Sunday, May 31, 2015

Shaklee Ostematrix contains magnesium. Magnesium is a mineral that must be taken to avoid the probl

Greetings all :-) Yesterday I met an old friend who was pregnant. My friend is really myom skinny person but this pregnancy makes her legs look swollen and debab. He also uncomfortable even let Nurse also will indeed always check her make each visit to the clinic. Had the time he asked me whether I too had similar experiences in previous pregnancies. Pregnant three times, only a third pregnancy myom that made my legs look swollen, but it's not my best friend's sebengkak feet. Swollen feet during pregnancy is not comfortable cause of Ankle and Foot Swelling (Original Source: Baby Center) Swelling of the ankles and feet (edema) occur in pregnancy because the body retains more fluid than usual. myom When the baby grows, the uterus will put pressure on the blood vessels in the pelvis receives .Pressure causes the blood circulation in the blood resulting in a slow and cumulative. The pressure of accumulated blood is forced water down and out through the small blood vessels into the tissues of the feet and ankles. Normally, the water will be absorbed by the body. Sometimes, women also hold more water than usual and this adds to the swelling. This swelling myom may be worse in the evening and night, and relieved a bit in the morning after you sleep through the night. By the end of pregnancy, your hands may also become swollen and ring you wear will feel tight. Is Edema Normal? Eedema myom during pregnancy is common, especially in the third trimester. Almost 50-80 percent of healthy pregnant women will experience it. Hot weather like in our country also exacerbate this situation. However, if you suffer from severe swelling of the face, hands or feet, see a doctor immediately. This may be a sign of pre-eclampsia, a serious condition for you and your baby. Tips to Overcome Edema Medications that help the kidneys remove water and sodium as a way to remove fluid from the body is not suitable during pregnancy. Instead, myom use the following methods to control the swelling.
Raise legs whenever you can, to help blood circulation. If at work, put a small stool or box under your desk. At home, try to lie down sideways to the left, as this could reduce the pressure myom on the vena cava. Avoid sitting or standing for long periods without a break. And do not attempt to cross legs when sitting. Wear support stockings myom trousers (support tights) before you get out of bed in the morning so that blood does not have the opportunity to gather around the ankle.
Exercise regularly, especially walking, swimming, or using an exercise bike. If you make long trips, stop frequently to stretch your legs. If your skin is not too strained and sore, ask the help of their husband or immediate family to massage the ankle and the soles of your feet, up to knees. This may help move fluid out of the feet.
While you are swollen ankles may not be comfortable, this condition is temporary. As well as other pregnancy side effects, it will disappear the moment you give birth. Vitamin proposal Shaklee To Mother Ada Problems Swollen Feet Mothers who experience this problem can take Ostematrix (which contains vitamin D, calcium and magnesium) and B Complex also contains vitamins B1, B5 and B6.
Shaklee Ostematrix contains magnesium. Magnesium is a mineral that must be taken to avoid the problem myom of leg swelling occurred. Magnesium acts to balance the biochemical reactions in the body and is very effective to help prevent excess water accumulate in the cell.
Shaklee B Complex contains Vitamin B1, B5 and B6 can help prevent the accumulation of water, remove the excess salt in the body and rebalance hormones. Love & Meet Again
I am a Shaklee distributor Semenyih, Bangi Lama, Putrajaya and buyers. Shipping is also made to the rest of the peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak use poslaju and Courier myom services. Special prices await all our customers.!
** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease ** For more information, contact me Ila Fyra: Shaklee Distributor Shaklee Distributor Semenyih Malaysia, Putrajaya and buyers (COD) H / P No: 013-6751381 myom Whatsapp: 012-8943453 Shaklee ID: 1155567 Blog:
I experienced leg swelling Dulunmasa ni..mujur there ostematrix and b complex that mengatasinya..alhamdulillah myom foot swelling gradually subsided. Berayukur

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Warung Pak Mat Pulau Pisang Fish Head Soup Tea Honey It Best

Almost 12 days of these drugs with me. I can advice griep and medicines from the clinic bidder. griep Keklinik go even alone would not have to share the story with anyone. Medication when the need arises for me is not a species that likes to rely on drugs .... huhuhu. Today I need to return these drugs cause swelling griep back and this last hope swelling in my ankle improved. Continue to leave without terhegeh-hegeh want to come back here at my feet. Woooo pain when swollen middle.
I feel sick over here a lot of times I endure the pain and figure out what's going on I was away. In my pain even if discharge of talking to yourself. It would reset the mind to physicians who can listen to our pain and with God's place to ask for help. Correct? That is the best of the best deeds, self-pity.
This pain has educated himself that the power of healing is not in the hands of doctors or medicines, but all in the hands of God. It is important how far the patience and effort I find a cure to heal myself. God willing!
Sometimes teaching experience that is so valuable that we m educator yourself with a healthy diet is the true grace of God and be grateful to Him.
Kak CT krnapa with an ankle sprain that seem to fall into the bath of his illness, griep can berjln x, let it work XG ni holidays. griep BYK bath LSK soklan heeeee griep Dh try broom wind oil swelling loam klau mcm tu dh colds. JM wish all a speedy recovery ever aminnnn Reply Delete
JM ~ Tgh pain lately nih ... huhuhuhu. AKK taste for ya x BAPE amik Whether if dropped and so on ... it felt now. Still mcm ordinary crimes ... hihihihi. Tima because you are concerned .... huhuhuhu. Sick and can taste ... :) Reply Delete
2009: National Forest, Tg Piai, Johor
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Friday, May 29, 2015

The patient came to my clinic for a swollen ankle. He had a history of fracture of the fibula 3 yea

