Saturday, February 28, 2015

Vaccination is a very important part of prevention. It is true that in the last few years, the dise

What is whooping cough |
Whooping cough, a disease has been known for many years. But its consequences in the past few decades have changed significantly. Even a hundred years ago meant whooping cough almost certain death. Particularly affected children. In times of the Czechoslovak candida diet Republic, the disease appeared regularly. Doctors' surgeries candida diet annually attended several new patients. Until 1958, when it was introduced compulsory vaccination of children, the disease disappeared from the consciousness of people. The big surprise for both doctors and the general public, was that in the last few years, whooping cough reappeared on the scene. During the last year, doctors noticed until eight hundred cases infected. It was the most in the last eight years. In the following lines you can read about what the disease actually is and what parents may worry infected if their child whooping cough.
As the name suggests, whooping candida diet cough is a disease in which the patient receives very strong coughs. candida diet Whooping cough is a contagious disease, so it is necessary that the victim came into contact with the fewest number of people that the disease does not spread further. The disease manifests itself every year. The numbers speak for themselves. candida diet They show that annually infects whooping cough several million people worldwide. Unfortunately, it is quite insidious disease candida diet that is responsible for up to three hundred candida diet deaths in one. Saddest thing is that most patients from small children.
Whooping cough is very easy to carry, which is its greatest candida diet risk. Transmission is through droplet infection. Not only during coughing, but also in normal conversation. The worst carriers are recently infected persons about their disease do not even know yet. They also devoted to further transmit the disease without, themselves or others, somehow protected. There is a high probability that the disease to unvaccinated individuals very easily transmitted. The probability is between eighty to ninety percent.
As described above, the disease occurs mainly in children. Nejkrizovější period between the third and fifth year of life in children. The mistake would be to think that adults with this disease can not be met. Wrong. Adult diseases can infect as well as the child. The course is highly specific and may further complicate subsequent treatment because the disease candida diet may not be detected in time. It headstreams greater likelihood of transmission of the disease to other people.
Very interesting finding is that the primary symptoms of the disease come after some time, hence the disease is detected in the very beginning. This is a period of about two weeks after transmission of infection. Even after this time, in most cases it is not clear whether this is a classic cold or just about whooping cough. The development of characteristic symptoms of whooping cough occurs after about a month after infection.
The most typical symptoms are big coughs. Coughing is to spasmodic candida diet and usually occurs at night when lasts longer candida diet time interval. Following a whistling sound and often vomiting. Cough strokes are very uncomfortable for the patient and tedious. Usually manifested for at least two weeks but not excluding even the cases where the patient candida diet suffers seizures more than a month. These serious cases must be resolved wards in the hospital.
Whooping cough is indeed a serious disease that can not be underestimated, but if the patient follows the doctor's recommendation, we can handle. In any case, it is necessary supervision of the attending physician. The medicaments are in this case also a necessity. Is usually prescribed antibiotics, which in some cases may not be one hundred percent effect. Can relieve symptoms that bother patients candida diet can shorten the time for transmitting infectious, but the disease itself, thanks to antibiotics, one never completely abandons. Treatment candida diet time is at least two weeks.
Vaccination is a very important part of prevention. It is true that in the last few years, the disease sometimes occurs in waiting rooms and doctors are few patients per year will, but even so vaccination is very important. Thanks to him, the disease spread to the monstrous proportions that could have a disastrous impact on humanity. More than fifty years, vaccination is compulsory in the Czech Republic. candida diet Along with whooping cough is inoculated tetanus and diphtheria in the form of so-called. Triple vaccine. Vaccination is not done within a single application. It is divided into three periods. The first vaccination takes place from the ninth week of the fifth month, the second candida diet vaccine followed for six weeks, and the last dose is for another six months.
Categories Acne Anorexia Arthritis Ankylosing spondylitis disease Borreliosis tingling Whooping Cough Crohn's Disease Diabetes Weight Loss ketone diet Hemorrhoids Varicose veins Mononucleosis Panic Disorder Other Diseases Chickenpox Plastic surgery venereal disease Inflammation of the kidney

Friday, February 27, 2015

Healthy diet, exercises for belly Chlamydia and their manifestations How to put on weight Liver cir

Whooping cough: symptoms, treatment (whooping cough)
We describe whooping cough. You will learn what are the main signs and symptoms of whooping cough and how the treatment. Sometimes, instead of the name Pertussis also uses the name of whooping cough. Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
Whooping cough is caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis. This bacterium colonizes the human airways. Where Bordetella pertussis airway hypothyroid settles and reproducing gradually latches function of cilia. It also produces toxins. Whooping cough is transmitted through droplets.
Whooping cough can be recognized at the beginning primarily by these major signs and symptoms: fever - very elevated body temperature, often moves up to around 40 C. airway inflammation - is present hypothyroid inflammation of the airways tiredness - Do you feel tired and have less energy than before
In the next stage shows the following symptoms: dry cough - sometimes manifested only as whooping cough sounds when you breathe - breathe occurs when a whistling sound like a rooster. hypothyroid Treatment
Antibiotics for whooping cough, pertussis adults, hypothyroid whooping cough incubation period, how to identify whooping cough, symptoms of whooping cough This post written by admin, March 28, 2013 at 5.35 in the Symptoms section. You can follow comments to this post through RSS 2.0. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. More articles from loss of taste in mouth Wet cough Burning stomach rectal burning burning tongue pressure in the stomach Painful ovulation Stinging in hip effusion hypothyroid in the knee pain on the right side of the chest burning chest first symptoms of HIV Vomiting Itchy rash on the body burning throat heel spurs Bulka in armpits growling gut Hair loss in men kidney pain Dry cough pale stools deficiency of vitamin B Atrial fibrillation bad nerves and psyche: Symptoms More articles from the 'Symptoms'
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Whooping cough is a highly acute and almost extremely contagious disease that occurs primarily in c

Whooping cough
Whooping cough is a highly acute and almost extremely contagious disease that occurs primarily in children, and he often known as "the terror of mothers." Folk medicine he also attributed the name of whooping cough, under which today appears. Whooping cough is a very insidious way bacteria of the genus Bordetella, which attacks the lining of virtually all parts of the upper respiratory tract. The incubation period ranges on the border of the week to fourteen days, and if we were talking about the average length of the disease from the first symptoms to total cure, it will be about six weeks.
It is thus evident that whooping cough is a highly dangerous effects of alcohol and complicated disease and is an absolute must look at the first suspicion doctor. Especially among children threatens the life and whooping cough each year there are roughly 350 thousand. succumb. For teenagers and adults it is more severe disease, but that does not endanger the patient's life. The opposite is again in the elderly. Whooping cough is also characterized by the fact that his single host can be a person, so is transmitted exclusively effects of alcohol by droplet infection, effects of alcohol with 90% of unvaccinated persons who come into contact with infected will be infected.
Pertussis be virtually divided into three phases, which are characterized effects of alcohol by various effects of alcohol symptoms. Once again, we emphasize that this is a highly dangerous disease, so in any of the accompanying symptoms see a doctor because he has whooping cough, also very fast tempo and the potential to increase to fatal complications. In the first stage of whooping cough manifested typical symptoms of damage to mucous membranes - watery eyes, runny nose persistent, phlegm, loss of appetite, dry cough at night, which later appears in the daytime. After about ten days comes the typical manifestation of the disease, which are a series of five to ten massive cough, during which the patient suffocated, and had always followed a massive hýkavý touch. Often there are large quantities of sputum expectorated or bubbles nose. Absolutely typical effects of alcohol are vomiting after seizures and high temperatures extending to forty degrees. The first relief to occur in the third phase, which occurs around the fourth week, when whooping cough begins to subside. In complex cases, the disease can take up to three months.
Even though the vaccination against whooping effects of alcohol cough mandatory, and its incidence effects of alcohol has been significantly reduced, but some mutations bacteria and is manifested in many cases need to proceed to a specific treatment. It is always provided the most powerful broad-spectrum antibiotics may be prescribed by a doctor. effects of alcohol It should also, for example mucus laboratory analysis to analyze what kind of pertussis is precisely that it can later be more targeted therapy. This is practically the only treatment that exists. Whooping cough can not dampen the cough and the patient must be under regular medical supervision.
Please leave These two fields effects of alcohol as-is:

