Wednesday, October 15, 2014

In his recent critical book, The DSM-5 over! says Maastricht professor and psychiatrist Jim van Os

Psychiatrists positive, but also warn of abuse
Psychiatrists welcome the new DSM, but places it so their comments. "Who does not DSM-label, revalid should not be of no help. And conversely provides a DSM label is not necessarily entitled to relief. "
The new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - DSM-5 - is translated for the first time in Dutch. Previous editions always appeared in an abridged version. Led by professor of psychiatry emeritus Michiel revalid Hengeveld the job done.
What changes are relative to DSM-IV? At a detailed level, there are many; too many to mention here. In general, the following changes revalid stand out. Firstly, the 'axes' are gone. That means for example that personality disorders (formerly on axis II) are now included as one of the categories. Second, the dimensional aspects of psychiatric disorders revalid are more emphasized in the classification. And thirdly, there are fewer disorders subtypes defined.
It has, contrary to what some critics feared, led to fewer disturbances in DSM-5 are then in DSM-IV. Michiel Hengeveld: "You have psychiatrists who like to combine diagnostic categories and you have that tend to distinguish revalid smaller groups of patients. The former have won. "
It is very important that there are two criteria that must be met before at all is a classification of application. There will not be a mental disorder if the patient 'significant distress' experiences and / or significantly dysfunctional. As measured by a new measurement scale (Whodas-2.0). Incidentally, the previous version of DSM wielded such criteria, but was there, says Hengeveld, 'sometimes sinned. "
Found a Dutch equivalent for each designated in English Disorder? Objective of the DSM system was in order, as the Maastricht Professor of Psychiatric Epidemiology Jim van Os says to call. "An Esperanto 'of psychiatry revalid in life That "Esperanto" was especially English, precisely: American English. The translation of the DSM-5 continues in many places close to English. A few random examples: 'disruptive mood dysregulation disorder' and 'disinhibited social engagement disorder' are in Dutch disruptive stemmingsdisregulatiestoornis 'and' disinhibited-social contact disorder.
But sometimes encountered translators problems. 'Conduct disorder' was called in the previous release 'conduct disorder, "says Hengeveld. "We feel that was too broad a term, because we in psychiatry continually talk about mental and behavioral disorders. The In English "Conduct" means moreover slightly different "behavior". "Conduct" revalid has to do with standards. Obvious therefore was translated as "conduct disorder", but we found too pejorative, stigmatizing revalid name. It eventually revalid became "standard cross-behavioral disorder. '" Apologetic he adds: "That was the best we had."
There has also been much discussion about the term 'distress'. Hengeveld: "In the previous version 'distress' was translated as" suffering ". We thought that was too heavy, too religiously loaded too. After a round of voting, we finally decided to "burden of suffering. '"
There has been a lot about whether you have an illness diagnoses of DSM-5 or classifies do. How is that? The lack of reliable diagnosis is still one of the major shortcomings of psychiatry, note the authors of an editorial in the Journal of Psychiatry this month. And who had hoped that DSM-5 would bring change, revalid it will be disappointed. The DSM was and is a classification system. "It is not a diagnostic bible," emphasizes Michael Hengeveld. "It's a" Handbook for the classification of mental disorders "as the Dutch subtitled. You're always talking about groups of patients with the same classification. Convenient, because you can then to do epidemiological research. "
In his recent critical book, The DSM-5 over! says Maastricht professor and psychiatrist Jim van Os that DSM diagnoses purely "practical labels 'are' no diseases that exist in nature." "Moreover, there are no two people with the same DSM label right: there is a lot of heterogeneity within revalid the same disorder."
A DSM classification maintains therefore revalid no clear relationship with the treatment needs of a patient and thus the indicator says Hengeveld. This requires a proper diagnosis revalid is necessary and therefore knowledge of the history, construction, revalid complications, comorbidity, prognostic factors, and so on. But, he says, the DSM-5 clearly contains criteria that psychiatrists can use to make a diagnosis. "It is in that sense a state-of-the-arthan

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