The patient came to my clinic for a swollen ankle. He had a history of fracture of the fibula 3 years ago. At that time he was treated with POP (cement) for a month. Now he hurt his ankle so that makes it difficult to walk. X-ray of the patient's ankle is as follows:
Here can be seen attached to the fibula was not normal. carotid artery This leads to patients suffering from osteoarthritis of the ankle joint caused by trauma. carotid artery The narrow space between the bones and abnormal growth of osteophytes. Do not hesitate to carry out X-ray if your patient has a history of joint pain and trauma of the past. Umpteen carotid artery
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Thursday, May 28, 2015

BLOG Careers Pregnant Tips

Entering the 28th week of gestation, my legs start swelling dah. Swelling of the right ankle. The left leg is ok. This time I swell to 2 feet. Swollen she got sick. Just look flower je la tu kat ankle foot.
Inflammation is the first time I was pregnant cell signaling 22 weeks. First say, I panicked when I saw the flowers away. I wonder why th kat I swollen feet. Hb was capably, symptoms of pregnant women are like that. Fuh, has relieved my heart. Since I was not pregnant, the level of anxiety I had become. This was worried. Less knowledgeable in natural pregnancy.
From my reading of the internet, the third trimester pregnant mothers might experience edema (ankles and fingers swell). Like my friend, the end of the week she was pregnant just feet swell. I have just turned 28 weeks pulak. Swelling but little je tu la. Moreover swelling with sudden danger was not, because the symptoms cell signaling of pre-eclampsia mark.
That bit of information related to edema. Every time we create a screening pregnant in Maternal and Child Health Clinic, doctor or mission would check the hand and fingers in case the occurrence of swelling there. cell signaling Thank you for reading Foot Swelling During Pregnancy (edema).
2015 (60) May (19) Weight Tak Naik 7 Months Pregnant Disclaimer Maternal cell signaling Fetal Movement Chart How to Bathe New Born Baby: What To Do After Baby Born During Pregnancy Leg Swelling (edema) Exams BSP & GTT - Check Candy Maternity Responsibility Governance Parent Child Unborn cell signaling Baby's Development Pregnancy Week 39 Baby's Development Pregnancy Unborn Baby's Development Week 38 Your Unborn Baby's Development Pregnancy Week 37 Pregnancy Unborn Baby's Development Week 36 Your Unborn Baby's Development Pregnancy 35 Week 34 Week Pregnant Unborn Dream Still nursing the Infant Toddler Development Baby Unborn Baby's Development Pregnancy 33 Weeks 32 Weeks Pregnant Unborn Unborn Baby's Development Pregnancy Week 31 Pregnancy Unborn Baby's Development Week 30 April (41)
BLOG Careers Pregnant Tips
An expectant mother. Excited waiting for the birth of baby. Pray for simplified dealings hope my pregnancy and birthing process will be simplified. "O Allah, grant me from Thee a good offspring. Thou art the All-Hearing (prayer). "- cell signaling Surah Ali Imran: Verse 38 View my complete profile

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Archive May 2015 (163) Απρίλιος 2015 (191) Μάρτιος 2015 (192) Φεβρουάριος 2015 (173) Ιανουάριος 201

Fruits are health. A view of the scientists of the nutrition space constantly highlight comes to the fore again, as researchers in Sweden have discovered that eating more fruit could reduce the risk of an often lethal form of aortic aneurysm. Based therefore study Karolinska Institutet, published in the prestigious scientific journal Circulation, people who ate at least two servings of fruit - mainly apples, pears and bananas - were less likely to develop an aneurysm. The study, which lasted 14 years, included more than 80,000 people 46 -84 years who were divided into four groups based on the amount of fruits and vegetables they ate each day. During this period, the researchers found that 1,086 people had abdominal aortic aneurysm, 222 of which tear. Compared with the group that ate the minimum quantity of fruit (less than one portion daily), who ate the most fruits mdna (over two portions) had a 25% lower risk of aneurysm and 43% lower risk of that ruptured .In addition, in compared to the group that did not eat any fruit, high fruit group had 31% lower risk of an aneurysm, and 39% lower risk of rupture. Scientific Group
"Xemperdepste" with your hair once and for all!
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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

FORBIDDEN anadimosIefsi the anaparagogH, olikH, merikH or periliptikH katA or paraphrase or adapt t

The vaccine for cervical due date cancer
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FORBIDDEN anadimosIefsi the anaparagogH, olikH, merikH or periliptikH katA or paraphrase or adapt the content of this histology by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise without previous authorization of the author [Law 2121/1993 and rules of international law applicable due date in Greece
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Sunday, May 24, 2015

2015 (278) May (52) April (61) March (71) February (49) January (45) 2014 (765) Dec

And a signed VALID MEDICAL UPDATE purpose is medical symptoms of hypothyroidism information, with simple symptoms of hypothyroidism but documented way to everyday health issues. The topics are written by a group of 12 doctors, biologists, dieticians, cosmetology. It contains thousands of medical news, general symptoms of hypothyroidism medical advice and matters concerning the exercise and beauty. Read in 187 countries and the articles reproduced in many forms internationally. The web site was launched in February 2011, by the physician surgeon Alexander symptoms of hypothyroidism Giatzidi.
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Fattens hypothyroidism? What is Hashimoto. What are the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. symptoms of hypothyroidism
2015 (278) May (52) April (61) March (71) February (49) January (45) 2014 (765) December (63) November symptoms of hypothyroidism (60) October (82) September (82) August (50) July (82) June (57) May (59) April (60) March (60) February (57) January (53) 2013 (477) December (57) November (56) October (57) September (39) August (30) July (36) June (27) The only beach for disabled closed in PIKPA House ... 9 Ways to live a happy life Put the kiwi to your diet. Makes good f ... Potassium and its importance to the organization. Necessary with ... Mycosis nipple and breast. What symptoms f ... 10 Quick and Easy Ways to Reduce Stress ... Eight out of ten users visit websites ... What are birthmarks (birthmarks); It is ... H heart of the European Society of Cardiology ... Beware of medical applications for smartphones, m ... Attention to much calcium for osteoporosis. Bo ... What is atrial fibrillation? What symptoms t ... Lecture in AKMI doctors of MEDLAB and co ... How dangerous is the solarium; Who should ... You feel intense symptoms of hypothyroidism itching between the toes ... Certification as a Medical Tourism Friendly Hotel (MTF ... Do you feel constantly tired, sore muscles, headaches ... You take drugs? What foods should be careful ... hematuria. symptoms of hypothyroidism What are the causes that cause it, how ... Cherries, cherries, peaches, symptoms of hypothyroidism watermelon, melon, what m ... 12 things you did not know about our bodies. The f ... Triglycerides and the new revised physiological ... International Award of the Greek Association of Support ... Gastritis, what should I do to TACKLE ... Sunbathing on vitamin D and osteoporosis ... Useful health instructions, in case of earthquake. What is Cal ... fibroids? Sound Quality