Thursday, February 26, 2015

As we have already indicated, whooping cough mainly affects young children, most often it ochoří be

Whooping cough still some hundred years ago featured a deadly disease, which was a real bugbear parents of small children. Even in the middle of the twentieth century, while in the former Czechoslovakia became infected with the disease migrena every year tens of thousands of people. Since 1958, when it started with compulsory vaccination against whooping cough, started to become ill gradually decline significantly until the disease began to be considered virtually eradicated. The bigger surprise, however, was the doctors and the general when our country over the past few years began whooping cough occur again. Last year, then this disease occurred even at nearly eight hundred children, allowing doctors to talk about the greatest number of patients whooping cough for the past eight years. Which is it? And what dangers threaten our offspring?
Whooping cough, as suggested, the very name of this disease is mainly in intensive bouts of severe coughing. It belongs to a very contagious disease, as evidenced by the worldwide number - year after year, whooping cough affects tens of millions of people, taking him over three hundred migrena thousand patients, particularly the smallest, finally succumbs.
Very risky proved particularly the way it is transmitted. Indeed droplet migrena infection migrena - not only during the actual cough, but also in simple conversation - uncontrolled spread mainly through people migrena who are themselves infected some time ago, and has been so for themselves do not observe the characteristic symptoms of the disease. To illustrate, let us add here that as a result of contact with an infected individual, thus still healthy persons there is a transfer of whooping cough in diameter at eighty to ninety percent of those who have not vaccinations!
As we have already indicated, whooping cough mainly affects young children, most often it ochoří between the third to fifth year of life. Pertussis but also in any case even affects adults. For them, on the contrary, its course takes place in atypical forms, which further complicates the whole thing - the disease is sometimes not diagnosed in a timely manner, thus increasing the risk of infection migrena in the immediate vicinity. migrena
Unpleasant is equally a fact that the first symptoms of the disease whooping cough come relatively late - usually in a matter of weeks or two from exposure to sources of infection. And even then, often closest to the usual symptoms of colds. Thus, whooping cough usually looks for the next fortnight, so consequently there has been development of a truly characteristic symptoms.
These are convulsive fits of coughing coming more frequently during the night, which may take up to a minute, ending a whistling sound, which often comes after vomiting. Inconvenient is also a relatively long period of time, after which these seizures occur: at least in terms of two weeks as well but there are cases where spasmodic cough not stop even after more than a month. In this case, sick babies often end up in a hospital bed.
Regarding the treatment options available whooping cough in the first place, we must emphasize that continuous medical supervision is a precondition of healing. Commonly prescribed by antibiotic treatment, but unfortunately not all-powerful - alleviate disease symptoms, shorten the time for which a risk of infection to others, but the disease itself never stops completely. It is always best to be expected at least two weeks of treatment.
For the fact that - despite the partial return of the disease in our environment - whooping cough has not spread in a much more significant scale is due primarily to the fact that we now know the effective options for vaccination. It is in the Czech Republic in children at about fifty years is compulsory. Vaccination is carried out through the so-called. Triple vaccine, in addition to preventing whooping cough and diphtheria and tetanus infection. Vaccination of this happens in three stages. First, migrena in the period from the ninth week of the fifth month of life, then for the next six weeks, the last dose of vaccine is then administered after a further six months.
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Note: The Czech Republic is fully implemented mandatory vaccination of children against whooping co

We support families with preterm infants gout About History Objectives gout associations Partners and Donors Annual reports European Foundation for the Care of newborn babies Donate Fairy Tales To read projects are not alone in this World Prematurity Day - World Day of preterm infants Mums for Mom peer counseling for Tales Owl Babies in the palm of pygmy Gold Membership Contacts MENU CLOSE back
Whooping cough is a widespread disease worldwide. affects mostly children, rarely also adults. gout It is highly contagious. Affected manifested seizures intractable cough. In the world of ill whooping cough annually about 60 million people, of which approximately 350,000 of them - mostly children - die.
The causative agent of whooping cough bacterium Bordetella pertussis, which is hosted by a single person. Contagion takes place through droplets when speaking, but especially when you cough or sneeze. Great pose a danger to those around the person in the first stage of the disease, where the typical symptoms of the disease still evident. Whooping cough is very contagious. After contact with an infected individual becomes ill 80-90% of unvaccinated individuals. The most common is the occurrence of whooping cough between 3 to 5 years of age. Infected children may also infect their younger siblings, including infants, that the disease can be life-threatening. Become infected with whooping cough may become ill and even adults. For them run whooping cough usually atypical and often not recognized. Therefore, pose next to children and adults alike serious source of infection.
Pertussis toxin specific release - pertussis toxin, which causes most symptoms. The first signs of disease gout appear within one to two weeks after infection. They look like the common cold with a runny nose, cough and hoarseness. This first stage of the disease lasts about 14 days. Then embarking characteristic symptoms manifested by repeated convulsive coughing associated with respiratory obtížemi.Často lasting up to a minute bouts ending whistling sound when you breathe, caused by spasms of the larynx. After the seizure is often followed by vomiting. Within 24 hours, gout occurs on average 5-50 coughing bouts, and more often at night than during the day. In the following gout period, which lasts for another 2-6 weeks, hot cough gradually subside. Carried out in the manner described in childhood most diseases. Roughly 10% of children, however, a severe course of illness. Especially in early infancy instead of coughing fits can show up short-term, temporary, life-threatening apnea (apnea). This condition gout requires hospitalization.
In infants, the 5th month of life ends up to 70% disease whooping cough deaths. Serious complications or consequences later disease that can be attached to whooping cough infection gout at all ages, include otitis gout media, pneumonia, or even brain disease. Pneumonia in the first year of life occurs in every fifth child in a 2-4 year for every tenth child with whooping cough. Clinical diagnosis is determined by the typical attacks of coughing dostavujících mostly at night. The diagnosis can be verified by the presence of agents card pertussis in the back of the nasopharynx, which has been achieved especially gout in the initial stage of the disease (during the first two weeks). gout
Timely commenced treatment with antibiotics (eg. Chloramphenicol or erythromycin) shortens the time during which the infected person contagious and alleviate the progression gout of the disease. But completely prevent disease. The treatment takes about 14 days. In severely ill infants who are unable to cough, phlegm suction is performed. These children gout must be under constant medical gout supervision. Vaccination
Effective protection against disease whooping cough vaccination. Today vaccines used contain only those components pertussis, which are necessary for the creation of substantial antibodies. They are well tolerated.
Note: The Czech Republic is fully implemented mandatory vaccination of children against whooping cough. It uses a mixed vaccine (triple vaccine), which protects against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. Children are vaccinated with three doses: the first time since the 9th week to 5 months of age. Followed by a second dose at 6 weeks, and the third for another 6 months. With this measure, the incidence of pertussis among us unique. Frequently Asked Questions
What side effects may possibly occur during vaccination against whooping cough? In currently used acellular vaccine is very well tolerated. In rare cases may cause redness, swelling or mild pain at the injection site, sometimes temporarily recorded slightly elevated temperature.
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

First Peoples microbe nose and nasopharynx and afflicted starts coughing. It takes about a week. An

