Mater Dei severe case | record of events contained Malta
After less than a year ago several nurses would receive the medical care due to food poisoning brachytherapy from Mater Dei Hospital, on Monday, part head midwife found a mouse in her plate when she was eating in the canteen seating brachytherapy is reserved for employees including nurses.
The Midwife, which works in Gynaecology Unit, went to eat in their section at Mater Dei and how to put some grass in mouth and continued to browse the vegetables in the dish that had taken a shock of her life when found the head of a mouse.
Statement brachytherapy issued by the Health Secretariat confirmed this case and the management of the hospital took immediate action to initiate investigations. Public health inspectors were on site shortly to verify the facts and made their first reports.
The statement further states that since the grass was imported from Belgium after having been tried and packed in the Netherlands, Malta Public Health Inspectorate informed the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed, to take steps , collect and investigate the batch from the European market.
But sources close to Mater Dei told that although appreciate the timely intervention by the authorities, still can not believe how none of the employees brachytherapy of the company that operates the café he realized. brachytherapy The same sources told us that the food is said imporata definitely not been finished at the plate outside and someone opened, and servih cook or heat it in the dish.
This was not the only time that the same company had problems with food at Mater Dei. In November last year, about eight nurses and midwives were affected by food poisoning and had to be given medical care. Then the affected food was rice and meatballs.
MHCC said with has no association brachytherapy with the company providing food for employees of Mater Dei Hospital. Spokesman for the MHCC said they responsabblli that to provide food for patients at Mater Dei, Sir Paul Boffa Hospital, Karen Grech Hospital and Zammit Clapp Hospital only and does not provide food for employees.
MHCC must rely brain-Ghaldaqstantil everyone that the food provided to patients at Mater Dei Hospital and the other hospitals, is of top quality brachytherapy and in accordance with the standards imposed by the authorities kocernati.
Archived Entry Post Date: September 5th, 2008 at 08:39 Category: Poisoning, Mater Dei Hospital Do More: You Can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Blog at - The Connections Theme.
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After less than a year ago several nurses would receive the medical care due to food poisoning brachytherapy from Mater Dei Hospital, on Monday, part head midwife found a mouse in her plate when she was eating in the canteen seating brachytherapy is reserved for employees including nurses.
The Midwife, which works in Gynaecology Unit, went to eat in their section at Mater Dei and how to put some grass in mouth and continued to browse the vegetables in the dish that had taken a shock of her life when found the head of a mouse.
Statement brachytherapy issued by the Health Secretariat confirmed this case and the management of the hospital took immediate action to initiate investigations. Public health inspectors were on site shortly to verify the facts and made their first reports.
The statement further states that since the grass was imported from Belgium after having been tried and packed in the Netherlands, Malta Public Health Inspectorate informed the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed, to take steps , collect and investigate the batch from the European market.
But sources close to Mater Dei told that although appreciate the timely intervention by the authorities, still can not believe how none of the employees brachytherapy of the company that operates the café he realized. brachytherapy The same sources told us that the food is said imporata definitely not been finished at the plate outside and someone opened, and servih cook or heat it in the dish.
This was not the only time that the same company had problems with food at Mater Dei. In November last year, about eight nurses and midwives were affected by food poisoning and had to be given medical care. Then the affected food was rice and meatballs.
MHCC said with has no association brachytherapy with the company providing food for employees of Mater Dei Hospital. Spokesman for the MHCC said they responsabblli that to provide food for patients at Mater Dei, Sir Paul Boffa Hospital, Karen Grech Hospital and Zammit Clapp Hospital only and does not provide food for employees.
MHCC must rely brain-Ghaldaqstantil everyone that the food provided to patients at Mater Dei Hospital and the other hospitals, is of top quality brachytherapy and in accordance with the standards imposed by the authorities kocernati.
Archived Entry Post Date: September 5th, 2008 at 08:39 Category: Poisoning, Mater Dei Hospital Do More: You Can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Blog at - The Connections Theme.
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