Almost everyone knows that smoking can cause lung cancer, but few people realize that higher risk i

Why should I quit? | Far-fighter
Health concerns usually top the list of reasons people give for quitting smoking. This is a real concern: smoking harms nearly every organ of the body.
Half of all smokers who continue to smoke, end up dying from diseases related to smoking. In the United States, smoking is responsible for about 1 in 5 deaths and about 8.6 million people suffer from lung and heart disease related to smoking. Cancer
Almost everyone knows that smoking can cause lung cancer, but few people realize that higher risk is also linked kidney stone symptoms to many other types of cancer, including cancer of the mouth, nose, sinuses, lips, vocal cords ( larrynga) of neck (pharynx), esophagus, bladder, kidney, pancreas, ovary, cervix, kidney stone symptoms stomach, colon, rectum and acute myelogenous leukemia. Lung Diseases
Smoking greatly increases kidney stone symptoms the risk of developing long-term lung diseases like emphysema and chronic bronchitis. These conditions make breathing difficult and are grouped under the name chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD causes chronic illness and disability, and worsens kidney stone symptoms over time - sometimes fatal. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis can be found in young people 40 years, but are usually kidney stone symptoms found later in life, when the symptoms are much worse. Long-term smokers have the highest risk of developing severe COPD. Pneumonia kidney stone symptoms is included in the list of diseases caused or exacerbated by smoking. Heart attacks, strokes and blood vessel diseases
Smokers are twice as likely to die from heart attacks than non-smokers. Smoking is a major risk factor for peripheral vascular disease, a narrowing of the blood vessels carrying blood to leg and arm muscles. Smoking also affects the walls of blood vessels that carry blood to the brain (carotid arteries), which can cause strokes. Smoking can cause abdominal aortic aneurysm, in which the laminar kidney stone symptoms walls of the main artery of the body (the aorta) weakened and separated, often causing sudden death. And men who smoke are more likely to develop kidney stone symptoms erectile dysfunction (impotence) disease of the blood vessels. Blindness and other problems
Smoking increases the risk of macular degeneration, one of the most common causes of blindness in older people. Promotes cataracts, which blur the lens of the eye. It also causes premature aging of the skin, bad breath, gum disease, tooth loss, bad breath clothes and hair and yellow teeth and nails. kidney stone symptoms Specific risks for women and babies
Women have some distinct risks associated with smoking. Women over 35 who smoke and use oral contraceptives have a higher risk of heart attack, stroke and blood clots in the legs. Women who smoke are more likely to miscarry (lose the baby) or lay baby with low birth weight. Babies with low birth weight are more likely to die or have learning kidney stone symptoms and physical problems.
Based on data collected in the late 1990s, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that adult male smokers lost an average of 13.2 years of life and female smokers lost 14.5 years of life because of smoking.
Every year, smoking causes the premature death of 443,000 people in the United States. And given the diseases kidney stone symptoms caused by smoking, can steal your quality of life long before you die. The diseases associated with smoking can limit your activities by making it harder to breathe, to move, to work or to play.
No matter how old you are or how long you have smoked, stopping can help you live longer and be healthier. People who stop smoking before kidney stone symptoms age 50 reduce the risk of dying in the next 15 years in half compared with those who continue to smoke. Ex-smokers enjoy better quality of life. They have fewer illnesses like colds and flu, bronchitis lower rates and pneumonia kidney stone symptoms and feel healthier than people kidney stone symptoms who continue to smoke.
For decades the Surgeon General reported their health risk

Saturday, May 23, 2015

gaydos fm (2) live camera (1) dementia (2) Asthma (2) infarction (1) allowance (1) Allergy (3) Gavd