Whooping cough known from the narrative of our grandmothers and also from the pre-war and war literature. It was then often fatal disease. Were treated with homemade honey from dandelions. For many years it seemed that it is a disease of the past, but this year again struck a powerful force.
It seems that by the end of the patients reported statistically whooping cough nearly 1,000 people. shin splints It's shin splints not just worsening health situation in our country, the same ominous shift is also recorded in Germany, shin splints Austria or the USA. What is it called. Whooping cough?
Black or even whooping shin splints cough (lat. Pertussis) caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. It is a highly contagious bacterial disease shin splints that is transmitted by droplet infection. The only source of infection shin splints is man. An infected person is contagious and can infect other people for up to 100 days. Symptoms of whooping cough
First Peoples microbe nose and nasopharynx and afflicted starts coughing. It takes about a week. Antibiotic filed during this period commencing the disease it can be stopped safely. In the next stage of the patient affects acute attacks very irritable, dry, or štěkavého kokrhajícího cough. They are accompanied by shortness of breath, gagging and vomiting. Often they attack the patient at night. Seizures are very comprehensive. This paroxysmal phase lasts approximately 4-8 weeks, when it does not help antibiotic. After this time gradually disappear cough.
Children are in infancy so-called mandatory vaccination. Hexa, which is revaccinated preschoolers and then aged 10 to 11 years. This last vaccination, however, is introduced from 2009. Vaccination protects against whooping cough (and before diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, polio and Haemophilus influenzae) 3-12 years and is recommended even in adulthood. That also depends on voluntary individual. Treatment of whooping cough
The pertussis take antibiotics only when they are deployed in the early days of the disease. If you are given later, do not help, but at least prevents complications, which may be disease conjunctivitis, nasal bleeding, swelling of the face, pneumonia, suppurative otitis media, convulsions, loss of appetite, etc. In a fit of coughing is recommended to humidify the air in the room.
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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Note that in 2009, it was reported more than 800 cases, but so far the media haunted, haunted as no

The incidence of the disease after 50 years of universal vaccination, which is comparable with that at the start, granuloma annulare it's not a good sign for vaccination. Under the motto "If it does not work, let's more" was introduced 4 years ago booster 10-year-old children, and vaccination is offered to adults as well.
Note that in 2009, it was reported more than 800 cases, but so far the media haunted, haunted as now. Also interesting is the decline in 2010-2011, which could be due to the newly introduced 10-year booster. As you can see, it did not last too long.
That would be about 200 additional cases per 10 million inhabitants mean the difference? Even larger increase occurred between 2008 and 2009, yet can not remember such a media massage. What could cause a difference in the approach of the media? That would decline vaccination coverage, still less willing granuloma annulare parents to vaccinate their children? However, in comparison with 2009 coverage actually increased thanks to a new vaccination coverage granuloma annulare of 10-year-olds. Vaccine protection is therefore, according to the official views of these children was extended to 10 years, which outweigh decline in vaccination rates in young children.
U whooping cough can see that even in the period when inoculated against it across the board, its occurrence was fluctuating. The disease granuloma annulare has its own natural cycle and its incidence varies granuloma annulare regardless of the constant coverage. The sharp rise in the past few years, but will have a different cause.
Against whooping cough to vaccinate roughly flat from the 50s of the 20th century. All those years were seeded only children, the last dose of each of us got in 5 years. Still, after all these years, the incidence basically stable, with small ripples natural fluctuations. Why was it changed?
A possible reason for the transition to an acellular vaccine, which since 2007 vaccinate all children, before this year only children whose parents paid hexa. Whole-cell vaccine had a more acute adverse reactions, but it seems to be more effective. According to an analysis of epidemics granuloma annulare by age groups, older children had better granuloma annulare protection than younger. [1]
Bordetella pertussis after colonization of the airways produces substances that prevent the immune system granuloma annulare to recognize it and fight against it. Only after about 2 weeks will make antibodies against these substances, and will effectively eliminate bacteria. Innate immunity thus contains antibodies against these toxins. In the second contact efficacy individual who has suffered it, the bacteria immediately recognize and destroy granuloma annulare it quickly. Therefore there nepropukne disease and is not infectious or very short time. [2]
Acellular vaccines contain this toxin antigen, granuloma annulare so after vaccination against it does not produce antibodies. After vaccination also does not produce mucosal antibodies - IgA. When infection vaccinated whooping cough in terms of the spread of infection granuloma annulare occurs as a primary infection in unvaccinated. The patient is colonized Bordetella which it can multiply and spread it to the surroundings. He may or may not have symptoms.
A milder form of the disease with atypical symptoms in vaccinated is indeed more pleasant for themselves, but risky for the environment granuloma annulare because they become vectors. Their disease is often not recognized correctly and hides under various diagnoses such as asthma. It has been demonstrated that vaccination may distribute whooping cough and disperse it. [3] She is known to take place when the child vaccinated infected unvaccinated granuloma annulare younger siblings.
A recent study conducted by the FDA for young baboon, [4] showed that chicks vaccinated acellular vaccine, compared with calves vaccinated with whole cell vaccine, getting rid of the infection and also more evidence of transmission of pertussis from vaccinated to unvaccinated individuals. Dr. Erik Hewlett from the University of Virginia, who was not involved granuloma annulare in the study, granuloma annulare but worked with one of the authors, told the Washington Post: [5]
Maybe you've heard of cocoons strategy, ie. Vaccinating persons close to the one you want to protect, but can not be vaccinated. This strategy is, after all, the foundation of collective immunity and the main argument for mandatory vaccination: restrictions to the circulation of the pathogen population in the vast majority of vaccine were protected individuals who for some reason can not be vaccinated. As mentioned study proves the assumption that subjects do not spread disease, is incorrect.
The study showed that baboons, whole cell vaccine inoculations, the author managed to get rid of whooping cough in about half the time than individuals vaccinated with acellular vaccine. It was about 18 resp. 35 days. As it is, although vaccination will protect against infection manifest, granuloma annulare but at the same time will make you symptomless vectors.
It is strange that in an appeal granuloma annulare to strengthen vaccination appears explanation pr

Monday, February 23, 2015

Hospitals and doctors Other Social Care Pharmacy entire Czech capital city of Prague South Bohemia

