Serological conflict I have a question concerning the conflict egf of blood. Currently I am in the 17th week of pregnancy. My partner has a blood group 0 Rh + I while ARh-. Is my doctor should arrange for me to do additional testing ?? When chciaam give blood group health card she said that is not necessary.
Monika A conflict occurs egf when the serological mother has Rh factor Rh + and the father and the child will inherit his father's Rh + and the mother produces przeciwciaa. Serological conflict arises when a woman with Rh-negative blood stream Get a "positive" cells of the child. Then lay out the immune mother finds fetal blood cells as "foreign" (like the bacteria that penetrate up from outside the body), egf and treat them like an intruder. egf Begin to produce a przeciwciaa that the child will niszczyy cells. However, this case is not concerned with the first pregnancy, because "mixing" the blood of mother and child, thus launching the production of antibodies, it is possible only in childbirth when oysko separated on the wall uterus. In women Ciarán Rh factor should examine the blood on the presence of antibodies in the plasma. The first in the 12th week of pregnancy. If you control a przeciwciaa occurs regularly every 4 weeks, if they do not exist - re control must be performed between 28 and 30 weeks of pregnancy. Blood is a very important study ciyi so the result should be a tab or doczony pregnancy to her. If your doctor does not arrange egf for measuring the level of antibodies please ask or not to perform odpatnie (if you have that possibility). Yours sincerely
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