Did you know that cigarettes contain symptoms of strep throat formaldehyde, the same substance used for the maintenance of dead frogs? Did you know that the same cyanide, used in rat poison contained in tobacco smoke, next we provide- either smoke or socialize people who smoke? And the nicotine in cigarettes? You probably already know that it is highly addictive, but did you know that it is also a very powerful insecticide? The cured tobacco can cause six times more pollution, than a big avenue at rush hour, when you smoke it, to a packed restaurant. The cured tobacco causes 30 times more deaths from lung cancer, the combination of all of the known contaminants. The cured tobacco gives an unpleasant smell in both clothing and hair. The cured tobacco causes shortness of breath, cough, pain in the ears and asthma attacks. Wrought smoke fills the air, with many of the same poisons that exist in the atmosphere of cemeteries toxic waste. The cured tobacco destroys the smell and taste of food. The cured tobacco causes redness and itching, symptoms of strep throat eye irritation and lacrimal glands. The cured tobacco kills almost 3,000 passive smokers every year due to cancer of pnefmonon.3 Wrought smoke causes up to 300,000 lung infections (such as pneumonia and bronchitis) in infants symptoms of strep throat and young children every year. The leading causes of death from smoking is lung cancer, heart disease and chronic obstructive airway disease. symptoms of strep throat The list of other diseases associated with smoking symptoms of strep throat is long: cancer of the bladder, esophagus, larynx, mouth, head and neck, effects on the reproductive system; also: abdominal aortic aneurysm, acute myelogenous leukemia, cataracts, cancer trachilou uterus, kidney, pancreas, etc. You are thinking to stop smoking? There are many ways, with or without aids, abruptly or gradually. The decision is yours enough to be completely reconciled with the idea that things will not be so easy. Did you know that within five minutes of smoking a cigarette the nicotine "travels" already in your brain which gives the signal release chemicals that make the smoker want to smoke more? Every cigarette you smoke removes 5 1/2 'from our lives. Every ten 10 seconds one person dies on earth because of smoking. For those who now have decided to stop smoking symptoms of strep throat if you want to use parallel and some from the methods that can help to stop smoking, such as nicotine gum, nicotine patches, medication administered by your doctor. '' Source: Internet ''
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2013 (2) July (2) 2012 (2) December (1) November (1) 2011 (6) December (1) November (3) October (2) 2010 (4) January (4) 2009 (8) June (1) April (1) March (2) February (1) January (3) 2008 (2) December (2) 2007 (8) March (8) The aging of the skin caused by smoking Long-term smoking symptoms of strep throat cessation reverses t ... KNOW THAT? RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SMOKING, symptoms of strep throat wheezing ASTHMA AND CHILDREN THE TRUTH ABOUT SMOKING WHAT ALLERGY: Allergy to house dust (mites) ALLERGY TO GYREIS

Thursday, May 21, 2015

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Blood pressure is expressed by means of two individual values of systolic and diastolic pressure. The first number that appears in the measurement is the systolic pressure. It corresponds to the pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts and supplies with blood. The second number is the diastolic pressure refers to pressure in the arteries when the heart relaxes after the contraction. A study published in a leading medical journal Lancet shows that each of the two values is associated with an increased risk of various cardiovascular diseases. High systolic pressure seemed directly hallux rigidus associated with intracranial hemorrhage and angina. The high diastolic pressure was associated with the abdominal aortic aneurysm. The study aimed to examine the relationship of arterial pressure with 12 different cardiovascular diseases. More than 1.2 million patients enrolled. The participants were 30 or older and had no history hallux rigidus of heart disease. The study was funded by the British institute hallux rigidus NIHR, the Wellcome Trust Agency and the consortium Medical Research hallux rigidus Council Prognosis Research Strategy Partnership. The findings refute the prevailing theory that the systolic and diastolic pressure also affect the risk of cardiovascular complications, explains the study leader Dr. Rapsomaniki Helen Farr by the Institute of London. These data suggest that blood pressure determines the risk of heart disease through different biological mechanisms underlying this should be taken into consideration when examining patients. Source:
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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

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Initially, borderline personality disorder the doctor explains that the aorta is the largest artery of the body that starts from the heart. The abdominal aortic aneurysm due to degeneration (weakening) of the artery, causing it to bulge locally. As the aneurysm grows, the weaker becomes the artery.
Key risk factors for abdominal borderline personality disorder aortic aneurysm is smoking and family history of aneurysm. Additional risk factors include hypertension, heart disease and high cholesterol.
The entire Greek word is written on the surface of Mars
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Researcher Dr. OttoStackelberg, the KarolinskaInstitutetsti Stockholm said that a high consumption

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The Amerikaniki Union Cardiologists, which publishes the magazine 'Circulation', describing the research, says that adults should consume 3-5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day to derive nutrients.
Followed for 13 years and autopsy data showed that nearly 1,100 people had abdominal aortic aneurysm, including 222 whose aneurysms were ruptured. More than 80% of cases were male.
The researchers found that those who consumed more fruit-at least 2 servings per day, excluding juice-were 25% less likely to have anefrysmakai 43% less likely to rupture than those who ate less than one serving of fruit.
Those who belonged to the quarter with the highest intake of fruits had 31% more likely to develop aneurysms and 39% less experience ruptured aneurysm compared with people who did not consume any fruit.
Researcher Dr. OttoStackelberg, the KarolinskaInstitutetsti Stockholm said that a high consumption mental disorders of fruits can potentially help in the prevention of many vascular diseases and research indicates that the lowest risk of aneurysm include benefits.
The Amerikaniki mental disorders Union Cardiologists, which publishes the magazine 'Circulation', describing the research, mental disorders says that adults should consume 3-5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day to derive mental disorders nutrients.
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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

