Classification of Mental Disorders & Multi-Axial Assessment (DSM-IV-tr & ICD-10) | Dege Health Blog
Diagnosis involves accumulation, interpretation & categorization of data. The main purpose of this is to use the most effective treatments orthopedic available for this condition, the physician, and to allow making accurate orthopedic assessment of prognosis.
The importance of diagnosis makes Interprofessional communication Allow us to select appropriate treatments orthopedic for patients Assessment of prognosis can be preformed Scientific research can
However, psychiatric diagnoses criticized because: They provide little information orthopedic about etiology They can carry a pejorative connotation (negative labeling) patients don \ 't always fall neatly categories. What may have some but not all of the most characteristic features of one or more different diagnostic categories (hence the terms schizoaffective & borderline personality) The uniqueness of an individual patient is lost when the labels are applied; one can not \ fully predicament orthopedic of a patient with a single label transfer Historically psychiatric orthopedic diagnosis has low reliability and validity (in general psychotic conditions have high reliability and neurotic conditions low reliability)
Both current diagnosis in psychiatry are categorical and can monothetic (ie all criteria orthopedic must be present for example Hypochodriasis) or Polythetic (some must present eg Borderline personality disorders).
Categories are designated with the letter F (for mental disorders section), followed by a number for the main group (eg F3 for mood disorders), followed by a further number of the category within the group (eg F32 for depressive period). A fourth sign (or no third) is used when it is necessary to subdivide further (for example, F32.2 for severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms)
F2 schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders
Published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), is a multi-axial format. An assessment of the different axes, each of which refers to a different domain of information that may help the clinician plan treatment and predict outcome: facilitate more about the patient than a single category Extensive systemic evaluation & A format for organizing and communicating clinical information and due to the complexity of clinical situations offer Promotes the application of the biopsychosocial model
Increase of the multi-axial system, the time involved in making a diagnosis, however, not so easy to apply in the daily clinical practice. orthopedic Axes IV & V offer rather orthopedic crude measure of questionable reliability and validity.
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Diagnosis involves accumulation, interpretation & categorization of data. The main purpose of this is to use the most effective treatments orthopedic available for this condition, the physician, and to allow making accurate orthopedic assessment of prognosis.
The importance of diagnosis makes Interprofessional communication Allow us to select appropriate treatments orthopedic for patients Assessment of prognosis can be preformed Scientific research can
However, psychiatric diagnoses criticized because: They provide little information orthopedic about etiology They can carry a pejorative connotation (negative labeling) patients don \ 't always fall neatly categories. What may have some but not all of the most characteristic features of one or more different diagnostic categories (hence the terms schizoaffective & borderline personality) The uniqueness of an individual patient is lost when the labels are applied; one can not \ fully predicament orthopedic of a patient with a single label transfer Historically psychiatric orthopedic diagnosis has low reliability and validity (in general psychotic conditions have high reliability and neurotic conditions low reliability)
Both current diagnosis in psychiatry are categorical and can monothetic (ie all criteria orthopedic must be present for example Hypochodriasis) or Polythetic (some must present eg Borderline personality disorders).
Categories are designated with the letter F (for mental disorders section), followed by a number for the main group (eg F3 for mood disorders), followed by a further number of the category within the group (eg F32 for depressive period). A fourth sign (or no third) is used when it is necessary to subdivide further (for example, F32.2 for severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms)
F2 schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders
Published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), is a multi-axial format. An assessment of the different axes, each of which refers to a different domain of information that may help the clinician plan treatment and predict outcome: facilitate more about the patient than a single category Extensive systemic evaluation & A format for organizing and communicating clinical information and due to the complexity of clinical situations offer Promotes the application of the biopsychosocial model
Increase of the multi-axial system, the time involved in making a diagnosis, however, not so easy to apply in the daily clinical practice. orthopedic Axes IV & V offer rather orthopedic crude measure of questionable reliability and validity.
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