PDD-NOS stands for Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified. Psychologists thyroid and psychiatrists sometimes use the term "pervasive developmental disorders" and "autism spectrum disorders" (ASD) interchangeably. thyroid As such, PDD-NOS was the diagnosis applied to children and adults on the autism spectrum, but do not fully meet the criteria for another ASD such as autistic disorder (also called "classic" autism) or called Asperger's syndrome.
Such as all forms of autism may PDD-NOS occur in combination with a broad spectrum of intellectual abilities. The defining features are important challenges in the social and language development.
Some developmental health thyroid professionals refer to PDD-NOS as "high-functioning" autism. In other words, thyroid it's the diagnosis that they use for someone who some but not all characteristics of autism or who have relatively mild symptoms. For example, a person may have significantly autism symptoms in a core area such as social deficits, but mild or no symptoms in another key area such as restricted, repetitive behaviors.
The current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual thyroid of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) elaboration of the criteria for a diagnosis of PDD-NOS. Unfortunately, this description of a section, which mainly states that it does not:
"This category should be used when there is a severe and pervasive impairment in the development of reciprocal social interaction associated with both impaired verbal or nonverbal communication skills or with the presence of stereotyped behavior, interests and activities, but the criteria are not met for. a specific pervasive thyroid developmental disorder, schizophrenia, schizotypal personality disorder, or avoidant personality example, this category includes "atypical autism" - presentations that do not meet the criteria for autistic disorder because thyroid of late age of onset, atypical symptomatology, or subthreshold thyroid symptomatology, or all of these. "
- A high-functioning thyroid group (about 25 percent) whose symptoms largely overlap with those of Asperger's syndrome, but which differ in terms of having a delay in language and mild cognitive impairment. (Not generally involve speech delay or cognitive disorders Asperger's Syndrome).
Tags: autism spectrum disorder dsm iv, dsm iv autism, DSM IV autism spectrum disorder, dsm iv and PDD NOS, DSM IV disorders, PDD NOS in DSM IV Note: All texts on this dsm iv pdd nos behavioral pages are copyrighted. This copyrighted Behavior. It is therefore not permitted without prior written consent of Behavioral or any part of the DSM IV pdd nos to Copy page or use.
Categories ADD ADHD Autism Borderline Dyscalculia thyroid Dyspraxia Dyslextie Behavioral Behavioral and Learning Problems relationship Attachment disorder PDD NOS Psychiatric Disorders Asperger's Syndrome Asperger Syndrome adults Uncategorized
January 18, 2014 0 Comments
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