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Home 1. Bundesliga 18 calendar for the teams of the 1. Bundesliga 14/15 total Schedules 1. Bundesliga - All teams all games 14/15 + termination Bundesliga Gamedays 2. Bundesliga 2015-2016 18 Calendar for the teams of 2. Bundesliga 14 / 15 Total Schedule 2. Bundesliga - All teams all games 14/15 + termination Bundesliga Gamedays 3. Liga 2015-2016 20 Calendar for the teams of the 3. Liga 14/15 total Schedule 3. Liga - all teams + all games 14/15 Regional All fixtures of the Regionalliga West - season 2014-2015 All fixtures of the Regionalliga Nord - Season 2014-2015 All fixtures of the Regionalliga Nord - Season 2014-2015 All fixtures of the Regional aldara League Bayern - Season 2014-2015 All fixtures of the Regional League East - Season aldara 2014-2015 National Schedule Women World Cup 2015 Subscribe free Schedule of National and EM / World Cups All games and results of World Cup 2014 Overview of qualifying groups for Euro 2016 drawn Schedule of World Cup 2014 in Brazil World Cup Schedule for Apple calendar (iCal) World Cup 2014 Google (iCal) calendars subscribe in Outlook Cup Schedule 2014 for iPhone and iPad World Cup 2014 Schedule for Google Calendar (free) World Cup 2014 Schedule for Android calendar aldara (free) World Cup 2014 Schedule in BlackBerry subscribe What games are today at the World Cup in Brasil? European aldara fixtures for various European football aldara leagues for free newsletter - 2014-2015 season aldara fixtures for the Premier League (England) - Season 2014-2015 fixtures for the Championship League (2nd English league) 2014-2015 season fixtures aldara for the Primera Division - 1 . League aldara in Spain - Subscribe fixtures for the Serie A - 1. Liga in Italy - free Subscribe fixtures for the Ligue 1 - the first league in France Schedule 1. Swiss League (Raiffeisen Super League) match schedule for tipico Bundesliga -. 1 League in Austria instructions Outlook iPhone / iPad Google Calendar subscriptions from iPhone or iPad calendar delete subscription from Google Delete Account Android calendar Mac calendar (iCal) calendars for Websites / Blogs Register some public online calendar to create football on TV? DFB-Pokal CL in TV scheduling 15/16 Other DFB Cup Women World Cup 2015 Why the Buli-game days are set so late? Lose weight aldara with football? Kicken than diet? BMI (Body Mass Index) of professional football players 2014 Olympics Why no Bundesliga over the weekend?
The 405 Erstligaprofis weigh on average 78,9kg and are average size 183,7m. Apparently, one can assume that the ideal size for a German Bundesliga player is just under 1.85 meters and the ideal weight just below 80 kilograms. aldara
For comparison, the average values of the total male population in Germany (2003, source: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth): aldara Average Height: 1,77m Average body weight; 81,8kg average body mass index (BMI): 26.0
The Bundesliga players are therefore at the upper end (!) Of "normal" weight. That shows that the BMI allows only a very imprecise estimate of the body. Because of course the Bundesliga players are NOT (!) Almost overweight, but who have a lot of big, strong muscles, who are heavier than fat.
Lukas Podoski has eg a size of 1.80 meters, a weight of 81kg and thus have a BMI of 25 (making aldara it slightly overweight, according to WHO-table). This is of course nonsense, because aldara Lukas Podolski is a 100% by trained professional athlete who is slightly wider and more muscle has, ie the classified by the WHO average person.
A totally untrained, wobbly (but narrower) TV-Kicker could therefore have a better BMI, as a professional footballer as Prince aldara Poldi or even Lionel Messi, who comes in a size of 1,69m to "plump" and 67kg with a BMI of 26 thus classified as "slightly aldara overweight"! Messi is now but really a fat, lame pig! ;-)
And long, narrow players like Peter Crouch from the English Premier aldara League must urgently increase according to the WHO, because aldara with a BMI of less than 18.5 is underweight. aldara With a length 2.01 meters has weighs Peter Crouch namely only 73 kilograms and thus comes to a body mass index of 18.0. The BMI (Body Mass Index) is calculated as follows:
I ended up at Googling the topic on your contribution. I have, even once geplotted weight and height of Bundesliga players and placed BMI limits in the chart. You might have interest in: aldara
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Sunday, May 17, 2015

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Who does not know the Body Mass Index or BMI for short. This formula for calculating the body fat is well known, but what few know that the BMI has already found a worthy successor. AMI is developed by scientist Dr. Elmar Schlich acoustic neuroma Area Mass Index. Has looked to his wife Michaela, who works as a nutritionist. In this calculation, the body surface area plays a central role and is thus more effective and precise than the BMI. Set in the chic Tian restaurant at Viktualienmarkt he put his new weight-loss formula before, since early 2015 also launched a new online diet program that is based on the AMI.
Already ten years ago, university professor Schlich dealt with the BMI, because he gave him to inaccurate results for the body fat percentage, which has been used to date of all body experts help you loose weight. As an engineer, a scientist, he was looking for with his team at the University acoustic neuroma of Giessen after AMI, which already has an entry in Wikipedia. By evaluating countless 3D scans of subjects he could develop the new formula, which people who are dissatisfied with their figure, to help on an entirely new way to achieving acoustic neuroma its dream measurements. Following the release of the AMI in 2010, saw the Swiss food company 'slim Dynamics' the AMI potential and developed in collaboration with Dr. Schlich acoustic neuroma an innovative and revolutionary weight loss program. Early 2015 the first weightloss variant has already been presented, which works with the Area Mass Index. First results: The AMI is a lot more precise and determined the actual amount, acoustic neuroma which matches the actual height, the current weight and body surface area. Michaela Schlich even tested the new program because they wanted to go back to 36 from dress size 38. With the successful interim result that they had already achieved their goal after four weeks.
By participating in online program slim Dynamics (only 1-year memberships possible, but according to Dr. Schlich acoustic neuroma for sustainable weight loss success necessary and 249 annual membership fee is quite affordable), whose personal data will be updated every week after a long time the exact daily to calculate calories. Constantly adapted to the advances which have been made. By the number of calories acoustic neuroma in the ideal case increases every week a bit, to get the daily eating pattern ever closer and the yo-yo effect is completely avoided. This could be found with the new Area Mass Index a new, healthy and lasting way to achieve the dream figure. The first steps towards the dream figure acoustic neuroma is currently running on the official slim Dynamics website. There you can perform acoustic neuroma the 3D Body Scan for more precise acoustic neuroma and detailed instructions at home alone. Also called his food preferences or things you do not like. This will be considered acoustic neuroma in the selection of suitable recipes. The app says an addition, how many calories per day you can take in order to achieve his desired weight as quickly as possible. Do not be surprised acoustic neuroma if the number should differ widely from that of the BMI!
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Saturday, May 16, 2015

In particular, the body composition is a very important indicator colic to assess the health and fi

