Sunday, August 31, 2014

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Much better if you can put voice of how they pronounce it, it would be highly appreciate so we will know how to pronounce the word as arabic prostata words has many same prononciation with different meanings thanks and more power for those who made this site.
لا يحق إعادة إستخدام محتوى الموقع دون إذن خطي من الكاتب. جميع حقوق الطبع محفوظة لدى prostata 2014

Kazem El Saher salutes two festivals in Aldzaúz!

Scheduled to be called a star program, "The Voice 2" Star Saad on Saturday in fact, the twenty-third of August / Aug., new single cetirizine hydrochloride under the name "Hab Hab Hawa" from the words of the poet Kazim al-Saadi and lyrical melodies artist Walid al-Shami.
Kazem El Saher salutes two festivals in Aldzaúz!
Caesar ended up singing the Arab Saher of recording eight songs from his new album, which will include twelve songs, a phase of work on the remaining four songs from it

Saturday, August 30, 2014

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Friday, August 29, 2014

Indeed, today, Saturday, in the twenty-third of August / August of this new single under the name

Star launched the program "The Voice 2" Star Saad his new song titled "Hab Hab Hawa" across colitis ulcerosa applications: Anghami colitis ulcerosa and iTunes and Deezer and Mix Radio. Song of the production company Universal colitis ulcerosa Music MENA is one of the words of the poet Kazim al-Saadi, and music by the artist Walid al-Shami.
Says some of the lyrics of the song: "Hab Hawa Hab what heart love * but not the beloved Hadley Ahili * I said I, O Lord Norla path * Khaleeny Ohova today and heal Galili * lengthened its absence earners Legge when * I said to the tears of the eye Algala colitis ulcerosa Sealy * Are tears Is it traveled vinegar * traveled nor Vena Hey Willie Willie. "
Indeed, today, Saturday, in the twenty-third of August / August of this new single under the name
632 Views Carole Samaha Balastdio Paris and fly to Cairo after hours!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Dr.. Angelita Habr-Gama - President Dr. Benedito Rossi - Vice President Dr. Flavius Steinwurz - 1s

Diverticulosis is characterized by the presence of sacculations, like little gaps in the large intestine, which are called diverticula. She reaches much of the population over 80 years, its incidence increasing from 50 When an inflammation of the diverticula occurs, arises disease called diverticulitis.
Experts do not know for sure the cause of the appearance of diverticula. A low-fiber diet can play an important role in the disease because of the lack of them to add bulk to the stool causes the colon to work harder than normal to push dung. The pressure bags can form in weak points along the colon. The diverticular disease or diverticolose fifths disease is a benign disease fifths disease of aging and NO increases the chance of bowel cancer.
However, fifths disease diverticulitis occurs fifths disease when stools become trapped in the diverticula, causing bacteria to proliferate, leading to inflammation. The inflammation can cause pain in the stomach, usually in the lower left side, which may degrade when the body moves, and fever. If present these symptoms fifths disease call your doctor or an emergency room.
In 70% of cases, however, diverticular disease has no symptoms. About 10% of patients have symptoms that may be common in other diseases, such as change of bowel habit, stomach pain, flatulence, anorexia, frequent feeling of full stomach, blood in stool, bleeding from the intestine and fever.
In cases of diverticulosis, ie when there is no inflammation, medical treatment, the patient should have a diet with fibers and the liquid is applied, in addition to using pain crises antispasmodics. Surgery is usually required fifths disease only when diverticulitis and even then is only recommended from the second episode occurs.
Dr.. Angelita Habr-Gama - President Dr. Benedito Rossi - Vice President Dr. Flavius Steinwurz - 1st Secretary Dr. Paul C. Maurice Bruno - Dr. Mounib Tacla 2nd Secretary - Treasurer Dr. Joaquim Simoes 1st - 2nd Treasurer
2012 ABRAPRECI. All rights reserved.

