participated in numerous television shows as an expert scientific consultant of Neurology and Psychiatry. For a full list of TV shows you can visit our channel on YouTube: Neurology Channel
Badisma Dizziness Hearing Hashimoto vascular events Restless legs Immunoglobulins Alzheimer Dementia Dementia and Alzheimer's Reflective cystic fibrosis demyelinating disease Ataxia Ear, Tinnitus, deafness, vertigo Suicidality Cervical syndrome cystic fibrosis hearing loss and vibration performance enhancement of cerebral bioelectric signals and neurological disorders Mental retardation and fatal alcohol syndrome disorders gait Myelopathy-Mobility Disorders cystic fibrosis Movement disorders cystic fibrosis and speech and language disorders Panic disorders of vision: a sensory and cerebral problem dyscalculia dysgraphia Dyslexia Dystonia and Dyskinesia Bottox Dysphasia names Cerebrospinal fluid and brain tumors Brain-Psychoses-Depression Experiences physical distancing Intestinal function-Examining the Brain Nervous System Epilepsy syndrome neuromyelitis optica chamber Ideopsychanagkasmoi Depression Grief Headaches Movement disorders coprolalia Speech cystic fibrosis - Speech Infectious mononucleosis myoclonus Narcolepsy nervous and circulatory cystic fibrosis system nervous system and inflammatory arthropathies Neuro-rheumatologic diseases Neurology Neurology and Neurological Psychology incident Alzheimer disease and immune system cystic fibrosis disease WILSON and hemiballismus Nyktalopia Pain as a point of examining the patient's nightmares and their certification Homeostasis and neuropsychiatric diseases Bud palsy Parkinson TIAs About Sleep Problems Face and facial nerve disorders Sexual disorders Neuralgia Multiple Sclerosis vertebrae-cerebellar Dystrophy Cogan Syndrome Bonnet Syndrome Guillain-Barré syndrome Syndrome Klippel-Feil syndrome Prune Belly Syndrome Rett Syndrome Sturge Weber Syndrome Compartment syndrome of motor neuron body, feelings, problems The electroencephalogram (EEG) in Hanoi social profile of Alzheimer's disease The face and the "onion" The jaw "tremble" or shakes his psychiatric problem of multiple stool Toxoplasmosis and depressions Terror - Volatility Hydrocephalus and Intracranial Hypertension Overweight cystic fibrosis and Brain Sleep paralysis Sleepwalking Phobias Chorea and compulsions Psychiatric Treatment-Children and Psoriasis traumatized and nervous system
Alzheimer Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Diabetes and neurological cystic fibrosis disorders Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Watching now * Concussion and Fading - Neurological issues - Part 3/3 * Dr.. Dimitris Kountouris ha

