Saturday, January 31, 2015

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To perform a transfusion dopłodowej irradiated blood is used. It is subjected to such a treatment to protect the fetus before developing severe complications przetoczeniowego, which is graft versus host disease.
Studies have shown that irradiated erythrocytes fulfill their function in the body of the recipient, but the process of irradiation shortens their expiry date of 28 days from the date of download. Irradiation can be given only the blood that has not been stored for more than 14 days.
Due to the high concentration of potassium in the concentrate irradiated red blood cells for transfusion, perinatal preparations should not be older than 5 days and irradiated prior to transfusion. The expiry date for the preparation dopłopowej transfusion is only 8 hours!
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MENU: Home About the saying goes - Allergies - Pain - Diabetes - Cholesterol - Depression - Influenza - Neoplasms - Colds - Heart - Poisoning - Free radicals - Overweight Diseases - osteoarticular system - Circulatory system - Respiratory system - Civilization diseases - Diseases infectious - Digestive System - Nervous system - The endocrine system - the immune system - Reproductive System - Muscular system - Urinary system - Diseases of teeth - Skin Diseases - Eye Diseases - Mental piles illness - Genetic Disorders - Ear Diseases Nutrition - Nutrition Policy - In the kitchen - Vitamins - Minerals piles - GMOs - Zodiac on a plate - Recipes Diets - Weight Loss - Diet - Cleansing the body - Fruits and vegetables - Diet in disease Lifestyle - Stress - Relaxation - Sleep - Physical activity - Addictions Smoking Beauty - Hair - Body - Face - Hands - Feet Family Health - First Aid - Children piles - Female ailments - A man in need - Senior - Care for the sick - What to do when Herb - Polish Herbs - Herbs Andean and Amazonian - Herbs others - Expert Advice - General Prevention - Testing - Tests - Vaccination Experts piles - Specialties - Interviews treatments and therapies - Therapies - spas and sanatoriums - Anatomy Treatments Directory - Patient Rights - Health and Law Tips - Tips Cooking - Household Tips - Legal Advice - Tips - Interesting Interviews News Ask the doctor
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Serological conflict otherwise hemolytic disease of newborn (morbus haemolyticus neonatorum). It is caused by fetal blood group incompatibility with the mother's blood group. In the first pregnancy is generally not a serious, but in the following - already so.
Conflict piles brings the danger of fetal hemolytic anemia in utero fetal death or birth of a child with severe post-natal jaundice, enlarged liver and spleen. Therefore, already planning to become piles pregnant, parents piles should know their blood group. This allows you to predict the risk of conflict.
The human population is dominated people (there are 85 per cent.), Who are at the D antigen, or Rh. Their blood is labeled Rh +. The remaining blood (ie, at 15 per cent.) There is no Rh factor, which expresses the determination piles of Rh-negative blood type with.
For there to be a conflict, the mother of the child must be blood group Rh negative and the father - the positive and the child must inherit piles the blood just after it. Although it is not a rule, it is most often the case. In 60 per cent. cases, the fetus inherits his father's Rh factor. In this case, the mother's circulation enters the "positive" cells child. This causes a reaction from the mother's immune system, which begins to produce antibodies destroy fetal blood cells seen by the maternal immune system as foreign.
The first child born out of conflict is usually safe - "mixing" blood of the mother and child, thus launching the production of antibodies, it happens mostly during labor when the placenta separates from the uterine wall. But it can also occur during a miscarriage, abruption, placenta, intrauterine procedures performed in diagnostic or therapeutic piles purposes, as well as at the end of pregnancy, shortly before piles birth. To the resulting antibody to the mother must penetrate at least 0.2 ml of fetal blood.
In such cases, during pregnancy and subsequent child inheriting his father's Rh +, the antibodies produced in the mother's body to activate. Enter the bloodstream through the placenta to the fetus and damage the red blood cells. piles In less severe cases, it causes slight anemia, and serious - even the death of the unborn child or severe jaundice postpartum with an enlarged piles liver and spleen.
Every expectant mother to the 12th week of pregnancy piles should be marked with blood group and Rh factor (if Rh) levels of antibodies attacking the red blood cells of the fetus. In addition to routine checks every pregnant woman with Rh-negative blood should examine for the presence of antibodies in the plasma. Antibody levels must be under constant scrutiny. For this purpose, additional tests at 28, 32 and 36 weeks of pregnancy. Every 2-3 weeks should also perform an ultrasound piles to check how serological piles conflict

Friday, January 30, 2015

Monika A conflict occurs egf when the serological mother has Rh factor Rh + and the father and the