When a man is overweight? This question can be approached in different ways. The truth supposedly close to get to the Body Mass Index. The BMI is a guideline to review a person's body weight in proportion to its body size.
The BMI was developed in 1832 by the Frenchman Adolphe Quetelet. The World Health Organization (WHO) and numerous insurance companies pull the Body Mass Index to determine over-, ideal and underweight the body mass index (BMI) zoom.
The Body Mass Index (BMI = kg / m ) is calculated as follows: Category BMI (kg / m ) strong underweight 16,00 moderate underweight 16.00 to 16.99 17.00 to 18.49 easy underweight normal weight 18,50 -24.99 25.00 to 29.99 pre-obese obesity grade I, grade II 35.00 to 39.99 30.00 to 34.99 Obesity Obese class II 40.00
To illustrate an example: A) They are 1.80 m tall and weigh 70 kg. Then the calculation is: 70 / 1.80 x 1.80 = 21.6 B) They are 1.70 m tall and weigh 75kg. Then the calculation is: 75 / 1.70 x 1.70 = 25.9
The BMI says only that people commonly apply a factor from 18.5 to 24.99 as of normal weight. Who is about true per se as overweight. Who has a value of about 30, is regarded colic as the obese. colic No consideration is given to factors such as gender, age, body type as well as the ratio of fat and muscle tissue in the body mass of a human being.
In particular, the body composition is a very important indicator colic to assess the health and fitness of people. So active people have a lot more muscle mass and a higher bone density than couch potatoes. As well as the muscles and bones of active people are heavier than body fat.
To make it very clear: Heavyweight boxing colic champion Wladimir Klitschko is rising at a height colic of 1.98 m constant with more than 110 kilograms to the ring. The BMI of the Ukrainian is within the range of 28 According to Body Mass Index, he would no longer be so very far from obesity Stage I, ie an already precarious health value.
De facto Klitschko but far from overweight. colic With a body fat percentage in men of estimated less than ten percent, he is a real model athlete, the "just" far more serious muscles around with bears than most people. colic At the same time he is conditional strong, light-footed and strong.
Rather than your BMI to determine with the calculator and to be happy then or to grieve, you should buy a body fat scale. This tells you the true sense of the word, as it really looks like in your inside.
Your body fat percentage and muscle percentage you can make a much more accurate statement about your health than BMI. A selection of high-quality colic models can be found in our body fat scales Test.
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Friday, May 15, 2015

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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Thinkstock BMI calculator for children, whether we have underweight, normal or overweight is calc

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Thinkstock BMI calculator for children, whether we have underweight, normal or overweight is calculated using the body mass index (BMI). The BMI is a measure that brings the body weight with body size in realtion. He is known worldwide as a guide for their own ideal weight. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the BMI should an adult between 18.5 - 24.9 are. In children, however, the calculation formula has to be adjusted. Unlike adult children are still growing and also the body fat mass can evolve very differently in the different stages of growth. Thus, there are children who suddenly skyrocket, thereby initially look very thin and in others to amalgamate the "baby fat" only gradually. Also the developmental difference between girls and boys needed to be improved for children for the calculation of specific BMI. To avoid having to recalculate itself, you can automatically determine the BMI your child here. At this height, weight, age and gender of your child. Please note that our BMI calculator is designed for children from 7 years. Calculate skin conditions the body mass index (BMI) for their child
Calculate BMI If the value of BMI at the lower or upper limit is your child, skin conditions it should be checked by a pediatrician. Because the BMI is as I said just a benchmark. Whether your child really suffers from under- or overweight, or, to be body fat percentage must be measured. The can easily be due to the changing conditions of life a little above average, especially during the time of enrollment and at puberty. Read more about obesity in children.
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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Fitness World 3 x in the region

The question comes when training even with us in the gym Fitness World Sangerhausen next to normal almost by itself, if the other Mitsportler so looks: When I'm actually thick or thin, or just right? Actually a pretty nonsensical question, but much is in the eye of the beholder, and of course in a self But statisticians need an answer for everything and standardized data -. Well - just statistics. next to normal For example, to determine how "thick" or "thin" the Germans are average. Therefore, a certain Adolphe Quetelet in 1832 has developed the "body mass index" (BMI). It indicates how the ratio of body weight (colloquially for mass, Eng. Degree) is to height.
It is interesting next to normal how the different BMI is evaluated, that is from when to apply about as overweight. This could, for example, already in the risk assessment of private health insurance, when these data are usually called, play a role. The weight next to normal classifications of the World Health Organization is as follows: Category BMI (kg / m ) bodyweight strong underweight 16.0 Underweight moderate underweight 16.0 to 17.0 17.0 to 18.5 slight underweight Normal weight 18.5 to 25.0 Normal weight 25.0 to 30.0 pre-obese overweight obesity grade I 30.0 to 35.0 35.0 to 40.0 Obesity Obesity next to normal grade II grade III obesity 40.0
Here, however, did not differ next to normal between the sexes, which would make sense. Men usually have a higher percentage of muscle than women and are therefore a bit harder, because muscle weighs more than fat. Why are the German Society for Nutrition to easily adjusted values. Accordingly, the normal weight is men aged 20 to 25, wherein it is in women 19-24.
It is very important but: The BMI is a statistical measure and can not always be on each of us to use. So is not considered next to normal as trained a person is, is pronounced as the ratio of muscle to the rest of body weight. So by definition a muscular, trained man would with a body weight of 95 kg at a size of 1.85 with a BMI of 27.7 shortly before morbid obesity. Total nonsense. Age also plays no role in BMI.
Fitness World 3 x in the region
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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

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Monday, May 11, 2015

Last Post Ulli has lost 15 kg to her love of running with Kevin found Fit: Workout for a tight Po I

1. Test your body circumference Leave us your details and find your real body balance. Gender: Female Male Age: 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 years Height: 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 cm Weight: 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 kg Waist: 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 I do not know cm Hips: 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 I do not know cm Activity : Little active Active Very active
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Sunday, May 10, 2015