Cough is one of the most common difficulties that brings the patient to the doctor. Problems are dependent on the intensity of the inflammatory process and subsequent changes of mucosal surfaces. It is not okay to want to rush the healing, time 2-3 weeks is the most optimal and minimal time to clinical improvement. At present, unfortunately, there is an increased incidence of disease whooping cough.
While in adults this disease occurs crohn without major complications, neonatal pertussis is a big risk. Patients are then particularly high risk for newborns and sufficiently neproočkované children who have an increased sensitivity to transmission crohn of infection.
Diagnosis of whooping cough has undergone great development and its options crohn are currently at a high level. Nevertheless, there are problems with a diagnosis of this disease because crohn pertussis occurs often atypical, crohn and can also be complicated by another additive infections. Symptoms of whooping cough
Early symptoms do not differ from the common cold, which prevents timely deployment antibiotic treatment. Symptoms can be divided into three groups: runny nose, cough numerous typical bouts of cough, blue-purple discoloration of the skin due to poor oxygenation, vomiting lasts increased disposition to cough, the time between attacks but shortens recovery
Pertussis is transmitted by close contact, droplets. The incubation period is 6-12 days. Most infectious is affected during acute inflammation and the first two weeks from the start coughing - so it is a dangerous infectious diseases. Is to isolate the sick (at least in the beginning of the disease).
Whooping crohn cough can be accompanied by various complications or comorbidities: convulsions and loss of consciousness from multiple causes crohn mechanical breach of the oral cavity due to intractable cough and lung problems crohn strenuous abdominal hernia pneumothorax (air in the pleural cavity) and booster vaccination
To reduce the incidence of this disease is recommended booster vaccination of adolescents and seniors. crohn Vaccination or booster should undergo everyone in the family to be born baby, will ensure the best possible protection of the newborn. Vaccination should be done at least 14 days prior to contact with the child.
Whooping cough can threaten any one of us to life. After contact with a sick person gets sick 80-90% (mostly) non-vaccinated people. Let us be careful ourselves, protect yourself against attack foreign viruses and vice versa - let's be considerate crohn and if you are sick, do not expose your neighborhood risk of contagion.
I wanted to ask if I could infect around the entire duration of the illness, I am 15 and I have to be home for 21 days, but already I can not stand it, and I would like to go even just out for a while, you think it's possible?
Whooping cough, I underwent recently. Nobody do not want it! Fortunately, our two daughters 21 / oč 14 and 4 / has complete vaccine and neither my husband 55 /očk.v childhood to get. It started with a slight cold, after the end again, another, that I have already received antibiotics. After the reveal crohn its condition two days ok, again after flu symptoms again smears, New Antibodies ... but after a few days of no change, and to me it is already impossible. In spite of everything I went through the net, thought the surrounding area, where what is behind the disease and went to the dr. I demanded scrapings of scarlet fever / školka..čk was just an idea ... TB / customer is in the hospital. Dr changed crohn Antibodies, and I went home, took a new medication. Within a few hours the course of the illness turned by 200 percent !! It was horrible, I fought three days with a fever of 39.5 and below the extra medication. Full benefits Paralen nothing took up Ipubrufen, crohn cough, seizures almost always - you do not know what they had to protect, crohn vomiting, unsustainable food, fatigue, weakness, fever ... when he finally fell, I focused on food. I do not have a hospital on a drip, I started polévkou..silné broths. A jupi ... it worked together with a number of oranges, crackers, biscuits and ice cream. I had antibiotics that before and after 4-5hod Do not dairy products or vitamin c ..... so count the hours and eat all the time .... it was awful, I did it, but tiredness and weakness persists, especially the stairs. Fuck least ... almost all. And I believe that it will be getting better and better ...
Hello, I would like to respond to the article Mrs. Sarka, who underwent whooping cough. I have him well behind and I agree with you, I do not wish anyone to !!! It's been more than a year and still get to it !! Take care .... Lenka.
Whooping cough I had not, but that's how I was choking on it a lot alike! I had it on drugs, but I still lungs something settled. I started to use the recommendations dog lard from herbs from the pharmacy, deletes it on the chest and to my surprise, it really helped, so I can really recommend it.
Hospitals and doctors Other Social Care Pharmacy entire Czech capital city of Prague South Bohemia Moravia Carlsbad Region Highlands crohn Region Hradec Kralove Region Liberec Region Moravian-Silesian Region Olomouc Region Pardubice Region Pilsen Region Central Bohemian Region Usti region crohn Zlin region
Slice beef stuffed with egg, cucumber, bacon and sausage. crohn Who does not know the classic Spanish Mockingbird

Bacterial disease known as pertussis (whooping cough, pertussis) is a highly contagious disease tha

Pertussis (whooping cough) symptoms
It would seem that whooping cough had not among the diseases that threaten is pneumonia contagious the Czech Republic in children's lives. Mandatory vaccination pushed the index of children's diseases and we knew it for years just from literature or films for survivors. Population migration and the resistance of some people to vaccinate infants caused the whooping cough are currently here and there. It is a severe disease which accompanies is pneumonia contagious choking cough, but has further negative effects on the organism. Its symptoms are very uncomfortable for children, therapy was successful thanks to antibiotics. Whooping cough has typical symptoms
Bacterial disease known as pertussis (whooping cough, pertussis) is a highly contagious disease that penalize the most frequently preschool children, but it can also infect infants or older children (even teenagers).
After about three weeks after infection, the child gets violent coughing fits, which is quite typical, resembles kohoutímu crowing because the child falters. Sometimes the cough to vomit. When seizure lacks oxygen so turns blue in the face. These are typical symptoms of whooping cough, and parents signal to the child immediately ensure medical assistance. The treatment lasts up to two months
Whooping cough is a protracted illness. I specialized in the treatment lasts a month or two. It is not accompanied by a high fever, the child has only the first stage of the disease. After recovery gains lifelong immunity (which is why vaccination prevention). The disease is not dangerous only because the child can not breathe and threatened with suffocation. is pneumonia contagious
The bacterium that causes whooping cough produces a pertussis toxin-specific toxic substance that causes irritation of mucous in the airways is pneumonia contagious and trachea and bronchial infections. Jed also amplifies the effects of certain hormones - for example, lowers blood sugar levels or causes is pneumonia contagious a large capillary permeability, so that the body fluid gets out of the vascular system, causing swelling, is pneumonia contagious but sometimes the shock of body fluid deprivation. It is also found that pertussis toxin induces hypersensitivity to histamine, which affects is pneumonia contagious the activity of smooth muscle and allows, is pneumonia contagious among other things, exhaling (additional is pneumonia contagious risk of suffocation).
The most effective prevention is vaccination. The vaccine against whooping cough is contained in the so-called hexa, which are compulsorily is pneumonia contagious vaccinated children. If some parents refuse to let prevents a child vaccinated (a phenomenon that is incomprehensible for paediatricians), expose the child at risk of infection. The disease came to us from other countries, especially from the "third world" in which health care is less developed and lack of preventive is pneumonia contagious care for children. Therefore, doctors recommend that mothers with more unvaccinated children do not move in public places with a higher concentration of people (shopping malls, metro, etc.).
Sometimes, but rarely, it may happen that whooping cough sick and vaccinated children. It is explained as physical ailments child for vaccination when the vaccine worked. It's actually very rare. Pertussis is currently treatable.
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Sunday, February 22, 2015

For the first 10 months of 2014 recorded the EAA in Prague in 2188 reported cases of whooping cough

How do whooping cough? -
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Whooping cough (pertussis) is a highly infectious disease of the respiratory vagisil system. Transmitted vagisil by droplet infection and after contact with an infected individual is ill 80-90% of unvaccinated susceptible vagisil persons. Symptoms of a fully developed diseases are typical bouts of coughing kokrhavého. These can take many weeks. Often disease is associated with vomiting, rapid weight loss, or total exhaustion.
In children tends whooping cough severe course, especially the smallest, who have not yet developed the cough reflex. The disease also may be accompanied by serious health complications such as pneumonia, circulatory failure, central nervous system or severe generalized disease whose consequences can children die.
However, in adults has pertussis often atypical manifestation not only that no further complications, but they may not exhibit typical kokrhavý or cough. Often notice that suffer from this infectious bacterial vagisil disease. Throughout disease can infect their surroundings, especially babies vagisil who are not protected by vaccination against vagisil the disease. Coughing may continue up to 100 days. What are the actual date of occurrence of pertussis in the Czech Republic?
For the first 10 months of 2014 recorded the EAA in Prague in 2188 reported cases of whooping cough. Incidence represents 21.2 cases per 100 000 population. Compared to last year, which was still being considered in this regard, for the record, vagisil this is an increase of more than 2.5x. Why are most vulnerable children?
Whooping cough poses the greatest vagisil risk to newborns and infants with incomplete vaccination. Babies are vaccinated in the Czech Republic called. Hexa, which is given in four doses. Protection vagisil against diseases vaccinated fully started up after a few months of life, after the second dose of vaccine until children are at risk of contracting infectious diseases, including whooping cough infection. In the Czech Republic in 2013 diagnosed with whooping cough in 34 children, the most in four months of life. In 2014, this number rose already on the 64th It is proven that these children are infected in 67% of their surroundings, mostly from the mother. How threatens adult whooping cough?
Since 2012, among the highest number of cases of whooping cough in ages between 15 and 19 years. In recent years, moreover, increasing the number of reported patients aged prospective parents (20 leta and more), which increases the risk to the newborn child. If adults do not give regular booster vaccinations are not protected against vagisil the disease. Vaccination does not cause long-term as well as the disease does not leave lifelong immunity - protection. What to do if you suspect whooping cough?
In cases of suspected disease whooping cough, see a doctor and get a swab from the posterior wall of the nasopharynx - the best on culture or identity vagisil DNA testing of the causative agent (PCR test). The ideal time for harvesting is early in the disease, the most in three weeks duration of symptoms (cough), before antibiotic treatment. To subscribe you must come in the morning on empty stomach; It is very important before taking the smoke, do not clean your teeth and chew gum! Culture results are known usually within a week, the results of PCR tests are faster, more commonly already the next day.
Due to the high contagiousness vagisil of the disease is epidemiologically very important to make a diagnosis as quickly as possible, so that they were sick and possibly their loved ones in a targeted and timely antibiotic treatment and prevent the spread of disease to other susceptible persons. Laboratory diagnostics lies in the culture tests, PCR tests (nasopharyngeal swab) or serological examination of blood. What are the possibilities of prevention?
The introduction of blanket vaccination in 1958 resulted in a significant decrease in morbidity and mortality. Since 1990, however, in our country the incidence of whooping cough again growing. Although vaccination is still reliable prevention, provides immunity only 3-12 years. In the initial course with us against vagisil whooping cough protects babies (hexa - four doses within 18 months of life) and booster vaccinations between the fifth and sixth year, and again between the tenth and eleventh year of life. I set out the basic vaccination can be read regularly renewed need for protection against whooping cough and booster vaccinations. vagisil Adults this has to think for themselves vagisil - there are friendly combination vaccine, which they additionally extend vagisil protection against vagisil tetanus. Booster vaccinations with one dose.
Recent studies conducted under the guidance of prof. Romana Chlíbka points out that it is in the adult population seeing high under-reporting of this disease. The presence vagisil of antibodies against pertussis was studied on a sample of 2,000 adults. The aim of the study

