What is whooping cough | Doktornet.cz
Whooping cough, a disease has been known for many years. But its consequences in the past few decades have changed significantly. Even a hundred years ago meant whooping cough almost certain death. Particularly affected children. In times of the Czechoslovak candida diet Republic, the disease appeared regularly. Doctors' surgeries candida diet annually attended several new patients. Until 1958, when it was introduced compulsory vaccination of children, the disease disappeared from the consciousness of people. The big surprise for both doctors and the general public, was that in the last few years, whooping cough reappeared on the scene. During the last year, doctors noticed until eight hundred cases infected. It was the most in the last eight years. In the following lines you can read about what the disease actually is and what parents may worry infected if their child whooping cough.
As the name suggests, whooping candida diet cough is a disease in which the patient receives very strong coughs. candida diet Whooping cough is a contagious disease, so it is necessary that the victim came into contact with the fewest number of people that the disease does not spread further. The disease manifests itself every year. The numbers speak for themselves. candida diet They show that annually infects whooping cough several million people worldwide. Unfortunately, it is quite insidious disease candida diet that is responsible for up to three hundred candida diet deaths in one. Saddest thing is that most patients from small children.
Whooping cough is very easy to carry, which is its greatest candida diet risk. Transmission is through droplet infection. Not only during coughing, but also in normal conversation. The worst carriers are recently infected persons about their disease do not even know yet. They also devoted to further transmit the disease without, themselves or others, somehow protected. There is a high probability that the disease to unvaccinated individuals very easily transmitted. The probability is between eighty to ninety percent.
As described above, the disease occurs mainly in children. Nejkrizovější period between the third and fifth year of life in children. The mistake would be to think that adults with this disease can not be met. Wrong. Adult diseases can infect as well as the child. The course is highly specific and may further complicate subsequent treatment because the disease candida diet may not be detected in time. It headstreams greater likelihood of transmission of the disease to other people.
Very interesting finding is that the primary symptoms of the disease come after some time, hence the disease is detected in the very beginning. This is a period of about two weeks after transmission of infection. Even after this time, in most cases it is not clear whether this is a classic cold or just about whooping cough. The development of characteristic symptoms of whooping cough occurs after about a month after infection.
The most typical symptoms are big coughs. Coughing is to spasmodic candida diet and usually occurs at night when lasts longer candida diet time interval. Following a whistling sound and often vomiting. Cough strokes are very uncomfortable for the patient and tedious. Usually manifested for at least two weeks but not excluding even the cases where the patient candida diet suffers seizures more than a month. These serious cases must be resolved wards in the hospital.
Whooping cough is indeed a serious disease that can not be underestimated, but if the patient follows the doctor's recommendation, we can handle. In any case, it is necessary supervision of the attending physician. The medicaments are in this case also a necessity. Is usually prescribed antibiotics, which in some cases may not be one hundred percent effect. Can relieve symptoms that bother patients candida diet can shorten the time for transmitting infectious, but the disease itself, thanks to antibiotics, one never completely abandons. Treatment candida diet time is at least two weeks.
Vaccination is a very important part of prevention. It is true that in the last few years, the disease sometimes occurs in waiting rooms and doctors are few patients per year will, but even so vaccination is very important. Thanks to him, the disease spread to the monstrous proportions that could have a disastrous impact on humanity. More than fifty years, vaccination is compulsory in the Czech Republic. candida diet Along with whooping cough is inoculated tetanus and diphtheria in the form of so-called. Triple vaccine. Vaccination is not done within a single application. It is divided into three periods. The first vaccination takes place from the ninth week of the fifth month, the second candida diet vaccine followed for six weeks, and the last dose is for another six months.