Serological conflict I have a question concerning the conflict egf of blood. Currently I am in the 17th week of pregnancy. My partner has a blood group 0 Rh + I while ARh-. Is my doctor should arrange for me to do additional testing ?? When chciaam give blood group health card she said that is not necessary.
Monika A conflict occurs egf when the serological mother has Rh factor Rh + and the father and the child will inherit his father's Rh + and the mother produces przeciwciaa. Serological conflict arises when a woman with Rh-negative blood stream Get a "positive" cells of the child. Then lay out the immune mother finds fetal blood cells as "foreign" (like the bacteria that penetrate up from outside the body), egf and treat them like an intruder. egf Begin to produce a przeciwciaa that the child will niszczyy cells. However, this case is not concerned with the first pregnancy, because "mixing" the blood of mother and child, thus launching the production of antibodies, it is possible only in childbirth when oysko separated on the wall uterus. In women Ciarán Rh factor should examine the blood on the presence of antibodies in the plasma. The first in the 12th week of pregnancy. If you control a przeciwciaa occurs regularly every 4 weeks, if they do not exist - re control must be performed between 28 and 30 weeks of pregnancy. Blood is a very important study ciyi so the result should be a tab or doczony pregnancy to her. If your doctor does not arrange egf for measuring the level of antibodies please ask or not to perform odpatnie (if you have that possibility). Yours sincerely
Comment on Conflict of serological
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Alternatives to Conflict Conflict HIV serologic gynecologist Tips'm at 10 weeks pregnancy. The father of my child is Rh negative groups 0 and I have A Rh positive. Is there a conflict of HIV? What is non-compliance serological? more
Body of Conflict HIV and another body I have Rh blood group A Rh + am A, we have a three-year CRK, which he has become is minuses groups. We are trying for a second child, but she said to me ebym friend was waiting for five years because she has three daughters 27 years, 22 years and 19 years. more
Body of Conflict HIV causes a miscarriage? Three month ago miscarriage in the 18th week of pregnancy. Two years ago a miscarriage in the 8th week of pregnancy. I'm 39 years of age. After a miscarriage two years ago did not receive an injection on przeciwciaa more
Cia serological incompatibilities egf and hidden miscarriage When Byam niepenoletnia to hurt in those dble spontaneously after a few weeks of miscarriage (my blood group is 0 Rh-negative and your partner know e bya its positive). more
Cia What sposb przewlekych diseases of birth? I'm at 33 weeks of pregnancy. Be sick for a few Chorba ie. The reactive hypoglycemia, asthma, kidney egf stones, reflux and hypothyroidism thyroid odkowy. more
Newborn baby's blood group - other than rodzicw? My brother has it, which he has become dwjk gave birth to children and one kade has a zero blood groats. Because it says it is, and it is normal after the injection (immunoglobulin anti-D) egf after birth. more
Cia Cia after administration of anti spnionym D Chciaabym egf ask how large is the importance of timing of administration of anti-D immunoglobulin? I read everywhere that up to 72 hours. Unfortunately, I j miaam about which week after miscarriage identified, due to the fact that not just in the hospital ... more
Personality and emotions Respect key to success egf What is the meaning of our lives is to respect? How to play a role in the conflicts between Ludmila? Is it possible conflict zaegna okazujc respect your opponent? more
Solving Conflict Literature konfliktw most of us associate a negative. Conflicts are unpleasant, and denerwujce mczce not only of people who participate in them taking, but also for the environment. Aggression breeds aggression - for konfliktww company ... more
Zwizki In maestwie have to put up Ktnie KCI does not belong to the pleasant, zwaszcza, if a touch kochajcych two people. However, fall into an frequent conflicts in connection unfortunately does not belong to rzadkoci. more
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After two months of burial Theresa was in a subsequent vardenafil pregnancy. I looked and looked fo

The first two I was born "by the book" of the time, of course, everything ok. I went to the doctor who did the basic tests: urine, blood cell count, blood glucose curve and 3 ultrasound during the entire pregnancy and is everything. She was nice nice I was feeling ok so what more could you want. However, 3 of pregnancy had an opportunity change physician who served all the research for free so I strayed. All went well until 16 weeks of pregnancy when I got a referral for testing antibodies. I was surprised this study but it had to be done. Test result: 16 in the system called Kell. I immediately phoned the clinic what to do with the result. I heard a quiet, nothing happens can agree to come to visit for three weeks or at 19 weeks of gestation. vardenafil Already I felt that something is wrong in my stomach like a "przewalało" already vardenafil felt the first movements in the 17th week, and then they stopped and nothing. About all the anxieties I told the doctor asking me for an ultrasound vardenafil sold but said there is no need for that because the study all is well. Results will observe and control and for three weeks to come we'll Half. Well there I was left with nothing but adapt to it. But the anxiety I felt that something is still wrong. In the end it was my 3 pregnancies at short intervals (3 year old daughter and my son was 8 months as I got in 3 pregnancies), so I already knew this state. At the end of a 20-week hospital volunteered that he was not a little movement at the beginning of treated me like a crazy woman who panics due to lack of movement at 20 weeks !! But what they did not have other choice I had to explore and do ultrasound and then zong !!! It was all old daughter was dead. I was admitted vardenafil to the department in order of birth. All this horror lasted four days was receiving tablets, injections, suppositories for induction of labor. My body is long defended before an early delivery because the study was great no bleeding, neck closed. Everything as it should be ... so to all physicians in the study thought. Teresa was born vaginally at 21 weeks weighs 250g and 18cm long for me was pretty ... .Opis as received was "the death of unknown origin," the doctor said the causes of thousands of genetic defect can ... there is nothing to worry happens. We have two wonderful, parka enough .... (What is shallow vardenafil talk). vardenafil After returning home, I started to drill down I knew, I felt that here something has to be with these antibodies ....
After two months of burial Theresa was in a subsequent vardenafil pregnancy. I looked and looked for znazłam. At 7 weeks pregnant, I called (to this day I can not tell you how to find and found a phone number) of the specific unit dealing with conflict vardenafil serological called I told my story of Teresa (unless you talked to 20 min), the lady was very nice and friendly and she guided me to Institute of hematology and blood transfusion in Warsaw. She handed vardenafil the phone number name of the doctor etc. In 9 weeks pregnant I appeared in Dr. Kopec - hematologist pregnant women. I needed confirmation vardenafil of what she figured. So first child, a daughter inherited her dad and K antigen, ie K + and K- second child, son or my antigen. It is known that during childbirth is simply not possible that the blood of the mother is not united with the blood of the child and that there was a conflict 0,01ml enough blood.
I have thick blood Arh (-) so of course postpartum blood examined to see if it need to give me anti-D immunoglobulins because there is no other course ... everything was ok. Returning to Dr. Theresa Kopec 99% confirmed vardenafil the cause of death of the Kell antigen was. Now I can just keep guessing ... .gdyby doctor to guide the clinic if I had already started to look for ... Now nothing will change. It was another life and not have to fight. At 9 weeks of pregnancy results vardenafil showed 512 antibody titer. It's vardenafil no foregone conclusions called for after the birth goes up (explained it to me but I can not remember why) far too early to say anything pregnancy. I've done every 2 weeks for antibody testing at the institute, and from 16 weeks I was directed to the Infant Jesus Hospital Clinic of Obstetrics Starynkiewicza Square in Warsaw, to the clinic on ultrasound. Everything was ok then. In the 18 week follow-up testing (titer can not remember what it was but ultrasound vardenafil remember for a lifetime: a critical condition swelling of the head and body. I was stopped on the branch for the purpose of blood transfusion or transfusion dopłodowej child. As I still remember it was a Wednesday November 10th. They ordered blood and on Friday vardenafil we are in. The case was obvious if you do not try to roll a son die. Theoretically transfusions can be performed from 21 weeks of age that I lowered the threshold to 18 weeks. The risk of complications is high puncture the bladder, the heart of a child will not stand etc ... But I managed to Dr. Peter Wegrzyn (super doctor, precision to perfection) drove to the umbilical cord with a thickness of 3 mm needle and rolled 1mm thick blood. Hemoglobin son p