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Hello my friend! Chronic kidney failure is good therapy? Many patients are very concerned about thi

Hello my friend! Chronic kidney failure is good therapy? Many patients are very concerned about this issue, any kind of kidney disease can lead to kidney failure phenomenon, but such cases are mostly chronic renal failure. Chronic renal failure is usually due to poisoning, infection, or physical trauma due. The presence of chronic renal failure in general and their own characteristics, compared with chronic kidney failure may see faster therapeutic effect in the treatment, but the prognosis consolidation requires attention. itchy skin In addition, we recommend the use of dialysis patients is not easy because dialysis fundamentally achieve therapeutic effect, can only play a sustainable impact. Dialysis patients with long-term use will not only build confidence, or even allow patients to melt the remaining kidney function! The patient still exists urine, it shows their kidney function has not been completely lost, there is still a lot of return. ... Expert Hotline: - Hello! Chronic kidney failure itchy skin is good therapy? , Had chronic renal failure have questions about treatment options? Beijing itchy skin Hospital of therapeutic effect? <, But now the detoxification function of the kidney glomerular sclerosis Reduced Fibrosis causes kidney alone is not enough but increases the burden on the kidneys, the key now is What is the treatment of chronic renal failure? Let what to eat? Chronic kidney failure is good therapy? What is the treatment of chronic renal failure? Let what to eat? Have a great relationship. What is the treatment of chronic renal failure? itchy skin This problem has been read! Chronic renal failure is mainly due to long-term kidney disease, including weather and disease, reduced kidney function, resulting in kidney failure. Acute renal failure due to the impact of kidney Hypertension, Acidosis, hyperkalemia, sodium and water retention, anemia and toxic substances, etc., can be heart failure, arrhythmias, and myocardial damage and so on. Because urea (uric acid can) stimulation effect can also occur aseptic pericarditis, patients determined before the disease, pericardial friction rub smell and physical examinations. Severe pericardial cavity appears cellulose and bloody exudate. Slow early renal failure, interstitial nitrogen removal promising disease, but often have no clinical symptoms, but only showed symptoms of the underlying disease, to the development of disease in disability ... Now this issue, we sat down briefly. To treat the disease, and many factors combine, especially the development of uremia renal failure, multiple organ clinical appearance, integrated multi-system trauma syndrome group, the disease complex, different, difficult to in a clinical drug treatment methods to improve, so the main renal failure divided by TCM syndrome out and take enema, herbal medicine bath, traditional itchy skin Chinese medicine and acupuncture therapy hot iron. In recent years, itchy skin through the efforts of the majority of Chinese medicine practitioner especially hospital workers specialize in stone
Doctor and Patient In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
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Chronic nephritis is common type of kidney disease. It is also called glomerulonephritis. and is a

Chronic nephritis is common type of kidney disease. It is also called glomerulonephritis. and is a kidney disease resulting in damage to the organ. Its cause may be due to a variety of factors, especially the immune system issues. Cause of this type of chronic kidney inflammation in individual cases, however, are often not known. Chronic nephritis is among the leading causes of chronic kidney failure and end stage renal disease. Causes include: Diabetic nephropathy / Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis sclerosis IgA nephropathy (Berger's disease) Lupus nephritis mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis membranous nephritis disorder associated with diseases such as amyloidosis, multiple myeloma, or immune diseases, including AIDS Treatment of Chronic nephritis mainly include routine treatment for reducing symptoms and slowing kidney development as follows: ACEI or ARB medications to control blood pressure Corticosteroids Drugs that suppress or quiet the immune system A method called plasmapheresis low blood pressure may sometimes be applied for nephritis caused by the immune system. The portion of the fluid containing antibodies is removed and then replaced with intravenous fluids. Removal of circulating antibodies help reduce inflammation in the kidney tissues and relieve symptoms. Anti-infection treatment is essential for chronic nephritis to slow progression of the disease condition. You may also need to limit salt, fluids, proteins and other substances. Anti-coagulation low blood pressure treatment is essential to reduce the clotting of blood and the risk of stroke.
Doctor and Patient In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
2015 (158) 二月 (71) 一月 (87) What I Mean Creatinine 1.6 patients low blood pressure with kidney failure Becoming Ac ... Six Main symptoms of Uremia Five Main symptoms of IgA nephritis Herbal bath can Increase safety s ... Herbal low blood pressure Hot tub Treat nausea and vomiting more ... New Treatment for Diabetic Principles Stones ... When Should We Treat Kidney Cyst What can I do to manage aki ... You Ketosteril treat your chronic pain patients ... Kidney failure can hantung ... New Treatment for Diabetic Principles Stones ... New Treatment for Diabetic Principles Stones ... When Should We Treat Kidney Cyst What I can do to manage aki ... Ketosteril can cure your chronic pain patients ... Kidney failure can hantung ... Can Stage 4 Chronic kidney patients Sak ... Tips when making a herbal Hot Bath ... Complications of Chronic Kidney Disease (In ... The Complications of Hemodialysis Relationship between Hypertension and disease ba ... Diabetics can cause liver damage How to Deal with Itchy Skin for the p ... Life expectancy of Stage 5 Chronic Disease ... Creatinine levels are 5.7 and urea with 20 years 152 Alta ... Getting Decreased Creatinine Levels Is not ... The Dangerous Levels of Creatinine for the rock ... The Relationship between low blood pressure kidney disease and urea Aci ... Why Diabetics Feel dizzy Why ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease) pasye ... The Two Main causations of CKD Pathological Changes That Cause Damages to b ... Overview renal anemia General Introduction of S ... Top 7 Chronic low blood pressure symptoms of CKD One thing you need to know about d ... What are the symptoms low blood pressure of kidney failure detention What tier chronic kabigua ... What are the symptoms of kidney failure in chronic renal failure may Dialysis is the only way to do drop ... What preparations should be made before hemodia ... What are the steps of chronic kabigua ... What are the symptoms of kidney failure low blood pressure in chronic renal failure may Dialysis is the only way to do drop ... What preparations should be made before hemodia ... What are the symptoms of Kidney failure can be recovered renal failure Dialysis is the only way to do drop ... What preparations should be made before hemodia ... uremic dialysis can cure you What are the indications for peritoneal dyalis ... What are the basic principles of peritoney Por que pode causar ... hipotensão em hemodiálise Hemodialysis Patients diet care if a ... Você sabe o que fazer os efeitos colaterais diális ... Quais são os de diálise Uremia What perigos the risk of long-term activity ... como é renal Diálise can live a few years ... Oliguric severe renal failure at what stage n ... The Bat

