Greetings all :-) Yesterday I met an old friend who was pregnant. My friend is really myom skinny person but this pregnancy makes her legs look swollen and debab. He also uncomfortable even let Nurse also will indeed always check her make each visit to the clinic. Had the time he asked me whether I too had similar experiences in previous pregnancies. Pregnant three times, only a third pregnancy myom that made my legs look swollen, but it's not my best friend's sebengkak feet. Swollen feet during pregnancy is not comfortable cause of Ankle and Foot Swelling (Original Source: Baby Center) Swelling of the ankles and feet (edema) occur in pregnancy because the body retains more fluid than usual. myom When the baby grows, the uterus will put pressure on the blood vessels in the pelvis receives .Pressure causes the blood circulation in the blood resulting in a slow and cumulative. The pressure of accumulated blood is forced water down and out through the small blood vessels into the tissues of the feet and ankles. Normally, the water will be absorbed by the body. Sometimes, women also hold more water than usual and this adds to the swelling. This swelling myom may be worse in the evening and night, and relieved a bit in the morning after you sleep through the night. By the end of pregnancy, your hands may also become swollen and ring you wear will feel tight. Is Edema Normal? Eedema myom during pregnancy is common, especially in the third trimester. Almost 50-80 percent of healthy pregnant women will experience it. Hot weather like in our country also exacerbate this situation. However, if you suffer from severe swelling of the face, hands or feet, see a doctor immediately. This may be a sign of pre-eclampsia, a serious condition for you and your baby. Tips to Overcome Edema Medications that help the kidneys remove water and sodium as a way to remove fluid from the body is not suitable during pregnancy. Instead, myom use the following methods to control the swelling.
Raise legs whenever you can, to help blood circulation. If at work, put a small stool or box under your desk. At home, try to lie down sideways to the left, as this could reduce the pressure myom on the vena cava. Avoid sitting or standing for long periods without a break. And do not attempt to cross legs when sitting. Wear support stockings myom trousers (support tights) before you get out of bed in the morning so that blood does not have the opportunity to gather around the ankle.
Exercise regularly, especially walking, swimming, or using an exercise bike. If you make long trips, stop frequently to stretch your legs. If your skin is not too strained and sore, ask the help of their husband or immediate family to massage the ankle and the soles of your feet, up to knees. This may help move fluid out of the feet.
While you are swollen ankles may not be comfortable, this condition is temporary. As well as other pregnancy side effects, it will disappear the moment you give birth. Vitamin proposal Shaklee To Mother Ada Problems Swollen Feet Mothers who experience this problem can take Ostematrix (which contains vitamin D, calcium and magnesium) and B Complex also contains vitamins B1, B5 and B6.
Shaklee Ostematrix contains magnesium. Magnesium is a mineral that must be taken to avoid the problem myom of leg swelling occurred. Magnesium acts to balance the biochemical reactions in the body and is very effective to help prevent excess water accumulate in the cell.
Shaklee B Complex contains Vitamin B1, B5 and B6 can help prevent the accumulation of water, remove the excess salt in the body and rebalance hormones. Love & Meet Again
I am a Shaklee distributor Semenyih, Bangi Lama, Putrajaya and buyers. Shipping is also made to the rest of the peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak use poslaju and Courier myom services. Special prices await all our customers.!
** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease ** For more information, contact me Ila Fyra: Shaklee Distributor Shaklee Distributor Semenyih Malaysia, Putrajaya and buyers (COD) H / P No: 013-6751381 myom Whatsapp: 012-8943453 Shaklee ID: 1155567 Blog:
I experienced leg swelling Dulunmasa ni..mujur there ostematrix and b complex that mengatasinya..alhamdulillah myom foot swelling gradually subsided. Berayukur