Thursday, January 29, 2015 Cakes rules

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I am in the first trimester of pregnancy. My blood type is Rh negative, and my husband is Rh positive. I am afraid that we are threatened serological conflict. Can I avoid the danger? Zosia For now it's just a statement of conflict. A conflict occurs when blood Rh negative pregnant appear anti-Rh, and the fetus inherited vaccinations his father's Rh positive blood group. The antibodies are created when blood enters have about 0.2 mL of blood the infant, for example. In childbirth. In fact, antibodies threaten a subsequent pregnancy (if the child is Rh positive blood cells). To prevent the formation of, within 72 hours after the birth of Rh negative mothers who give birth to a child with Rh plus neutralizing immunoglobulin is administered to the child's blood cells. dr. med. Renata Jaczyńska specialist obstetrician gynecologist
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Wednesday, January 28, 2015 What is AIMPN disease; as often occurs and how it is diagnosed? prof.

Home> Uncategorized> Conflict HIV and alloimmune thrombocytopenia fetuses and newborns (AIMP / N) - interview with prof. Conflict Brojer Eve serological and allo thrombocytopenia in fetuses and neonates (AIMP / N) - interview with prof. Eve Brojer Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion researching dermatologist alloimmune thrombocytopenia fetuses and newborns (AIMPN) dermatologist in Poland, which is AIMPN and what is it about the study? prof. Assoc. n. med. Ewa Brojer: alloimmune thrombocytopenia research on fetuses dermatologist and newborns (AIMPN) are conducted by the Department of Immunology and Hematology Transfuzjologicznej Institute of Haematology and Transfusion (IHiT) together with the University of Tromso (Norway), under a grant from the Programme by the Polish -Norweskkiej Research Cooperation, conducted by the National Research and Development Centre of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014. Grant is dedicated to maternal-płodowemu conflict in terms of HPA-1a antigen dermatologist plates, which may be a consequence of this dangerous disease of the fetus or newborn. University of Tromso, like the Department of Immunology has many years of experience of working on platelet conflicts. Our team conducted this research since the 80's. Led them to Professor Barbara Żupańska, which is now retired. The grant team work while her closest collaborators dermatologist - Professor. Krystyna Buttermilk, Dr. Malgorzata Uhrynowska and Dr. Catherine tumor. From the gynecological and obstetric work from the beginning of prof. Romuald Dębski and Dr. Marzena Dębska of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the hospital Bielański dermatologist CMKP. The fact that the two teams - Norwegian and Polish have years of experience in the development of AIMPN will be important to achieve this prestigious grant. Returning to AIMPN. AIMPN is the result of a conflict of maternal -płodowego on platelets. Platelet conflict is somewhat analogous to the well-known Rh (this leads to anemia - hemolytic disease of the fetus / newborn - because the antibodies are directed to the red blood cells). Platelet conflict, in contrast to the conflict for red cell antigens may occur in the first pregnancy. The conflict in the antigens HPA-1 (from the Human Platelet Antigens dermatologist called), we are dealing with is the most common (more than 85% of conflict concerns the antigen) and heaviest in terms of clinical implications, conflict plate.
The aim of the project dermatologist is to develop and implement dermatologist methods of identifying women who do not have HPA1a antigen (HPA-1BB are - that HPA1a negative) and are at risk of the development of antibodies dermatologist to the antigen if the fetus had inherited it from his father. In these women will do diagnostic tests: appearance and concentration of anti HPA-1a and non-invasive test for the presence of fetal antigen HPA1a based on the analysis of fetal DNA in maternal plasma. Women with antibodies will be treated. In women HPA1bb will analyze known and probable biomarkers, to anticipate production of antibodies by the mother and the occurrence of thrombocytopenia in the fetus / child. Our observations allow us to standardize the diagnosis and management of women at risk of conflict in the HPA-1a. An important result of the project will be the creation of a biobank samples analyzed women. The collected samples will be used for future analysis of cellular mechanisms of the immune response in women with conflict HPA-1a. What is AIMPN disease; as often occurs and how it is diagnosed? prof. Assoc. n. med. Ewa Brojer: AIMPN prevalence of 1/1000 - 2000 live births. Its clinical course varies from petechiae and stroke occurrence, including intracranial hemorrhage leading dermatologist to fetal death or severe neurological sequelae such as mental retardation, cerebral palsy, dermatologist cortical blindness, seizures. The incidence of CNS hemorrhage caused AIMPN estimated at approx. 1:12 500. The nozzle of a full-term, well-developing disease of the newborn is often quite unexpected - a healthy mother runs properly pregnancy and gives birth to a child with spout. The nozzle can be attributed to errors in prowadzniu birth, and low platelet interpreted as a consequence, not a cause of stroke. In about 1/3 of the cases, despite the existence of a conflict and the presence of antibodies child has no clinical symptoms. AIMPN is a self-limiting disease - although the number of platelet-born child could fall even after the birth for a few days - normalization of platelet counts in untreated children most often occurs within a few days. It is important, however, that women who have experienced conflict fetal platelet dermatologist disease generally repeated in a subsequent pregnancy, unless another child does not inherit from the father dermatologist of the antigen, which

During the first pregnancy conflict is very rare, for the simple reason that there is no maternal a