The infamous diverticulitis (inflammation of diverticulum) is caused by perforation of a diverticul

Diverticular disease of the colon | Clinical suicide prevention Pfeifer
On the afternoon of the last day March 15, gave a talk on PROCERGS (Cia. Processing Data of the State of Rio Grande do Sul) on "Prevention of Colorectal Cancer" at the invitation of CIPA that institution. The event was extremely fruitful with active participation from the audience suicide prevention who contributed several issues. On occasion, I met people who had consulted with me, and, in particular, charged me an exhibition on the theme "diverticular suicide prevention disease" in this "blog", which had promised some time ago. As a consequence of this fact, I write today about this disease, addressing aspects that seem most interesting to the general public.
The colonic diverticular disease is a common suicide prevention disease, affecting both genders equally. Its prevalence is age dependent, increasing from less than five percent, forty years to thirty percent, up to sixty, and sixty-five percent to eighty-five years of age.
The term encompasses disease diverticular suicide prevention disease, with or without complications (in the latter case, the term diverticulosis is still sometimes used), such as inflammation, hemorrhage and intestinal obstruction. Incidentally, diverticula are saculiformes herniation or external protrusions on the walls of the colon, particularly located in points where blood vessels penetrate the muscular layer.
Several studies suggest that low-fiber diet predisposes to the development of diverticular disease. Lack of vigorous physical activity may also be a risk factor for the disease as well as obesity has been associated with increased risk of complications such as bleeding and diverticulitis.
Diverticula are often found in tests such as barium enema, colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy, and ninety-five percent of patients have diverticula in the sigmoid colon.
The infamous diverticulitis (inflammation of diverticulum) is caused by perforation of a diverticulum, suicide prevention determining variable clinical presentations, from subclinical inflammation to generalized peritonitis. Pain in the left lower quadrant of the abdomen is the most common complaint. Approximately fifteen to twenty-five percent of people with diverticulosis develop diverticulitis, being eighty-five percent in non-complicated way, is responding suicide prevention to medical treatment; other cases require surgery. Computed tomography is the diagnostic test of choice in patients with suspected acute diverticulitis. After the resolution of a picture of diverticulitis, the entire large intestine should be examined to determine the extent of disease and rule out abnormal lesions such as polyps or cancer. My private opinion is that, in this case, a colonoscopy is the best test. In this case, most of the time, the ostia of the diverticula are more visible during the introduction of the device, since the colon is more elongated, favoring their exposure. When withdrawing the colonoscope, the colon gets ribbed, hindering his observation.
Although the role of the fibers in the pathogenesis is controversial diverticula, the addition of dietary fiber in asymptomatic patients with diverticular disease can reduce the risk of subsequent complications. Incidentally, the guidance given today by many doctors, that patients with diverticulosis should avoid foods such as small grains, nuts and seeds, among others, because they can theoretically accommodate up in a diverticulum, suicide prevention triggering suicide prevention diverticulitis, has no scientific evidence.
Hemorrhage as a complication of diverticular disease can occur in large volume, and colonoscopy the test of choice for diagnosis and treatment. Approximately five percent of patients with diverticular disease are bleeding and hypovolemia, most with over sixty years of age.
This entry was posted on Sunday, 03.20.2011 at 7:40 pm and is filed under diverticular disease of the colon. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. 3 Responses to "diverticular disease" Wanda Lopes Says: Tuesday, 19/08/2014 at 3:05 pm | Reply
I have diverticula and almost daily suffer with diarrhea need help because I can not stand, I work and go through unpleasant situations, like a medical specialist in diverticulosis Dr. Gustavo K. Pfeifer Says: Wednesday, 08/20/2014 at 8:50 am | Reply
THX! .... Could further clarify what is really happening to me. Made recent colonoscopy seems q is nothing serious; I will present suicide prevention to my doctor for clarification. Sonia
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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

47.033 men and women, divided into four diet groups based on the following dietary patterns were as