Anxiety, early miscarriage and antiphospholipid syndrome | Vionefrologika dsm v Anxiety, dsm v miscarriages and antiphospholipid syndrome - WATCH NOW MORE INFORMATION ANXIETY, AND EARLY ELIMINATION antiphospholipid syndrome
So cardiolipin antibodies found in many positive women, which had a history of miscarriage or bleeding disorders during pregnancy and the occurrence of preeclampsia or hypertension.
Analyzing these events in terms of the elements of the memorial, but while the EEG findings during the examination, we found that these individuals have a possible hereditary predisposition towards it.
However, the 'strong' finding is that EEG tests 'delivered' data, which show brain disorder almost all of these women. Cerebral this disorder may be the cause of excessive anxiety that accompanies all these incidents.
The general conclusion, however, is that the neurological examination with EEG recording, an appropriate assessment and evaluation of clinical dsm v status in these women is necessary.
Related dsm v Articles: Anxiety, pregnancy, antiphospholipid syndrome and antiphospholipid syndrome Pregnancy Stress, antiphospholipid syndrome dsm v before and after Neuro-Psychiatry-Anxiety, pregnancy, antiphospholipid syndrome, thrombocytopenia, anemia and antiphospholipid antibody dsm v syndrome Antiphospholipid syndrome and therapeutic approaches To antiphospholipid syndrome as a final form of autoimmune disease dsm v from systemic lupus erythematosus in antiphospholipid syndrome Neuro-Psychiatric-Headache, antiphospholipid syndrome, kidney The nervous system between lupus erythematosus and antiphospholipid syndrome dsm v
In which diseases occur usually stereotyped? As we have seen in Vionefrologiki is indeed characteristic and worthy of investigation the fact that every time we look motor stereotypies, trying to connect it with any pre-existing disease more ...
Watching now * Concussion and Fading - Neurological issues - Part 3/3 * Dr.. Dimitris Kountouris has participated in numerous dsm v television shows as an expert scientific consultant of Neurology and Psychiatry. For a full list of TV shows you can visit our channel on YouTube: Neurology Channel
Badisma Dizziness Hearing Hashimoto dsm v vascular events Restless legs Immunoglobulins Alzheimer Dementia Dementia and Alzheimer's Reflective demyelinating disease Ataxia Ear, Tinnitus, deafness, vertigo Suicidality Cervical dsm v syndrome hearing loss and vibration performance enhancement of cerebral bioelectric signals and neurological disorders Mental retardation and fatal alcohol syndrome disorders gait Myelopathy-Mobility Disorders Movement disorders and speech and language disorders Panic disorders of vision: a sensory and cerebral problem dyscalculia dysgraphia Dyslexia Dystonia dsm v and Dyskinesia Bottox Dysphasia names Cerebrospinal fluid and brain tumors Brain-Psychoses-Depression Experiences physical distancing Intestinal function-Examining the Brain Nervous System Epilepsy syndrome neuromyelitis optica chamber Ideopsychanagkasmoi Depression Grief Headaches dsm v Movement disorders coprolalia Speech - Speech Infectious mononucleosis myoclonus Narcolepsy nervous dsm v and circulatory system nervous system and inflammatory arthropathies Neuro-rheumatologic dsm v diseases Neurology Neurology dsm v and Neurological Psychology incident Alzheimer dsm v disease dsm v and immune system disease WILSON and hemiballismus Nyktalopia Pain as a point of examining the patient's nightmares and their certification dsm v Homeostasis and neuropsychiatric diseases Bud palsy Parkinson dsm v TIAs About Sleep Problems Face and facial nerve disorders Sexual disorders Neuralgia Multiple dsm v Sclerosis vertebrae-cerebellar Dystrophy Cogan Syndrome Bonnet Syndrome Guillain-Barré syndrome Syndrome Klippel-Feil syndrome Prune Belly Syndrome Rett Syndrome Sturge Weber Syndrome Compartment syndrome of motor neuron body, feelings, problems The electroencephalogram (EEG) in Hanoi social profile of Alzheimer's disease The face and the "onion" The jaw "tremble" or shakes his psychiatric problem of multiple stool Toxoplasmosis and depressions Terror - Volatility Hydrocephalus and Intracranial Hypertension Overweight and Brain Sleep paralysis Sleepwalking dsm v Phobias Chorea and compulsions Psychiatric Treatment-Children dsm v and Psoriasis traumatized and nervous system
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The antiphospholipid syndrome is characterized as