The catalysis environmental glossary thyroid symptoms 2015

The body mass index normal value is between 18.5 and 24.9, depending on age and gender. Below this value is of malnutrition or underweight to speak above of overweight or obesity. When a BMI of 16 is the risk of starvation. The US National Academy of Sciences on the other hand lays the normal range for the body mass index for different ages: Near a aged 20-29 BMI is between 19 and 24 in people over 65 years old 24 to 29
The advantage of BMI is its little relation to body size and thus to build. Thus, the normal weight for small people not too low or for tall people is not overstated in contrast to Broca's index. The BMI is closely related to the fat mass of the body.
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The catalysis environmental glossary thyroid symptoms 2015

Quality test: In cooperation with the Vienna Medical Chamber takes Netdoktor immediately the most p

The BMI is valid in relation to set a benchmark weight and height. For certain groups of people, he has no, or only limited significance. (GTS) is called the Body Mass Index (BMI for short) is one of several cleft palate methods cleft palate that are used to classify cleft palate a person's weight. The BMI provides information on the relationship between body weight and height. This is a direct comparison between people possible and make a rough evaluation of nutritional status. Values between 18.5 and 24.9 are considered normal weight. It should be noted that the BMI is only meaningful in adults 18 to 65 years. The BMI of children is expressed in so-called percentiles. In adults aged 65 years and the BMI is different eigeteilt because (, increase in body fat content declining percentage of body water) changes cleft palate with increasing age, the body composition.
Its value is above 25, you should lose weight because obesity can contribute to the development of many diseases. These include type 2 diabetes, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases (eg, heart attack, coronary heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis). Obesity (adiposity)
If your BMI is over 30, a weight reduction is urgently needed for health cleft palate reasons. Because the health problems associated with obesity can affect life expectancy greatly. Underweight
Underweight can in adulthood have many causes. On the one hand serious illnesses such as cancer and AIDS can cause the diet can not keep up with the demand for energy and nutrients step. But even psychological causes may be suitable, if they lead to disorders cleft palate such as anorexia nervosa, for example. Ideal Weight
Your BMI is in the healthy range, which means that you have reached your ideal weight or to approach this. Be sure to keep your weight in this area, because overweight or underweight can lead to health problems. When the BMI is not meaningful?
Because the BMI does not include certain factors, it is increasingly for several years in the criticism. For some groups, this simple calculation has limited significance. The Body Mass Index applies, cleft palate for example not for people who undergo intensive weight training. Since its antrainierte muscle is heavier than fat, you can have an increased BMI and incorrectly classified as overweight.
The BMI also gives no information on the distribution of body fat, affects cleft palate the risk for cardiovascular disease. Therefore an additional measurement of the waist circumference would be useful. In addition, the BMI does not distinguish between fat mass and water. Fluid retention in the tissue (eg edema) cause such a falsely high BMI. Likewise, people can use a wide body shape without any visible obesity have an increased BMI. Even with very small or very large people in the BMI has limited explanatory power. Nutrition at ages
World Health Organization (2011) "Waist Circumference and Waist-Hip Ratio. Report of a WHO Expert Consultation ". cleft palate (Accessed on 03.30.2015) Winter JE et al. (2014) "BMI cleft palate and all-cause mortality in older adults: a. Meta-analysis" Am J Clin Nutr, doi: 10.3945 / ajcn.113.068122
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The content of Netdoktor is intended solely for information purposes. The information on this website must not be considered a substitute for professional advice or treatment by trained doctors. The content of must not be used on its own to make a diagnosis, to start treatment or discontinued.
The documents contained cleft palate in this web site are presented for information purposes only. The material is in no way Intended to replace professional medical care or attention by a qualified cleft palate practitioner. The material in this web site can not and Should not be used as a basis for diagnosis or choice of treatment.

Friday, May 8, 2015

first of all wave I hope qe me answer that mmm vdd Esoi worried tube relations on May 2 was suppose

Hi I have a question about 20 days ago I withdrew thalassemia one anticonseptivo implant (inplanom), me and my husband we did not have care now I feel much naueas, a week ago with few dizzy and my breasts thalassemia are swollen and painful I wonder if you may be pregnant or is hormnal change. I hope soon answer ....
It will be important to know how long you were using this method, and for that matter why you withdrew it. If you wore pe several years, it is rare to get pregnant women to leave so soon. Dems so there is no possible way to determine the degree of that risk accurately, each metabolism has its peculiarities. To find out if there were pregnancy, touches thalassemia done a test on urine (pharmacy) or blood, are within two weeks after the last unprotected sexual relation. As you say, that you observe these signs can result from hormonal readaptacin of your body, perhaps thalassemia more fear or apprehension at the same getting pregnant, occurs quite often, because that YMS Fear makes women too as it is observed. Finally, if you do not want to get pregnant, you will have plantearte use another contraceptive method, if not ste and function by reason whatsoever. If you do not have enough information, see your family planning center to get it and decide the best for you.
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Hello !!! Some time in December makes me put the implant that lasts three months, in March I place another implant, it is assumed that I had to come down in June, my doctor told me I could take a few months is normalizarme later in the first week of August I did an ultrasound and told me estava already forming in egg that I soon would drop, after that I relciones with my husband without protection and I do not currently low, might be pregnant or by the implant that has not yet reached my menstraucion, I had some symptoms, sleep, sulky, I always have a headache and I feel something strange, hopefully helping puedieran
hello my name yolis yotraigo an implant from 2 years ago ym want it removed I want to know how long I can last for pregnant my husband and I want another baby tell me please as you do or how long I hope and I also want to know q is the truth q as it is hormonal implants can have a multiple pregnancy the truth if I want to have 2 answer me please bye
Hello .. I would know that my chances of being pregnant sii had sex one day after that I passed my rule ... It's been only 4 dias..yy let me know if I can take something to prevent it .. I clarify that I had about 5 or 6 months since I came down because I am mui irregular in my period! thalassemia I know urgee --- Please!
first of all wave I hope qe me answer that mmm vdd Esoi worried tube relations on May 2 was suppose to be down on May 8 but esque few months do not grab me much behind the rule is not whether it is normal but esuqe io i scared me I get nervous about everything I have vconmi unprotected sex boyfriend till abora not have been anything but Mede to get help enbarazada ago as whether or not Esoi enbarazada estoi another question how reliable the test ?? ? the SUSAR and I can trust them after two weeks ^^^ ???
Hello Doctor not under my period this month nor symptoms alone have given me a pain in the lower abdomen as if I were to come down but think that if state may be hope your answer thanks thalassemia raring
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Thursday, May 7, 2015