In the last entry could very generally read what serological conflict. Information on our blood group and partner, is needed when we start trying for a baby. If our blood types are compatible, there is no risk of conflict. The problem arises when a woman has Rh blood factor astigmatismo (no Rh), and her partner Rh + (dominant factor). If, during childbirth, miscarriage or bleeding baby's blood enters the mother's bloodstream, the body will make antibodies to that factor. Therefore, it is important to check the blood group of future parents. But in the case of non-compliance does not have to worry, because doctors have found a way how to deal with conflict serological.
Clarifying, a conflict occurs when a child inherits the father's astigmatismo Rh (or Rh +) and penetrate into the blood during fetal life to the woman's blood. Most often the moment of mixing blood of the mother and child's birth or miscarriage. astigmatismo This causes an immune response (associated with the immune system) of the mother. It involves the production of antibodies against the blood of the unborn astigmatismo child. Mixing the blood causes the blood stream enters the mother's blood Rh antigens. The mother of the child is considered as a foreign body and starts to destroy it.
During the first pregnancy conflict is very rare, for the simple reason that there is no maternal antibodies produced. The problem arises when a woman becomes pregnant again and the baby will inherit a Rh-positive blood. astigmatismo Antibodies penetrating through the placenta, fetal red blood cells attack, causing anemia fetal brain damage, hypoxia, edema or death of the fetus. Besides, it can lead to the most serious complication, which is abortion.
Modern medicine is not helpless. Serological conflict can be countered, you just have to know beforehand that it can be reached. That is why I stress again, study, study and study again. After finding a negative Rh doctors use dual therapy. Between 28 and 34 weeks of gestation given anti-D immunoglobulin. It works in two ways: by binding to fetal blood cells, astigmatismo accelerates the elimination from the circulation we have (before they stimulate the female body to produce antibodies), which blocks the production of antibodies more. Any woman who has a conflict of HIV, at least 72 hours. Postpartum should get an injection of anti-D immunoglobulin. Giving it saves the health (and sometimes life) that we have the next child! Injection, however, has only to give a sense of the antibodies. After 72 hours is called. mustard after dinner. Immunoglobulin administration during the first pregnancy, saves the life of a second astigmatismo child often.
Serological conflict around the many myths, explain why it is worth it. the most important astigmatismo test is the mother's blood group. If the Rh factor is negative only when blood is important father (also if it is negative there is no risk of conflict). Reply Delete
Unfortunately, astigmatismo many expectant parents still downplays the problem and simply does not check blood group. And yet so little is needed to eliminate the risk of birth defects or fetal death. Reply Delete
Paulina Beluch - psychologist, psychotherapist, specializing in perinatal psychology. Recreational athlete with zamiłowania- rollers, ski, bike, fitness, swimming, horseback riding are not alien to me. Moreover, satisfied and happy woman.
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Tuesday, January 27, 2015 stages of pregnancy

Beauty Fashion Life Health stages of pregnancy Diet Fitness celebrities Recipes stages of pregnancy How to Know How Forum Forum Sites In Two Video Featured Home Family Sex Horoscope Culture Travel Finance The work Questions stages of pregnancy and answers Moto women Pregnancy Childbirth Baby Little kid Teens Parents Book of Names Pregnancy Week by Week Pregnancy stages of pregnancy Test Tips gynecologist
It would not be a problem if everyone had the same blood group and Rh factor. But it is not. The child inherits it, like his other qualities, his parents. His blood can be so similar to the blood we have or dad. These differences reflect the markings: A, B, AB, 0 and Rh +, Rh. On this basis, talk about the compatibility between the two groups. But even small differences can make a big difference. What does this mean in practice? The fact that the blood can not be mixed together. The organism is protected against this in two ways. On the one hand, the red blood cells are substances called antigens, which - when gets into the bloodstream of another group of people - trigger an alert in the defense system. On the other - in plasma natural antibodies prepared stages of pregnancy to recognize and combat foreign cells derived from the groups. Activation of the "security" is especially important during pregnancy, when the mother and child blood adjacent stages of pregnancy to each other through the placenta, and sometimes a little mixed. Usually do not cause any effects. Sometimes, however, blood characteristics differ enough that it may be a strong defensive reaction, known as serological conflict. 1. Conflict of HIV - when it occurs? This is possible only when called. -conflict setting. It is said of him, when a woman whose blood lacks the Rh factor (Rh), is expecting a baby with Rh + (inherited from the father), and with some differences within groups A, B, AB and 0. The mere presence of incompatibility between the blood we have and the child is not synonymous with the advent of serological conflict. stages of pregnancy To him there, the immune system to produce antibodies woman has that would be able to attack the child's blood cells. This is possible only when penetrate into the bloodstream. Most often they get there during stages of pregnancy childbirth, miscarriage, abortion or some treatments, such as amniocentesis. 2. Conflict stages of pregnancy HIV - what is? The mechanism of serological conflict is similar to defend against viruses. This leads to the formation of immunity to facilitate eradication of the enemy. However, while in the case of pathogens has a beneficial effect, it is okay with serological stages of pregnancy conflict, because the disease causes the child. New antibodies that result from the first contact with an alien blood, do not die. For many years, waiting to start when the opportunity stages of pregnancy arises. It comes with the next pregnancy, if repeated the same blood type incompatibility between mother and child. 3. Conflict of HIV - why cells die child? When re-contact with the same blood, the immune system reacts women with increased stages of pregnancy force. Not only attacks stages of pregnancy the enemy molecules (antigens), but the whole red blood cells. In addition to those that got into her body, fights or blood cells in the bloodstream of the child. This is possible because the new antibodies are much smaller than the naturally occurring plasma. So they can easily pass through the placenta into the bloodstream of the infant. This defensive attack leads to hemolytic disease of the child, which may occur before birth or after birth. Depending on the severity revealed anemia or jaundice. Fortunately, you can prevent this!
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Monday, January 26, 2015