This is a prospective cohort study in which the authors recruited participants from the EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) study. The participants answered a questionnaire on lifestyle and diet, including a semiquantitative stomach ulcer food frequency questionnaire validated, referring to the consumption of the previous year.
47.033 men and women, divided into four diet groups based on the following dietary patterns were assessed: those who eat meat ("meat eaters"), those who do not eat meat but eat fish ("no meat but consumes fish" ), those who do not eat meat or fish but consume dairy and / or eggs ("vegetarians"), and those who do not eat meat, fish, eggs or dairy products ("vegans").
After follow-up of 11 years, there were 812 cases of diverticular disease, resulting stomach ulcer in 806 hospitalizations and six deaths. Vegetarians had a 31% lower risk of diverticular stomach ulcer disease compared with meat eaters. The probability of hospitalization or death from diverticular disease between the ages of 50 and 70 of the meat eaters stomach ulcer was 4.4%, while for vegetarians was 3.0%.
Regardless of dietary patterns, individuals who exhibited fiber intake 25 g / day had a 41% lower risk of developing diverticular disease compared with low fiber intake (<14 g / day for women and men). With this, the researchers found that both the vegetarian diet as a diet with high fiber intake are significantly associated with lower risk of diverticular disease.
"Our finding of a lower risk of diverticular disease among men and women with the highest fiber intake is consistent stomach ulcer with the results of other studies, but the results were still inconsistent. Thus, our study may clarify this issue, due to the number of participants stomach ulcer and follow-up, "the authors point out.
"These findings provide support for public stomach ulcer health recommendations that encourage the consumption of fiber-rich foods such as whole grain breads, whole grains, fruits and vegetables," they conclude.
Crowe FL, Appleby PN, Allen NE, Key TJ. Diet and risk of diverticular disease in Oxford cohort of European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC): prospective stomach ulcer study of British vegetarians and non-vegetarians. BMJ. 2011; 343: d4131.
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More serious infections: surgery to remove the affected part of the colon.

Diverticular disease of the colon (diverticulosis) | Quality of Life
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The diverticulum is a cavity that begins to form in the wall of a hollow organ. These are common diverticula in the colon but may also occur in the esophagus, duodenum, small intestine, and stomach. Usually people who suffer from this disease have no major symptoms. Can occasionally feel slight cramping, diarrhea and bloody stools. These individuals may also suffer diverticulitis, which is an inflammation that trigger more severe symptoms such as fever, hemorrhages and severe pain. If this inflammation are not careful can lead to more serious complications binge eating such as bowel perforation.
If you have a bout of diverticulitis make a soft diet based on fruits and purees that excludes raw vegetables, alcohol binge eating and caffeine. Can also use a laxative-based psyllium seed to avoid constipation. A month after the symptoms have disappeared resume diet with high fiber content.
More serious infections: surgery to remove the affected part of the colon.
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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

This entry was posted ginecologia on 0, 18 \ 18 \ UTC February ginecologia \ 18 \ UTC 2011 at 03:00