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Menstruation did not come to me ... Am I pregnant? . This is the question emdr that women do from the moment emdr they appear certain symptoms that suggest the possibility of pregnancy. Of course, some excited and others with fear, but all looking at the body, signs of confirmation of this suspicion. Absence of menstruation amenorrhea and this is in fact is the clearest sign of pregnancy. emdr Although there are other causes emdr such as amenorrhea, lose weight quickly or certain hormonal problems, it is likely to be be pregnant. Increase breast size, from the lack of menstruation, it is likely emdr to feel more tension in the breasts, sensitivity, larger emdr nipples and increase in size. This voltage is decreasing slowly along the pregnancy is very rare that remains after the 5th month. Nausea and vomiting: usually occur in the morning and even appear before suspecting you're pregnant. The cause is not known with certainty but probability is that the high level of chorionic gonadotropin, can affect emdr the vomiting center. In some women, emotional factors may be the cause of the occurrence of nausea and vomiting. These symptoms usually disappear from the 3 or 4th month of pregnancy. Excess saliva: it's drooling and it can happen that in the first weeks of pregnancy, mouth almost always have an excess emdr of saliva, which is quite uncomfortable for the pregnant woman. You can be linked or not to nausea and vomiting and usually disappear during pregnancy. Pigmented areola: it shows in the early weeks of pregnancy, up and darkening emdr of the areola. A small nodules around the nipples are normal also appear. These changes are present throughout pregnancy and areolas are again as before, postpartum or breastfeeding finish. Alterations in smell: certain smells can provoke discomfort and even nausea and vomiting. Cleaning products, perfumes, food, gasoline, etc., can become very annoying for pregnant women. They usually disappear emdr from the 3rd month and the only thing you can do is try to avoid them. Frequent urination: the polaquiria, but does not happen to all pregnant women, usually emdr present in the first weeks. It's pretty uncomfortable emdr and usually emdr due to pressure from the uterus on the bladder. In the case of burning emdr or stinging during urination also sits, the gynecologist is necessary. Drowsiness: This is another typical symptom in pregnant women. More sleep enough hours, you can not ignore sleepiness and fatigue emdr that accompany it during the day. It is normal and usually goes away during the second quarter. We recommend reducing physical emdr activity to save energy that will be useful for your baby. Everything aforementioned, are symptoms of a possible pregnancy. In the presence of some of them (especially amenorrhea), it is very important to consult a gynecologist for confirmation, and if so, see the appropriate care to consider. Immediately you'll send a series of blood and urine, and from here, you will also develop your medical history to make a healthy track throughout pregnancy. From now begins a new stage in your life, in which the first objective may be preparing for the arrival of a new member to the family. Gabriela emdr Nari | Editor Read more articles: Occurrence of nausea and vomiting emdr in pregnancy Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy fatigue pregnant pregnancy signs of pregnancy pregnancy symptoms drowsiness 04/06/2013
June 8, 2013
You can u

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

This is the trademark of pregnancy symptom. Morning sickness is manifested diverticulosis as a symp

You've been nursing for some months. So when I got to work with the baby-daddy did not bother to take extra precautions. Now that you've missed your period and pregnancy test shows the pink line you are not fully prepared for. No breastfeeding was supposed to be a measure of natural birth control?
Yes it is, but not a complete proof. You can get pregnant while breastfeeding. Therefore, if you are doubting pregnancy here are some signs to check against.
This may be the most obvious sign if menstruation has resumed after the previous delivery. If you were sexually active after delivery and if you've ovulated, there are chances of pregnancy.
The most common symptom of pregnancy during lactation is breast tenderness and sore nipples. The breasts feel pain when the baby tries to suck. Increased sensitivity breast is caused by changes in levels of hormones produced diverticulosis by the design. The discomfort is greatest during the first trimester of pregnancy and disappears as the pregnancy progresses. If the discomfort and the pain is unbearable you can wean your baby.
Milk production will decrease if pregnant. This happens when the body tries to deal with two vital functions - provide milk for the baby who is currently caring and giving food to a fetus in her womb.
You may also notice diverticulosis a change in drinking habits of your baby. They tend to drink less. Hormones triggered by the design alter the flavor of milk, a flavor that your baby does not like. Therefore, small you tend to drink less. Some babies are affected by the taste. Pregnancy can also change the consistency of milk. It becomes thinner. diverticulosis
This is the trademark of pregnancy symptom. Morning sickness is manifested diverticulosis as a symptom of pregnancy, even during infancy. As usual the morning sickness will be resolved by the end of the first quarter.
Fatigue is another symptom of pregnancy commonly experienced while breastfeeding. You are aware of the feeling of sluggishness that comes with pregnancy. Therefore, this should make it easier for you to guess.
You will experience uterine contractions during breastfeeding. However, if you are pregnant and breastfeeding at the same time, you will notice a change in the type and intensity of uterine contractions. It is caused by the increasing amount of oxytocin.
Buy a home pregnancy test or take a blood test is done in the doctor's office to confirm the pregnancy. If the result is positive and you will have to start prenatal care - including tests, vitamins and other protective measures. You should also talk to your doctor about feeding your baby - either weaning or whether it is safe to continue. Your doctor may ask you to stop milk production may fall, your body may not be able to keep up with the demands of feeding babies. If you are not ready for baby # 2, you may have to make decisions before it is too late.
How to get pregnant after vasectomy