No, in case there is no Pastwa serological conflict.
Serological cluster headaches conflict can walk where there is a mismatch between the child's parents, serotype. When the future mother has Rh negative blood group and Rh positive baby's father is said to the existence of the so-called. serological mismatch. Serological conflict occurs when a child inherits his father and his Rh blood cells during pregnancy penetrated into the bloodstream of the mother. This situation occurs most frequently during childbirth, miscarriage, unstick a oyska, wewntrzmacicznych procedures performed in diagnostic or therapeutic purposes, as well as at the end of pregnancy, shortly before birth. Then the mother begins to produce przeciwciaa against fetal blood cells. cluster headaches Threat related to the serological cluster headaches conflict can very significantly reduce anti-D immunoglobulin podajc
Wednesday | 1 Pa 14, 10:24
Re: Hello we Conflict HIV serological conflict nism blood group I 0- m A +. We have one child, a son born in 8 month of the fetal heart rate due zanikajcego. Miaam CC in the chair. 5.20. And the chair. Miaam 8.00 second cesarean section because of bleeding wewntrznego.Syn got sick I was born a pknite jelitko had the space of two places. Mia wyonion stomi ... more
Re: Conflict Omykowo marked serological blood group I ARh plus and after the loss of pregnancy does not get antibodies. It turned cluster headaches Then in August that I have blood groups cluster headaches ARh minus (confirmed on several occasions). I am currently 14 weeks pregnancy. M has ARh groups plus. Is Threatening us serological conflict? Can I in as you protect?
Re: Conflict serologic I have a question I changed regulon tablet on which the stronger novynette on sabsze mj gynecologist said I normally do with 7 days off. Right at the beginning of this amendment did not use additional protection now I'm horrified because apparently not by such a change does break. Can I order a pregnancy ??
Re: Conflict serological child's father has blood group 0RH plus and I have a B Rh serological cluster headaches minus.Czy there is a conflict? I wonder if you have both of my rodzicw Both the dad and mom in May a group of Rh positive blood type B is why I have a B Rh negative. whether it is possible that arrive to the wrong person in the study ??
Re: Re: Conflict HIV Certainly not occur ... my parents pomyka These have both blood group plus, and I have 0RH minus, of whether cluster headaches to do so in an ectopic, and only p I wytumaczy her doctor after surgery are removed fallopian tube that is divided into Rh D mae and large D if D mae father's and the mother has a baby due D mae D inherits giving negative blood group ... complicated
Re: I have a question serological conflict, I have blood group A Rh negative and my partner has a thick blood type AB Rh positive if there is a possibility of serological conflict can they play? please answer.
Similar to the Body of Conflict Conflict HIV serologic I have a question concerning the conflict of blood. Currently I am in the 17th week of pregnancy. Mj partner has blood group 0 Rh + I while ARh-. more
Body of Conflict HIV and another body I have Rh blood group A Rh + am A, we have a three-year CRK, which he has become is minuses groups. We are trying for a second child, but she said to me ebym friend was waiting for five years because she has three daughters 27 years, 22 years and 19 years. more
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Cia serological incompatibilities and hidden miscarriage When Byam niepenoletnia to hurt in those dble spontaneously cluster headaches after a few weeks of miscarriage (my blood group is 0 Rh-negative and your partner know e bya its positive). more
Cia What sposb przewlekych diseases of birth? I'm at 33 weeks of pregnancy. Be sick for a few Chorba ie. The reactive hypoglycemia, asthma, kidney stones, reflux and hypothyroidism thyroid odkowy. more
Newborn baby's blood group - other than rodzicw? My brother has it, which he has become dwjk gave birth to children and one kade has a zero blood groats. Because it says it is, and it is normal after the injection (immunoglobulin anti-D) after birth. more
Cia Cia after administration of anti spnionym D Chciaabym ask how large is the importance of timing of administration of anti-D immunoglobulin? I read everywhere that up to 72 hours. Unfortunately, cluster headaches I j miaam about which week after miscarriage identified, due to the fact that not just in the hospital ... more
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Solving Conflict Literature konfliktw most of us associate a negative. Conflicts cluster headaches are unpleasant

The conflict serological say in a situation in which the body produces antibodies acute myeloid leu

Nowadays, there is serological conflict as often as before. However, due to the development of conflict prevention its negative effects on the fetus already appear very rarely. It's fair to say that the consequences of the conflict serological dealing only in those cases in which the obstetrician sees a woman for the first time on the day of birth.
The conflict serological say in a situation in which the body produces antibodies acute myeloid leukemia to fight maternal fetal blood cells. This is due to the presence of the so-called. antigens on fetal blood cells, acute myeloid leukemia absent from the maternal blood cells. Mother as a result of immunization (contact with a foreign antigen) antibody production begins. This applies both to the Rh factor (the most popular) or any other blood group system (ABO, Kell, Duffny etc.).
The hemolytic disease we say in a situation where there is a contact of antibodies produced as a result of the conflict in maternal acute myeloid leukemia blood of fetal blood cells. The disease affects only the fetus and the mother is asymptomatic.
There are three clinical forms of hemolytic disease of the newborn: Generalized edema of the fetus - it is the hardest form, characterized by swelling acute myeloid leukemia of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which may be accompanied by petechiae. This form is subject acute myeloid leukemia to a high rate of intrauterine obumarć. It is found very rarely now - thanks to effective prevention. Severe hemolytic jaundice - in the newborn in the first days of life after birth, symptoms of jaundice. If it is not taken immediate treatment, may be exceeded the limit of bilirubin in the blood and as a result - the child's brain damage. Again, this form of the disease is extremely rare. Severe degree of anemia (anemia) - This form occurs more frequently than those mentioned acute myeloid leukemia above, but it is a milder version acute myeloid leukemia of the disease. Symptoms are characteristic of anemia. The child is pale, has enlarged liver and spleen. May exhibit characteristics of dyspnea (movements nostrils during breathing, wheezing, retraction intercostal acute myeloid leukemia space).
The disease is generally not observed during the first pregnancy. However, in the first child during childbirth a transition w / w of antigens from the fetal blood into the mother's blood and antibody production occurs. At the next pregnancy antibodies are already present in maternal blood (IgG), so can pass through the placenta acute myeloid leukemia and damage the cells of the fetus. Number of hemolytic disease depends primarily on the amount of immunoglobulin produced by the mother and from the stage of pregnancy, in which a transition antibodies. The earlier the fetal cells are damaged, the worse the prognosis. In contrast, cases of hemolytic disease starting in late pregnancy are generally far milder course.
Women during pregnancy remain under medical supervision, making the standard procedures and regular gynecological examinations should not be afraid of the negative consequences of the conflict serological fetus. The frequency with which it comes into the presence of non-compliance, it is currently estimated at about 20% - 24%. In every tenth pregnancy incompatibility comes to the development acute myeloid leukemia of the conflict. This represents approximately 2% of all pregnancy.
These women, who have not made the sign of blood group, acute myeloid leukemia Rh factor, or antibody levels before pregnancy, should have done this kind of diagnosis in the first trimester of pregnancy. In women with Rh-negative blood group antibody level test is repeated at 28 weeks of pregnancy. This study aims to determine whether during pregnancy, there was no seroconversion, ie the production of antibodies by the mother's acute myeloid leukemia body. Women diagnosed with the presence of antibodies against the fetal blood cells should be repeated at intervals of four studies (28, 32, 36) to assess the titer (level) antibodies. In addition, it is suggested to carry out regular ultrasound for possibly emerging fetal hemolytic disease symptoms. acute myeloid leukemia This gives the possibility of an early statement of changes and to take effective action. In order to recognize the disease in some women inspections performed under ultrasound umbilical vein puncture and blood download acute myeloid leukemia it for testing. acute myeloid leukemia Subsequently, the material evaluated for the presence of Rh and maternal antibodies destroy fetal cells.
In the treatment of serological conflict strive to remove acute myeloid leukemia excess bilirubin (created in the process acute myeloid leukemia of destruction of red blood cells); removal of circulating antibodies from the blood of the fetus (those that arose in maternal blood and crossed the placenta); alignment blood morphological parameters (hemoglobin, red blood cells); insensitive to the administration Matcze