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

When kidney griep disease form of ESRD (end stage renal disease), to many complications such as hea

When kidney griep disease form of ESRD (end stage renal disease), to many complications such as heart failure, which is a common and serious symptoms and the main cause of death for patients with kidney failure. Thus plays treating heart problems an important role in the treatment of kidney failure. Why uremia patients with heart failure? These factors can be dropped in the following aspects: 1. The retention of water and sodium and high blood pressure both water and sodium retention and high blood pressure can lead to heart work more and will lead to heart failure over time. If there is retention of water and sodium, there will be more water in the blood vessels, making the heart more work. 2. cardiomyopathies cardiomyopathies such as uremic cardiomyopathies and uremic pericarditis can produce griep cardiac muscle recession and weak. 3. arteriovenous fistula 4. severe anemia on dialysis arteriovenous griep fistula causing hyper flow conditions, which is also an important factor that influences and can provide extra load in the middle. 5. coronary sclerosis Coronary sclerosis is another important factor for heart failure for patients with uremia especially for those who get dialysis for many years. 6. abnormal metabolism of sugar and fat Besides high blood pressure, griep abnormal metabolism griep of sugar and fat is also a factor for the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Doctor and Patient In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease renova Hospital Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospi

Description of the mental health investigation in June 2003 suffering from chronic nephritis (130 backbone, renova urine protein, occult blood), July kidney biopsy: see 16 glomeruli, 3 small balls sclerosis, small ball Pao pocket irregular development thick, 2 small ball balloon adhesions, the rest of the glomerular lesions renova in diffuse renova mesangial hyperplasia moderate, severe hyperplasia with 3 balls segmental segmental endothelial renova cells in pairs and small amounts of inflammatory cell infiltration, mesangial matrix moderate increase. Focal interstitial renal Fibrosis, hardening around the ball and focal interstitial renova mononuclear cell infiltration of lymphocytes, focal tubular atrophy small, individual small vessel wall thickening. ECT: filtration rate of 78 diagnosis: the IgA nephritis (mesangial proliferative global renova sclerosis) renova providing hospital of traditional Chinese medicine (one day) western medicine (MMF, Lotensin, Cozaar, calcium child odd, prednisone) backbone 100 negative urine protein, occult blood ---- drugs now changed every two days in a MMF day one, prednisone was reduced to a daily one, was replaced by the United States every two days drow three, okay? effects of treatment and prognosis? Kidney disease doctor: Hello, this drug is an excellent drug for chronic pain should be actively treated. Chronic renova nephritis prognosis, and different because of chronic nephritis different types of vein disease. renova In general, the poor prognosis of Hypertension renova common type of acute onset prognosis is good, but if the latter two types of presence of Hypertension and kidney dysfunction, the prognosis is not good. Factors affecting the prognosis of chronic nephritis: renova (1) pathological factors: renova (1) pathological types: mild mesangial glomerulonephritis good prognosis, renova severe mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis poor prognosis; membranous nephropathy good prognosis, renova progress has been slow. (2) chronic Indicator: Number of fibrous crescents, the number of glomerulosclerosis, tubular atrophy and interstitial Fibrosis and how much related to prognosis. These indicators are more, the worse the prognosis. renal vascular lesions renova severe disease with poor prognosis. (2) The clinical manifestations: massive proteinuria and persistence persistent hematuria, renal function renova deterioration faster; high blood pressure and can not control, renova and kidney dysfunction and poor prognosis; signs tubulointerstitial damage projectile anemia, nocturia increased renal loss of sodium, Fanconi renova syndrome, renal tubular Acidosis, obviously a poor prognosis. (3) dietary factors: the high protein diet can accelerate the development of chronic diseases nephritis Kidney Patients: Thank you for your timely response, thank you! Lot of information, to write, but I think that the total is still not clear how much the current renova technology, the pleasure of rehabilitation such as kidney damage does not have more good law on the other, The day before yesterday the doctor, the doctor said that my poor diet (high uric acid) can specifically talk about the places you want to pay attention! Thank you !!! Nephropathy doctors, rehabilitation or treatment may be, pay attention to eating meat can eat plenty of fruits renova and vegetables, as long as the active treatment was well controlled.
Doctor and Patient In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease renova Hospital Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
2015 (158) 二月 (71) 一月 (87) 2014 (116) 十一月 (36) Should the patients with kidney disease Nephrotic Syndrome Drink Hi ... Pregnancy and do you want Soy ai ... Give a Try PKD patients --- Keep your Electrolytes Balance --- Mab ... kidney damage caused by serious elimination of ... Effects of metformin kidney Creatinine high 520, ATN / Cortical necrosis, ... medullary sponge kidney disease 47 yrs my sister have kidney problems ... Kidney Cyst 24 * 25 mm, right kidney cyst 101 * 47 ... 60 years old, at the level of sugar in 5.3, development Nephropathy Creati ... My son have any pain ... Nephrotic syndrome IGA nepr with traditional Chinese violence ... a year glomerulonephritis, urinary protein A IgA nephropathy patients are eager for ... Two kidney stones I had a kidney transplant patient

2015 (158) 二月 (71) 一月 (87) 2014 (116) 十一月 (36) Should the patients with kidney disease Ne

Description doctor, a1c suffering from chronic nephritis, a1c I (core 130, urinary protein + + + + + occult blood), kidney biopsy in July 2003 Evaluation of June: see 16 glomeruli, three small balls sclerosis, irregular thickening Pao ball capsule , two small balls ball adhesions, the rest of the glomerular lesions to diffuse mesangial cell hyperplasia moderate segmental a1c segmental hypertrophy a1c and endothelial ball three pairs of serious side and a small amount of inflammatory cell infiltration, moderate increase of mesangial matrix. Focal interstitial lymphocytic infiltration of mononuclear cells around the focal sclerosis and renal interstitial Fibrosis, ball, tubular atrophy small focal thickening of the walls of the small blood vessels of the human. : Analysis of the current approximately 100, IgA nephritis taken negatively hospital foundation of Western medicine (MMF, Lotensin, Cozaar, calcium odd kid) and (mesangial proliferative global a1c sclerosis), urinary protein, occult blood + of + - - + + + (has been established for almost a year), a1c I asked the doctor: ???? How to forecast what unfolded in uremia when I'm married now rock hard recovery, and my son? Hello doctor nephropathy field of "consumer", "pain", "hematuria" of China, the disease a1c prevents interference mainly IgA nephritis, Manning first in a virtual or heat, and heat, air and evil unresolved network, thermal damage of evil, Zhouxian urine protein, and as a result, forcing blood Wang Xing. Chronic diseases, long Shangyin, no development network congestion thermal cross-resistance. Shenluotong damage difficult to treat, virtual fire inflammation, hematuria, back pain, for a long time, it seems now to be based on head Qiyinliangxu ecstasy of pain slowly. Depending on the situation in the state, stable after marriage and childbirth, consider herbal treatments, should have little effect! Patients with kidney disease: is something a1c online that sticks to eat but some annual grasses, after the disease prognosis (This proliferation mesangial sclerosis and global) stable IgA nephritis, the worst level of damage as me! Nephropathy Doctor: Hello, is to stay on equal treatment, you can control the progress. Patients with kidney disease: a wedding during renal biopsy is not required a1c before, a few years the forecast is following the right treatment to get married when uremia generate, depending on the circumstances of the present, and , thanks to safety! ...
Doctor and Patient a1c In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
2015 (158) 二月 (71) 一月 (87) 2014 (116) 十一月 (36) Should the patients with kidney disease Nephrotic Syndrome Drink Hi ... Pregnancy and do you want Soy ai ... Give a Try PKD patients --- Keep your Electrolytes Balance --- Mab ... kidney damage caused by serious elimination of ... Effects of metformin kidney Creatinine high 520, ATN / Cortical necrosis, ... medullary sponge kidney disease 47 yrs my sister a1c have kidney problems ... Kidney Cyst 24 * 25 mm, right kidney cyst 101 * 47 ... 60 years old, at the level of sugar in 5.3, development Nephropathy Creati ... My son have any pain ... Nephrotic syndrome IGA nepr with traditional Chinese violence ... a year glomerulonephritis, urinary protein A IgA nephropathy patients are eager for ... Two kidney stones I had a patient with kidney transplant kidney stones Luga ... Two Patients IgA nephropathy is eager for ... I am a patient of kidney transplant Luga ... Mild diffuse mesangial proliferative nephritis Chronic ... You can drink green tea? ... I got exactly what I want to ask nephropathy, I missed ... About hematuria pyeloneph lumpy condition stone is what kind of ... I have small change nephrotic sindro ... Renal failure, frequent dizziness, anemia, p ... I'm going to treat kidney Why always pain in stone more ... 24 hour urine almost no urine is how it? How ... Please help doctors sick ... Urine occult blood Asymptomatic hematuria has been half a year, ... appear urine test problems and What ... 十月 (50) 九月 (30)

