Monday, October 13, 2014

Home Foreword Astare top 10 ADHD Autism Bipolar disorder Borderline Dementia Depression DSM DSM IV-

The DSM-5 is released in May 2013, the latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), is the successor to the DSM IV-TR (see DSM IV). The DSM is internationally the most widely used classification system for psychiatric disorders. It is not the only system. The World Health Organisation provides a classification (ICD-10), which soon the eleventh edition appears. stages of pregnancy The ICD-10 stages of pregnancy is widely used in the neighboring countries. What's new
The changes in the description and classification of disorders in the DSM-5 are largely established on the basis of existing scientific knowledge. Scientific stages of pregnancy basis and a better description of disorders were the main goals of the DSM-5. The intention is that the DSM-5 is a manual that is constantly moving and which new insights from science can easily be incorporated. In an update Therefore, the Roman IV replaced by an ordinary stages of pregnancy 5. DSM-5 offers more space for specifying severity, degree of disability and individual differences within the same category of disorders. Furthermore, the 5-axis system disappears. The new DSM-5 (version 5.1) has three parts: Section I contains explanations and instructions for use. Section II contains the description of the disorder, divided into 20 categories. In Section III included possible future developments at first require further research. Upon further scientific evidence that changes in Section II of the next version can be recorded. The latter applies, for example, for a dimensional approach for describing personality disorders. There are some new disorders described as 'hoarding' (excessive collecting and no stuff to throw away, regardless of value) and gambling. Furthermore, some disturbances disappeared and some disorders such as schizophrenia and autism subtypes expire. Some symptoms such as suicidality, stages of pregnancy panic attacks, severity and degree of insight may be listed separately. Most of the changes involve a tightening or easing of the criteria, or a change in format. What you should know
The DSM-5 has a trial period of two years, stages of pregnancy which means that the DSM-5.1 will only be put into use. 2015 in the United States There is no Dutch translation made. The future is clear what will change if this version of the DSM-5 just before replacement. The current DSM-IV in the Dutch mental health care practice Books, documentaries and films
Home Foreword Astare top 10 ADHD Autism Bipolar disorder Borderline Dementia Depression DSM DSM IV-5 Recovery Supportive care Core Quadrant Motivational Interviewing Pedophilia Positive Living environment Psychofarmaca Psychopathy Psychosis Leary's Rose Schizophrenia SGLVG Total Institutions Change Model Addiction stages of pregnancy
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