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Modern medicine knows how to give birth to deal with such a conflict, in the beginning, however, do

Everyone has a specific group of krwi- A, B, AB, or O. However, kare it is not the only possibility of differentiating each of us, in some people there is a D antigen, in others it does not occur at all. D antigen commonly called the Rh factor. People who are at Rh is defined as Rh, and those in which there is no Rh. People with Rh factor kare are a minority and account for about 15% of the population, serological conflict relates only to mothers with such a factor. kare
If there is blood in the mother's Rh factor, and in his father's Rh +, can lead to conflict serological. In this situation, the body sees her future mother her child as something foreign and attacks them with antibodies. Fortunately, thanks to the numerous studies we know more and more about it and it's not dangerous if you react to it in advance.
Modern medicine knows how to give birth to deal with such a conflict, in the beginning, however, doctors try to prevent its occurrence. For this purpose, kare the marked coefficient kare women RH- given an injection of anti-D immunoglobulin is produced from the blood and prevents the production of antibodies in the mother's body endangering the child. kare In this way destroys the cells that have migrated into the bloodstream of the fetus and the mother fights a sensitizer. kare The effectiveness of this method is 99%.
When a special blood test shows the presence of anti D in the blood of a woman should be under constant kare medical supervision. Antibody levels must be monitored regularly, every 2-3 weeks additionally performs an ultrasound to check the baby's development. If antibody levels are low, the risk is small. But when the antibody is so much that threaten the safety of the child's doctor may decide to earlier kare termination of pregnancy, blood transfusion, or take in a child. In a few cases does it happen that a transfusion was necessary even before birth, but such an operation is also possible. Penetration of anti D the placenta increases in 16-18 weeks of gestation, and the largest is in the third trimester pregnancy because a conflict should be completed in 37 or 38 weeks gestation.
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Sunday, January 4, 2015

During the occupation, supach Germany hanged or shot list hanged. If someone on the list does not b

A wic me no one apologized for everything that had happened? Nobody will tumaczy, EMG wymyli better? Nobody can tell me: Malestwo, jake up bravely trzymao! No one will admit to me the coin than pat on the shoulder? MPJ
Staww rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, inflammatory disease immunologically Zalen Devices A tissue-exclusive, charakteryzujc up nonspecific, symmetrical arthritis staww, guillain barre syndrome their occurrence guillain barre syndrome changes guillain barre syndrome pozastawowychi ukadowych complications, resulting in an disabled-nosprawnoci, disability and premature death.
- Rheumatoid nodules, podskrne - najczciejw around staww okciowychi forearms erect, hard, painless, zronitez substrate, sometimes along CIGNA Achilles, on the occiput and the surrounding area poladkw;
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During the occupation, supach Germany hanged or shot list hanged. If someone on the list does not byo mogo this means that s. What is not on your list? It is a sad question, and the compare, but when it reads out ... at least I do, I try a proper insight into what is not. Yours Osho713

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Tags: autoimmune diseases, neurological diseases, diagnosis and treatment of myasthenia gravis, Imu