Monday, February 16, 2015

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Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a rare disease that attacks the kidney's filter system prostata (glomeruli) that causes severe scarring. FSGS is one of the factors of a serious condition known as Nephrotic Syndrome. But what causes FSGS?
The main cause of FSGS include two aspects: the internal causes of stone such as reduced immunity and external factors such as renal antigens of infection, cold, etc. In case of reduction of immunity, the pathologic foreign prostata body, as some types of antigens, antibodies were then accompanied by interference in the human body, and then build the immune complex (mainly featured by IgG and C3 deposition).
The special stone epitopes may attract immune complexes, so the immune complexes will flow to the blood circulation and deposits in the glomerular capillary loop, which gives rise to segmental hyaline degeneration of epithelial cells of the glomerulus. As a result, the surface of the epithelial cells of the glomerulus prostata is desquamation, and inflammatory mediator will continue to attack, leading to the damage of the epithelial cell barrier function. Proteins in the blood will run in the urine, and then get discharged out of the body. Meanwhile, after epithelial cells get damaged, they tell the myofibroblast, resulting in glomerular sclerosis, and begin the process of renal fibrosis.
The segmental prostata sclerosis of glomeruli reflects the result of damage prostata workmanship of local inflammation. Can not show a simple episodic sclerosis itself features of major damage. Primary FSGS is often accompanied by the harms of glomrular epithelial cells. The visceral epithelial cell layer, or you can call podocyte, plays an important function in the beginning of primary FSGS.
Under the function of various factors such as toxins, inflammation harms, the epithelial cell damage and podocyte prostata happen happens to consolidate, and also, the glomerular prostata filtration membrane permeability would increase, thus leading to heavy proteinuria. Epithelial cells may produce a variety of factors and cell growth factor, particularly the TGF-B. TGF-B promotes the synthesis of collagen increasing from epithelial and mesangial cells and also led to the decrease of degradation, thus leading to glomerular sclerosis.
Besides, the high filtration and high perfusion also play an important function prostata in the formation of FSGS. High filtration and high perfusion irritate the renin - angiotensin system, thus leading to increasing proliferation of mesangial cells and the ECM, so glomerular sclerosis was aggravated.
The causes of FSGS is largely unknown which is not caused by a single disease. It has many different reasons. Scarring can result from an infection, or drug toxicity, prostata or a disease prostata that affects the whole body, such as diabetes, HIV infection, sickle cell disease or disease lupus. Sometimes, there is no apparent disease or related causes. There may be a genetic component to some people.
In all, no matter what the cause of FSGS, we should focus on kidney damage and aim at repairing stone and recovered renal function. If you want to know more information about the causes and treatment FSGS, you can leave a message below or you can email us
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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thanks to the treatment in the first days of life of children affected by conflict serological firs

Rh disease is a phenomenon that can occur only when the mother has a negative blood group (Rh), and the father of positive (Rh +). The child may inherit the Rh factor when mom or dad. When my mother inherits there is nothing alarming. However, if my dad will inherit the mother can produce a defensive reaction, because it will be a "foreign body" - Rh.
When the first child is born Rh positive, the mother at the time to 72 hours after birth gets an injection of immunoglobulin, which is to prevent the formation of antibodies in the body. This injection should get every woman with Rh-negative group, who lost her pregnancy (at any stage), or had a baby with Rh positive. Studies say that 85% of the injection prevents the appearance of antibodies in a subsequent pregnancy. In 15% of women, despite the injection of the antibody in a subsequent pregnancy will appear. Testing for the presence of antibodies is performed in pregnancy have Rh- times, since they can appear at different stages of pregnancy.
Serological conflict only if the maternal blood appear antibody. Mama, who is Rh group should not assume in advance and say that no conflict of HIV, as long as the antibodies are not detected, it is not.
When a blood test to confirm the presence of antibodies, their level will be controlled at about 3 weeks. In addition, from about 20 weeks of pregnancy using ultrasound will be controlled flow of the middle cerebral artery. The flow rate shows whether the child began to react to the presence of antibodies or not. The faster the flow, the greater the child's anemia. This is due to the fact that the antibodies first response present in the mother's blood to a greater or lesser extent red blood cells destroy the child, causing him to anemia.
It is very rare that the serological conflict leads to severe hemolytic disease of the fetus. When a problem is detected early enough fetus is treated by blood transfusion rich red blood cells. The transfusion is performed through the abdomen dopłodową mother to blood vessels in the umbilical cord, or directly to the baby. Depending on the child's response and the condition can be repeated transfusions. Even 20 years ago for these children first response did not help, doctors reckon with the fact that a fetus dies sooner or later, when the brain creates a vast swelling. Medical progress made, however, that we can now treat these children, saving their lives.
Children from the conflict serological always born before the scheduled date. Depending on the value of antibodies, the state of the child's birth and the disease is called a few days or even a few weeks before the expected date. Children from the conflict after birth are treated with phototherapy, much as possible and stop the breakdown of red blood cells caused by the progressive pathologic jaundice. Where phototherapy proves to be ineffective blood transfusion is done - or complementary exchange transfusion.
Thanks to the treatment in the first days of life of children affected by conflict serological first response frequently return to full health. Disease from the prenatal period fortunately does not adversely affect their future life. Categories: Pathology of pregnancy. Tags: serological conflict. Author: dobradoula. Bookmark the permalink.
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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2013 (53) November (1) October (1) September (3) August (7) July (9) June (7) May (