'Primary' and 'secondary' antiphospholipid syndrome | Vionefrologika 'Primary' and 'Secondary' antiphospholipid syndrome - WATCH NOW MORE INFO "PROTOPATHES" AND "DEFTEROPATHES 'antiphospholipid syndrome
The antiphospholipid syndrome is characterized as "primary" when there is systemic lupus erythematosus and when patients have systemic lupus erythematosus with antiphospholipid antibodies and similar clinical manifestations, then characterized as "secondary".
In Vionefrologiki have noticed this difference primarily used to be a practice, dermatitis diagnostic and clinical "division" that will help clinicians to quickly implement the analogue treatment.
Always, however, in both cases there is the accompaniment of a neuropsychiatric disease, similar symptomatology in both cases, which is consistent in proportion to the symptoms of antiphospholipid syndrome.
There is a strong "affinity" perhaps because there is a common immune payment of virulence in both cases. However in recent years with the easy detection and diagnostic use of antiphospholipid antibodies, the whole situation now, regarding the separation between 'primary' and 'secondary' is easy.
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Surgeries and somatosensory evoked potentials Even today in neurology were used somatosensory dermatitis evoked potentials, in order to make a survey of the route of a stimulus from the periphery of the body to the brain. More ...
How important are the statistics for epileptic conditions? In Vionefrologiki there is an expertise about forty years, in terms of study and clinical examination of epileptic crisis dermatitis situations or More ...
Watching now * PHOBIAS dermatitis AND PANIC (3 of 3) * Dr.. Dimitris Kountouris has participated in numerous television shows as an expert scientific dermatitis consultant of Neurology and Psychiatry. For a full list of TV shows you can visit our channel on YouTube: Neurology Channel
Badisma Dizziness Hearing dermatitis Hashimoto dermatitis vascular events Restless legs Immunoglobulins Alzheimer Dementia Dementia and Alzheimer's Reflective demyelinating disease Ataxia Ear, Tinnitus, deafness, vertigo dermatitis Suicidality Cervical syndrome hearing loss and vibration performance enhancement of cerebral bioelectric signals and neurological disorders Mental retardation and fatal alcohol syndrome disorders gait Myelopathy-Mobility Disorders Movement disorders and speech and language disorders Panic disorders of vision: a sensory and cerebral problem dyscalculia dysgraphia Dyslexia Dystonia and Dyskinesia Bottox Dysphasia names Cerebrospinal fluid and brain tumors Brain-Psychoses-Depression Experiences physical distancing Intestinal function-Examining the Brain Nervous System Epilepsy syndrome neuromyelitis optica chamber dermatitis Ideopsychanagkasmoi Depression Grief Headaches Movement disorders coprolalia Speech - Speech Infectious mononucleosis dermatitis myoclonus Narcolepsy nervous dermatitis and circulatory system nervous system and inflammatory arthropathies Neuro-rheumatologic diseases Neurology Neurology and Neurological Psychology incident Alzheimer disease and immune system disease WILSON and hemiballismus Nyktalopia Pain as a point of examining the patient's nightmares and their certification Homeostasis and neuropsychiatric diseases Bud palsy Parkinson TIAs About Sleep Problems Face and facial nerve disorders Sexual dermatitis disorders Neuralgia Multiple Sclerosis vertebrae-cerebellar Dystrophy Cogan Syndrome Bonnet dermatitis Syndrome Guillain-Barré syndrome Syndrome Klippel-Feil syndrome Prune Belly Syndrome Rett Syndrome Sturge Weber Syndrome Compartment syndrome of motor neuron body, feelings, problems The electroencephalogram (EEG) in Hanoi social profile of Alzheimer's disease The face and the "onion" The jaw "tremble" or shakes his psychiatric problem of multiple stool Toxoplasmosis and depressions Terror - Volatility Hydrocephalus and Intracranial Hypertension Overweight and Brain Sleep paralysis Sleepwalking Phobias Chorea and compulsions Psychiatric dermatitis Treatment-Children and Psoriasis traumatized and nervous system

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Neurotalk (Nefrodialogoi) THE