That, however, did not expect! The Ministry of Health has made me a nice surprise today and answered a letter addressed to Them on Imuran drug reimbursement clarification on one of autoimmune diseases which is myasthenia. Doubted that I get the answer - a letter sent in May, in August I received an explanation asperger syndrome from the National Health Fund, and I thought that at this end and here, in September surprise - Ministry of Health did not forget about me! I wrote to you about my problems asperger syndrome with the discharge of the drug Imuran for a lump sum - in April physician specialist outpatient treatment of myasthenia gravis implemented Imuran me, wrote him a prescription for a lump sum but only one package, and no further information for the GP that the drug is reimbursed. However, neither asperger syndrome the primary care physician or a local neurologist not having such a wide range of medical knowledge as a specialist in myasthenia gravis, they did not want me to write on this drug as a lump sum by. their knowledge and current list of reimbursed drugs list was not a drug associated with myasthenia gravis and record existing in the off-label indications covered by the refund "autoimmune diseases asperger syndrome other than those specified in the SPC" - they did not say anything, did not know what under this heading is hidden, what disease or myasthenia gravis is included there. They preferred not to risk it and do not write in. Even neurologists during my last stay in the hospital asperger syndrome firmly said that Imuran (over which debated whether to include it now to the end of my treatment miastenicznym), a provision for 100% me a fee - if I had not provided them with explanations NFZ in that case ( that is, it would be for them if need be "washer"). Ministry of Health - Department of Pharmacy Drug Policy and explains (quote fragment w / in reply): "... on the day of July 1, 2014 containing medicinal products in the composition of azathioprine are the beneficiaries: - free of charge (B) in the indication: malignant or - lump-sum payment (R) - all approved indications at the date of the decision (Section 4.1 of the SPC) and pozarejestracyjnych indications: inflammatory bowel disease other than autoimmune disorder - children up to 18 years of age IgA nephropathy other than autoimmune disorder - in children to 18 years of age; vasculitis asperger syndrome other than autoimmune disorder - in children under the age of 18 autoimmune diseases other than those specified in the SPC, the state of the limb transplant, corneal tissues and cells; Sarcoidosis, Interstitial pneumonia - in cases other than those listed in CHPL; granulomatous asperger syndrome lung disease - in cases other than those mentioned in CHPL. " Most important: "Because the notice on the reimbursement list does not specify what the patient's asperger syndrome autoimmune diseases are eligible to obtain drugs containing Azathioprine for the lump-sum asperger syndrome payment, the Department of Pharmacy asperger syndrome Drug Policy and in accordance with the opinion of the Professor Danuta Ryglewicz, National Consultant ds.Neurologii, is of the opinion documented that all of autoimmune diseases (including myasthenia gravis), located in the indications for a refund. Furthermore, there is no need to quote evidence of autoimmune diseases substrate which, according to medical asperger syndrome knowledge are recognized as a disease resulting from autoimmunity. " Thus ended the matter Imuranu, everything was explained himself. Doctors can easily introduce me to this drug for treatment. Does it give it remains to be seen - as they said neurologists from the hospital - where half-yearly steroids will not bring satisfactory results - so, if everything will be fine do not see the need for implementation by me so. have a strong drug. Another thing that will tell my specialist from the Clinic of myasthenia gravis, as it will address the whole thing, or will not claim that I used not to its recommendations and use Imuranu (but it's not my fault only with her), which in general will say to my current treatment and the fact that I had a breakthrough myasthenic? About this I will find out in late October - only then I owe her a visit, after 5 months - this is the treatment of distance has just ...
Tags: autoimmune diseases, neurological diseases, diagnosis and treatment of myasthenia gravis, Imuran, treatment and medication in myasthenia gravis, drugs used in myasthenia, myasthenia gravis, myasthenia-treatment
Hi Alu I wrote you an email already on that very strange're treated by doctors. My primary care doctor in rd never had a problem with my discharge medications. He knows very well that Encorton, azathioprine are miasteników fixed rate. A year ago, as I began treatment immunosupresujne, after leaving the hospital, asperger syndrome I had only an excerpt, and on this basis printed ryczałt.Dopiero drugs after about 5 months, I received five recommendations from the doctor with Muscle Diseases Clinic. My doctor neurologist at each visit, setting another date tells me that if something bad happens I have to call. As I read as

Friday, January 2, 2015

Home RA - Rheumatoid Arthritis Inflammation of the history of my illness Diet Therapy Dr.Gersona Dr

Home RA - Rheumatoid Arthritis Inflammation of the history of my illness Diet Therapy Dr.Gersona Dr.Ewy Dabrowska Bircher-Benner Diet Diet Hallelujah Diet Dr.Budwig Ewa Hankiewicz Dr. Biernat-Puddle Germanic New Medicine myotonic dystrophy Fasting-largest medicine Enema Without myotonic dystrophy gluten, sugar, without dairy and meat on the radio about health EKO-tricks Links Books Videos Quotes JA vegan
Very interesting article about RA - how to start, what causes joint symptoms - sometimes strange ponds are occupied by np.stawy mandibular disease, bridge joints (eg. For me) or cervical joints, and that extra-articular - eg heart attack, pleurisy, vasculitis, vasculitis eye, conjunctivitis, dry eye, nephritis, anemia, damage to valves, inflammatory interstitial myotonic dystrophy lung fibrosis, which may cause coughing disease dusznością.To myotonic dystrophy the whole body and not only some think as arthritis. Understanding the symptoms of RA and how they differ so patients who have developed RA, just as rheumatoid arthritis may have a very different beginning and mileage. HOW IS THE RA Sometimes, the onset of the disease is chronic, insidious, myotonic dystrophy the disease develops over several weeks, followed by the symmetric involvement of joints myotonic dystrophy of the hands and feet, as well as the wrists, knees, and later hip, elbow and shoulder. If the course is acute, which happens in about 10 - 15% of cases, then dealing with arthritis may be unbalanced, it happens when dealing with one joint, or there may be a palindromic rheumatism, which is a typical feature of the wandering nature of inflammation. Acute onset usually leads to the onset of symptoms within a few days. Typical for RA is a prodromal symptoms preceding the development of the disease. These include: - tiredness - loss of appetite - weight loss - low-grade fever. Sometimes the RA is an unusual start, especially in young women, who may be present as Still's disease. myotonic dystrophy In the event of seizure wrist joints myotonic dystrophy can expect a high fever, elevated levels of leukocytes and spotted - follicular rash. GENERAL SYMPTOMS The first symptom of rheumatoid arthritis, which correlates with the activity of the inflammatory process, the stiffness myotonic dystrophy in the joints - she is primarily responsible for motor impaired patients. Stiffness occurs due to accumulation of inflammatory exudate in the joints. There is also the joint pain, swelling, warmth joint and surrounding tissues. RA can also lead to inflammation of the tendon sheath and bursae, and may cause damage to the ligaments and tendons. myotonic dystrophy This results in a motor system disorder, which greatly hinder the functioning of the patient. myotonic dystrophy RA causes changes in articular myotonic dystrophy and extra-articular lesions. To organize tell you first about the changes on the joints themselves. The earliest symptom articular myotonic dystrophy changes by RA arthritic myotonic dystrophy stiffness and swelling myotonic dystrophy of the joints. Typically in the first stage of a disease from a typical run, there is fusiform swelling of the proximal interphalangeal joints, remain free międzypaliczkowe other. This leads to muscle atrophy and glistowatych interosseous hand, there is also erythema at the base of thenar and hypothenar eminence of the fifth finger. These changes early, with the development myotonic dystrophy of the disease become deformed arthritic hands. Two known types of deformation include fingers in the shape of a swan's neck and fingers butonierkowate. In the case of fingers in the shape of a swan's neck, typically occurs interphalangeal joint flexion and hyperextension myotonic dystrophy further in the proximal interphalangeal joint. Butonierkowate fingers and flexion contracture characterized by proximal interphalangeal joint and hyperextension in the joints międzypalczkowych further. In the next stage, also appear in the joints of the fingers erosion if bone destruction is very strong, it can also lead to a significant shortening of the phalanges and the emergence of telescopic fingers. myotonic dystrophy Besides RA causes damage myotonic dystrophy to the ligaments and tendons of the hand. As a result of swelling of the tendons to form lumps - ganglia, which are very painful. There is also a ulnaryzacji fingers, toes or skew toward the ulna - as a result of weakness, damage or torrents of muscle tendons of the wrist extensor muscle. It can also occur to the formation of rheumatoid nodules within the ligaments myotonic dystrophy and tendons of the fingers - thus, there may be snapping your fingers, it can also lead to tendon rupture and, consequently, to settle the finger. RA also affects the wrist joints, as a result of these joint activities may lead to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome - the mechanism is simple, swollen wrist arthritis myotonic dystrophy synovium obstruct the transverse ligament of the wrist, it causes pressure on the median nerve and the emergence of common neurological symptoms - problems