A conflict occurs when a mother has Rh-negative blood type, Rh + Dad and child inherits Rh + the Father. We then your body will make antibodies against 'foreign' body of the Child, which can lead to very serious complications. The problem is much larger at the second pregnancy. More news on this topic HERE.
In the UK, give prophylactic anti-D immunoglobulin is between 28 and 30 weeks of gestation. I have an appointment on Wednesday. I just wonder whether it is better to wait for the delivery, check that no child blood group and possibly due date then give immunoglobulin, as they do in Poland. Because due date if small will have Rh is the vaccine proves to be unnecessary. I, as usual panic, because who knows what stuff they mix in these vaccines. I read that once the vaccine contains mercury, which increased the likelihood of autism. But apparently such cases were mainly in the US, and now this szczeopionka is quite safe. I do not know ... I ... I'd rather one knows anything not to have that stuff when injected Bobble is still in my tummy. On the other hand, can this prevention tc 28 is more effective? What to do? You've had this vaccine? During pregnancy or after childbirth?
I would have surrendered the vaccine after all, it does not hurt and might help. Someone came up with is probably good that is given in the moment and not others. Trust in healthcare just in this case;) Reply Delete
My mom (RH-) was born two children - after the first birth got immunoglobulin and that was enough. The second pregnancy was on this account under special due date supervision, due date but nothing terrible has happened (and that was over 30 years ago:-)). In Poland, all the time given immuno after the first birth, and not during pregnancy, but in the UK may have other rules ... I'm pregnant I limited drugs, stimulants or even preservatives in food - such a vaccine so much I watched ... Delete Reply
2013 (53) November (1) October (1) September (3) August (7) July (9) June (7) May (8) 29 Week 28 Week Conflict serological Our Miracles Belly Dance Double Bo (ba) ssa Total ... 25 Week ... April (4) March (7) February (4) January (2) 2012 (2) December (2)
Life in the package

Currently, in connection with the widely used Rh prophylaxis, more often occurs forteo less grony c - page gwna serological conflict .. (09.11.2012) serological conflict .. (09.11.2012) Information osb loved ones about your health .. (01.11.2012), Streptococcus agalactiae .. ( 25.10.2012) self-examination .. (14.10.2012) Splinter .. (04.10.2012), mouth ulcers forteo or pleniawki? (28.09.2012) imprint! (09/25/2012) hand washing without water? (09/22/2012) hands .. (21.09.2012) tattoo = infection? (20.09.2012) thread .. (18/09/2012) lips !! (11.09.2012) urine. (09.09.2012) teeth! (09.08.2012)
Serological conflict occurs most frequently forteo when there is non-compliance serological mother and father forteo of the child in terms of ukadu Rh. If the mother is Rh negative person, father Rh positive, and the child will inherit his father's Rh factor, even when a child's blood maa capacity to penetrate a mother's bloodstream, generating a maternal antibodies and against fetal blood cells that pass through oysko fetal bloodstream. These przeciwciaa forteo cause hemolysis, or breakdown of fetal red blood cells.
Depending on the severity of hemolysis stands out several forms of hemolytic disease and uses a variety of treatments. In the first pregnancy, accompanied by serological conflict, complications rarely occur, because a rare to meet a child's blood from the mother's blood. This can happen most often during childbirth, but please forteo note that also after a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and after surgery during pregnancy (amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling).
You encounter most often the consequences of the conflict serological, ie the appearance of a hemolytic disease, occurs in the following suburbs. Nastpstwa hemolytic disease in the form of najagodniejszej: anemia and ótaczka, in the form of cikiej - generalized swelling or fetal cell nuclei. Severe damage threatens ótaczka orodkowego forteo ukadu nervous.
Prevention includes the determination of the Rh factor in all ciarnych. Rh negative women who did not show antibodies, forteo the presence of antibodies test is repeated at 28 weeks of pregnancy. In ciarnych with Rh negative, in which the current s przeciwciaa, the study is repeated every 2-4 weeks.
To avoid the consequences of the conflict in the next pregnancy serological, women with Rh negative, which gave birth to a baby with Rh-positive, no later than 72 hours after birth is administered anti-D immunoglobulin .
Today, more and more often is administered take anti-D immunoglobulin approximately 28 weeks of pregnancy. Anti-D immunoglobulin is administered not only the mother after the birth of a child with Rh positive, but also after a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, surgery during pregnancy and after omykowym Rh positive blood transfusion.
Currently, in connection with the widely used Rh prophylaxis, more often occurs forteo less grony conflict obrbie AB0 main groups. It covers the situation forteo where the mother has blood group 0, and the child group A or B. The conflict in the ABO groups may occur as early as the first pregnancy without prior immunization. If it happens, it results primarily you encounter ótaczki (increase in the share level of bilirubin in the newborn), and heals up most often the exposure lamp, or phototherapy.
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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Serological conflict, diabet otherwise known as hemolytic disease of the newborn is a disease which

Serological conflict, diabet otherwise known as hemolytic disease of the newborn is a disease which is due to an immune reaction between antibodies and antigens maternal fetal blood cells. This disease, which occurs as a result of a conflict of serological is a complex process, which results in the breakdown of fetal red blood cells (ie, hemolysis). It is a disease that affects only the fetus, the mother does not feel any of the symptoms. Serological conflict - the definition of conflict of serological basis is therefore incompatible blood factors between mother and child. Man has one of the four blood groups - A, B, AB or 0. In addition, there are some characteristic of Rh. You should know that not every person has the characteristic of Rh, then we deal with the so-called. Rh feature. It is non-compliance with regard to the characteristics of Rh is the most common reason for the appearance of a conflict of serological. It works in such a way that if the mother does not have the characteristics of Rh, and a child who wears his father's belly is characteristic of Rh, is among these factors diabet creates a mismatch. As a result, the mother cells are sensitized to their child, and her body produced antibodies to blood cells to combat child. This process is absolutely ignorant, results only from the specific activity of the human body. The antibodies produced in the mother's blood passes to the fetus and partially damage the cells through their clumping and decay.
The mechanism of action of serological conflict can be compared to the body's defense against viruses. Shaped diabet in the mother's body resistance, which aims to eradicate the intruder. In this case, however, such immune activity is by all means disadvantage because disease causes the child. Serological conflict in most cases is caused by the mismatch within the characteristics of Rh, but there are also conflicts caused by mismatch within a main blood groups (this kind of conflict are found in about 10% of all pregnancies). This conflict is most common in the system: the mother - a group 0 child - blood group A. As a result, formed in the mother's blood cells immune antibodies to combat child. The effects of this process are similar to those in the case of non-compliance within the Rh factor, but it is far less dangerous conflict and less common.
Serological conflict - Effects There are three clinical forms of conflict serological: 1. Overall swelling of the fetus - the most severe form of the disease is observed in the swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, often also petechiae bleeding and abdominal fetal liquid accumulates przesiękowy. As a result of these problems, diabet compounded anemia, are often circulatory failure, fetal death, and his death after birth. 2. Severe hemolytic diabet jaundice - a newborn diabet child shows signs of jaundice or jaundice occurs in the first period of his life, and has a strong run. If serological conflict is not treated, it can lead to the accumulation of indirect bilirubin, which is a chemical compound formed by the breakdown of heme. There is a danger that starts bilirubin pass through the vascular barrier - brain, consequently leading to hepatitis diabet basal ganglia and damage to the brain. For proper treatment serological conflict there is no greater risk that the brain is damaged. Hemolytic jaundice causes enlargement diabet of the spleen and liver, also diagnosed with petechiae on the skin of the fetus. 3. Acute anemia, or anemia. In less severe cases revealed anemia, diabet which may occur after even a few weeks after birth, this is due to the persistence of sizeable antibody diabet levels, it can take up to 6 weeks. But if we are dealing diabet with severe anemia, born child will have an enlarged liver, spleen and pale, waxy skin tone. In addition, there may be Przesieka the serous cavities of the body.
Conflict HIV - Treatment Treatment of complications caused by serological conflict can lead both in utero and after birth. During pregnancy, it depends on the child hauled diabet him umbilical cord blood directly, this is done under the control of ultrasound equipment, such as transfusions, if necessary, can be repeated. After the birth of a child is to phototherapy treatment (in case of jaundice), or illumination lamps, sometimes also require a blood transfusion. In the current era of serological conflicts diabet occur relatively rarely. This is due to the fact that women oo Rh negative trait is given a special form of the immunoglobulin, which neutralizes the fetal cells getting into the maternal blood. The immunoglobulin should also be given to all mothers who are Rh negative within 72 hours after birth. This is due to the fact that during diabet labor and delivery fetal cells often get into the mother's circulatory system. Stano