Neuro-Psychiatric-Headache, antiphospholipid colitis syndrome, kidney | Vionefrologika Vionefrologika
Antiphospholipid syndrome and destruction The antiphospholipid syndrome is known to cause blood clots that all vessels of body several times to say the most in these brain More ... Antiphospholipid syndrome, seizures, renal dysfunction As we have seen at Vionefrologiki, The clinical manifestations of infection in cases of renal antiphospholipid syndrome are seizures within intense proteinuria, hypertension, renal cortical necrosis and failure More ... Headache, antiphospholipid syndrome, kidney in this combination colitis pathogenicity of various symptoms of kidney and brain have regular identification thereof, with respect to renal disorders, especially thrombosis in blood vessels of the kidneys, and severe headache colitis More ...
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Badisma Dizziness Hearing Hashimoto vascular events Restless colitis legs Immunoglobulins Alzheimer Dementia Dementia and Alzheimer's Reflective demyelinating disease Ataxia Ear, Tinnitus, deafness, vertigo Suicidality Cervical syndrome hearing loss and vibration performance enhancement of cerebral bioelectric signals and neurological disorders Mental retardation and fatal alcohol syndrome disorders gait Myelopathy-Mobility Disorders colitis Movement disorders and speech and language disorders Panic disorders of vision: a sensory and cerebral problem dyscalculia dysgraphia Dyslexia Dystonia and Dyskinesia Bottox Dysphasia names Cerebrospinal fluid and brain tumors Brain-Psychoses-Depression Experiences physical distancing Intestinal function-Examining the Brain Nervous System Epilepsy syndrome neuromyelitis optica chamber Ideopsychanagkasmoi Depression Grief Headaches Movement disorders coprolalia Speech - Speech Infectious mononucleosis myoclonus Narcolepsy nervous and circulatory system nervous system and inflammatory arthropathies Neuro-rheumatologic diseases Neurology Neurology and Neurological Psychology incident Alzheimer disease and immune system disease WILSON and hemiballismus Nyktalopia Pain as a point of examining the patient's nightmares and their certification Homeostasis and neuropsychiatric diseases Bud palsy Parkinson TIAs About Sleep Problems Face and facial colitis nerve disorders Sexual disorders Neuralgia Multiple Sclerosis vertebrae-cerebellar Dystrophy Cogan Syndrome Bonnet Syndrome Guillain-Barré syndrome Syndrome Klippel-Feil syndrome Prune Belly Syndrome Rett Syndrome Sturge Weber Syndrome Compartment syndrome of motor neuron body, feelings, problems The electroencephalogram (EEG) in Hanoi social profile of Alzheimer's disease The face and the "onion" The jaw "tremble" or shakes his psychiatric problem of multiple stool Toxoplasmosis and depressions colitis Terror - Volatility Hydrocephalus and Intracranial Hypertension Overweight and Brain Sleep paralysis Sleepwalking Phobias Chorea and compulsions Psychiatric Treatment-Children and Psoriasis traumatized and nervous system


Monday, July 14, 2014

Badisma Dizziness Hearing Hashimoto vascular events Restless legs Immunoglobulins Alzheimer Dementi

Neuro-Psychiatry-Anxiety, pregnancy, antiphospholipid syndrome | Vionefrologika Vionefrologika
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Badisma Dizziness Hearing Hashimoto vascular events Restless legs Immunoglobulins Alzheimer Dementia Dementia sedatif pc and Alzheimer's Reflective demyelinating sedatif pc disease Ataxia Ear, Tinnitus, deafness, vertigo Suicidality Cervical syndrome hearing loss and vibration performance enhancement of cerebral sedatif pc bioelectric signals and neurological disorders Mental retardation and fatal alcohol syndrome disorders gait Myelopathy-Mobility Disorders Movement disorders and speech and language disorders Panic disorders of vision: a sensory and cerebral problem dyscalculia dysgraphia Dyslexia Dystonia and Dyskinesia Bottox Dysphasia names Cerebrospinal sedatif pc fluid and brain tumors Brain-Psychoses-Depression Experiences physical distancing Intestinal function-Examining the Brain Nervous System Epilepsy syndrome neuromyelitis optica chamber Ideopsychanagkasmoi Depression Grief Headaches Movement disorders coprolalia Speech - Speech Infectious mononucleosis myoclonus Narcolepsy nervous and circulatory system nervous system and inflammatory arthropathies Neuro-rheumatologic diseases Neurology Neurology and Neurological Psychology incident Alzheimer disease and immune system disease WILSON sedatif pc and hemiballismus Nyktalopia Pain as a point of examining the patient's nightmares and their certification Homeostasis sedatif pc and neuropsychiatric diseases Bud palsy Parkinson TIAs About Sleep Problems Face and facial nerve disorders Sexual disorders Neuralgia Multiple Sclerosis vertebrae-cerebellar Dystrophy Cogan Syndrome Bonnet sedatif pc Syndrome Guillain-Barré syndrome Syndrome Klippel-Feil syndrome Prune Belly Syndrome sedatif pc Rett Syndrome Sturge Weber Syndrome Compartment syndrome of motor neuron body, feelings, problems The electroencephalogram (EEG) in Hanoi social profile of Alzheimer's disease The face and the "onion" The jaw "tremble" sedatif pc or shakes his psychiatric problem of multiple stool Toxoplasmosis and depressions Terror - Volatility Hydrocephalus and Intracranial Hypertension Overweight and Brain Sleep paralysis Sleepwalking sedatif pc Phobias Chorea and compulsions Psychiatric Treatment-Children and Psoriasis traumatized and nervous system