The choice of antibiotic used the following individual basis. In general, treatment is initiated wi

Genetic civilization allergies female hormonal muscle Laryngeal cancer neurosis mental eye skin rheumatic heart skeletal urinary tract cardiovascular nervous system respiratory system digestive system reproductive infectious venereal sexual dysfunction professional teeth
The main cause of disease, h pylori bacterial infection, the main culprit is Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, or Ureaplasma urelyticum. In addition, it may also be mumps, epididymitis, and in 30% of cases is a complication after the disease. DO disease may result from attack by fungi or viruses, also in the case of coexistence of diseases such as diabetes, systemic h pylori vasculitis, Bechceta disease, polyarteritis nodosa, Henoch - Schoenlein.
Symptoms of inflammation of the epididymis, a larger organ, pain, induration, swelling, fever also appears reaching h pylori 40 degrees Celsius. The pain felt by the disease, it may be of radiating and be felt in the groin or perineum. As a result of the disease h pylori changes may appear on the skin, erythema, chills, urethritis, frequent urination, h pylori urge to urinate.
Extends treated using antibiotics, h pylori non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic poultices are used, to decrease venous stasis and to facilitate outflow of lymph.
The choice of antibiotic used the following individual basis. In general, treatment is initiated with fluoroquinolones. This entry was posted in the reproductive system of the day, by the doctor. See entries Inflammation Inflammation of the glans and foreskin nucleus
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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Note: Behcet

Behçet's disease is a rare, chronic disease morning sickness resulting from disturbances morning sickness in the functioning of the immune system, or resistance. This system, under normal conditions to protect the body against foreign substances and pathogens, such as bacteria morning sickness and viruses inflammatory morning sickness response. Behçet's disease, while resistance is hyperactive and uncontrollable morning sickness bursts, excessive inflammatory responses. As developed morning sickness inflammation is not indifferent morning sickness to the body, as is starting to permeate the blood vessels, usually the small. Unfortunately, the inflammation can occur anywhere on the body where the blood flows. Behcet's disease is therefore an autoimmune disease. You should morning sickness also know that symptoms vary greatly depending on the person. In each may be different, and appear and disappear spontaneously. Their specificity depends on the space occupied disease process. Inflammation - what is it? Inflammation, inflammation is also known as a defensive reaction of the body. It is characterized by: rubor - redness morning sickness tumor - swelling dolor - pain calor - warming (general fever) functio LAES - loss of function disease Other names: Behçet's morning sickness disease-Adamantiadesa Behçeti morbus Behçet's disease Behçet's syndrome, Behçet's syndrome Prevalence 1-9 / 100 000 Illness most often occurs among populations living in areas of the Middle East and Asia. Succumb to her people 20-30 years of age (according NLM.NIH.GOV). Most of the causes and symptoms of the disease pathomechanism Behçet is the result of inflammation of blood vessels. But there is no certainty as to the causes of "hyperactivity" of the immune morning sickness system and the formation of unwanted inflammation. As it turns out, some people may inherit some disadvantages, such as. Problems with the immune system, which may in the future be the cause of developing autoimmune disease. Then contact with any microorganisms can cause the immune aggression blood vessels.
Note: Behcet's disease is not contagious! Do not infect with it from anyone! Behçet's disease risk factors (according MayoClinic): Age - the disease develops in men and women aged 20 and 30, although it can also occur in children and the elderly Location - the disease occurs in people around morning sickness the world, but the people of the Middle East and Far East, including Turkey, Iran, Japan and China, are more prone to disease Sex - the disease occurs in women as in men, but men usually have more severe genes - the possession of certain genes associated with a higher risk of disease symptoms and diagnosis symptoms may appear in different places on the body, and the course of the disease itself morning sickness is individually variable. Here's how the disease reveals itself in different areas of the body (according to MayoClinic): USTA Changes on the hard palate - recurrent, painful sores in the mouth similar to cancer; changes are convex, round and rapidly converted into ulcers - heal quickly, because from one day to three weeks SKIN - all kinds, morning sickness for example. Similar to acne, ulcers, or red, raised bumps and soft on the skin, especially in the legs lower genitalia - scrotal ulcers in men or labia in women, and show up red in the mornings; are painful and may have formed scar EYES - uveitis: redness, pain, blurred vision in one or both eyes; may be reversible and inflammation morning sickness of the retina - untreated eye problems can lead to a weakening of vision or blindness PONDS - swelling and pain in the joints impede movement (often within the knee, but also at the ankles, elbows and wrists); These symptoms can persist for up to three weeks and go away by itself BLOOD VESSELS - inflammation of the veins and large arteries: redness, pain and swelling of the hands or limb - as a result of a blood clot - inflammatory complications morning sickness of large vessels: vasoconstriction, aneurysms, vessel blockage TRACT - pain the abdomen, diarrhea, gastrointestinal bleeding BRAIN - inflammation of the brain and nervous system, as can be seen in the form of: headache, fever, confusion, imbalance or stroke. Behçet's disease diagnosis There is no clear evidence of testing and research Behçet's disease. Doctor putting the diagnosis should be based on observation of the characteristic symptoms are the most common mouth ulcers. According to the criteria of the disease, ulcers must be repeated at least three times a year. It should also be traced to two additional symptoms from the following list: - recurrent genital ulcers - ocular disorders and inflammation of the eye - a variety of skin ulcers and rashes - a positive skin prick test (ang. Pathergy test, skin prick test) test involves making a point by a doctor with a sterile needle pricks small and accurate oc