Categories Acne Anorexia Arthritis Ankylosing spondylitis disease Borreliosis tingling Whooping Cough Crohn's Disease Diabetes Weight Loss ketone diet Hemorrhoids Varicose veins Mononucleosis Panic Disorder Other Diseases Chickenpox Plastic surgery venereal disease Inflammation of the kidney
Whooping cough, a disease has been known for many years. But its consequences in the past few decades have changed significantly. Even a hundred years ago meant whooping cough almost certain death. Particularly affected children. In times of the Czechoslovak candida diet Republic, the disease appeared regularly. Doctors' surgeries candida diet annually attended several new patients. Until 1958, when it was introduced compulsory vaccination of children, the disease disappeared from the consciousness of people. The big surprise for both doctors and the general public, was that in the last few years, whooping cough reappeared on the scene. During the last year, doctors noticed until eight hundred cases infected. It was the most in the last eight years. In the following lines you can read about what the disease actually is and what parents may worry infected if their child whooping cough.
As the name suggests, whooping candida diet cough is a disease in which the patient receives very strong coughs. candida diet Whooping cough is a contagious disease, so it is necessary that the victim came into contact with the fewest number of people that the disease does not spread further. The disease manifests itself every year. The numbers speak for themselves. candida diet They show that annually infects whooping cough several million people worldwide. Unfortunately, it is quite insidious disease candida diet that is responsible for up to three hundred candida diet deaths in one. Saddest thing is that most patients from small children.
Whooping cough is very easy to carry, which is its greatest candida diet risk. Transmission is through droplet infection. Not only during coughing, but also in normal conversation. The worst carriers are recently infected persons about their disease do not even know yet. They also devoted to further transmit the disease without, themselves or others, somehow protected. There is a high probability that the disease to unvaccinated individuals very easily transmitted. The probability is between eighty to ninety percent.
As described above, the disease occurs mainly in children. Nejkrizovější period between the third and fifth year of life in children. The mistake would be to think that adults with this disease can not be met. Wrong. Adult diseases can infect as well as the child. The course is highly specific and may further complicate subsequent treatment because the disease candida diet may not be detected in time. It headstreams greater likelihood of transmission of the disease to other people.
Very interesting finding is that the primary symptoms of the disease come after some time, hence the disease is detected in the very beginning. This is a period of about two weeks after transmission of infection. Even after this time, in most cases it is not clear whether this is a classic cold or just about whooping cough. The development of characteristic symptoms of whooping cough occurs after about a month after infection.
The most typical symptoms are big coughs. Coughing is to spasmodic candida diet and usually occurs at night when lasts longer candida diet time interval. Following a whistling sound and often vomiting. Cough strokes are very uncomfortable for the patient and tedious. Usually manifested for at least two weeks but not excluding even the cases where the patient candida diet suffers seizures more than a month. These serious cases must be resolved wards in the hospital.
Whooping cough is indeed a serious disease that can not be underestimated, but if the patient follows the doctor's recommendation, we can handle. In any case, it is necessary supervision of the attending physician. The medicaments are in this case also a necessity. Is usually prescribed antibiotics, which in some cases may not be one hundred percent effect. Can relieve symptoms that bother patients candida diet can shorten the time for transmitting infectious, but the disease itself, thanks to antibiotics, one never completely abandons. Treatment candida diet time is at least two weeks.
Vaccination is a very important part of prevention. It is true that in the last few years, the disease sometimes occurs in waiting rooms and doctors are few patients per year will, but even so vaccination is very important. Thanks to him, the disease spread to the monstrous proportions that could have a disastrous impact on humanity. More than fifty years, vaccination is compulsory in the Czech Republic. candida diet Along with whooping cough is inoculated tetanus and diphtheria in the form of so-called. Triple vaccine. Vaccination is not done within a single application. It is divided into three periods. The first vaccination takes place from the ninth week of the fifth month, the second candida diet vaccine followed for six weeks, and the last dose is for another six months.
Categories Acne Anorexia Arthritis Ankylosing spondylitis disease Borreliosis tingling Whooping Cough Crohn's Disease Diabetes Weight Loss ketone diet Hemorrhoids Varicose veins Mononucleosis Panic Disorder Other Diseases Chickenpox Plastic surgery venereal disease Inflammation of the kidney