The human body is a machine that has not been fully understood. Sometimes it is very resistant to major trauma and is sometimes very sensitive bullshit, causing all to be little careful with it. Diseases in the digestive system are common, but are often difficult to handle.
In this post we will talk about diverticular disease. Diverticula are small pouches that protrude out of the intestinal wall, featuring diverticulosis or diverticular disease. When bacteria and other irritants are concentrated in the diverticula, inflammation occurs, we called diverticulitis. This disease typically affects the sigmoid colon, but in some cases affect the entire colon, thus naming the universal diverticular disease.
Diverticulosis is usually asymptomatic, but some patients complain of mild abdominal pain in the form of colic on the left side of the abdomen, diarrhea or change in bowel habit. ginecologia These symptoms ginecologia are usually relieved ginecologia by defecation. Moreover, the symptoms of diverticulitis are readily identifiable as localized abdominal pain and moderate to strong intensity on the left side of the abdomen, and may or may not be associated with fever and changes in bowel habits. Patients who have already had an attack of diverticulitis ginecologia recognize a subsequent crisis ginecologia with ease.
It is a relatively rare disease in countries where the diet is rich in fiber and relatively high where there is the highly refined food consumption. It is believed that increasing the pressure inside the intestine (for pushing the stools) coupled to a weakening of some points ginecologia in the intestinal wall is the cause of the appearance of diverticula. But there is evidence of the influence of age, constipation and low-fiber diet caused these bags. The majority ginecologia of the population above 85 years of age have diverticula and it is estimated that 10-20% of patients with diverticulosis have diverticulitis. Currently, it is accepted that the main cause of diverticulitis is obstruction of the diverticulum by small pieces of feces, which favor the proliferation of bacteria within it. Although less frequent, the presence of diverticula in young people is often symptomatic and even more serious.
-. Colovesical fistula (a complication of acute diverticulitis where a diverticulum perforation is blocked by the bladder creates an abnormal communication between the intestinal segment that houses a perforated diverticulum and the bladder symptoms are air elimination via the urine or faeces, and recurrent urinary infections);
The diagnosis is made from the medical interview and physical ginecologia examination of the patient. It is confirmed by tests colonoscopy or barium enema. In some cases it is done an abdominal ultrasound or computed tomography associated with a blood test.
Asymptomatic patients with diverticular disease should seek to lead a healthy lifestyle, practicing physical exercises, ginecologia maintaining a good diet, consisting mainly water and food, fibers present in fruits, vegetables and cereals. Patients with symptoms of colic diverticulosis without diverticulitis, should follow the same guidelines. Laxatives can be used in the relief of constipation or abdominal pain.
For patients with acute diverticulitis, treatment is initiated after diagnosis. Although some patients do not require hospitalization, most experts chooses to fast for at least 24 hours and intravenous antibiotic therapy under hospitalization.
Although not known for certain causes of diverticular disease, especially when it affects young people, the best way to prevent the occurrence of diverticula and its complications is the dietary fiber. And keep healthy habits also protects our body from diverticular disease and many other ailments he may suffer.
This entry was posted ginecologia on 0, 18 \ 18 \ UTC February ginecologia \ 18 \ UTC 2011 at 03:00 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Post navigation Previous Post Next Post
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(34) 3233-3700 DR. ANDRÉ ALFREDO LOCAL SERVICE AREAS Obesity / intragastric balloon Upper Digestive marfan syndrome Endoscopy Colonoscopy Gastroenterology NEWS BLOG PHOTOS and VIDEOS Photo Gallery Video Gallery CONTACT DR The Latest News
Always eat foods rich in fiber. You can add more fiber to your diet by adding fruits, vegetables and whole foods. Avoid eating corn, nuts, seeds and other foods with seeds and lumps, like figs, grapes and jabuticabas. The seeds can become marfan syndrome trapped inside the diverticula and cause bleeding or inflammation. Drink at least two liters of water per day. If you can not eat a lot of fiber in your diet, consult your doctor about the possibility of using medications marfan syndrome based fiber, laxatives do not cause addiction. Avoid frequent use of laxatives that cause intestinal contractions. Always consult your doctor about these medications. marfan syndrome Exercise regularly. Avoid anti-inflammatory drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.
VERY IMPORTANT: DIVERTICULITIS IS NOT THE SAME THING OR Diverticular Disease Diverticulosis !!! Diverticulosis or diverticular disease is the presence of diverticula, but no inflammation without pus, and often without symptoms. Diverticulitis is an infection / inflammation marfan syndrome of the diverticulum, with purulent discharge, and requires immediate medical treatment! This includes antibiotics, analgesics, rest and hospitalization in some cases (for the administration of fluids and antibiotics intravenously.). Surgery may be a necessary treatment for diverticulitis.
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DR. ANDRÉ ALFREDO LOCAL SERVICE AREAS Obesity / intragastric balloon Upper Digestive Endoscopy Colonoscopy Gastroenterology NEWS BLOG PHOTOS and VIDEOS marfan syndrome Photo Gallery Video Gallery SPEAK WITH DR Follow Doctor
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Sunday, August 24, 2014

1 - inflammation and limited to the large intestine wall infection; 2 - abscess (pus) near the affe

Are diverticula, vesicular formations that can be found throughout the colon, being located, however, most often at the end of this, sigmoid and rectum. These sacculations are the result of local weakness of some of the large intestine wall, particularly the musculature of this wall. No risk of malignancy, and is an acquired disease. Imagine that the large intestine has muscle fibers divided and arranged in three different directions, to efficiently protect the intestinal lumen, which has an internally smooth layer called the mucosal colitis lining. Thus, if the true muscle tangle fails, allowed one "escape" this mucous out as evaginations, projections. These are the main causes of the formation of diverticula, being more frequent in patients older than 50 years, the Caucasian race, and eastern rarely.
Diverticulitis when we speak of one or more inflamed colitis diverticula. The most frequent cause and the resulting micro-lesions in the ostium of openness sacculation caused by small pieces of hardened feces. This injury this ostium causes edema (swelling) site in order to make a true diverticulum bag closed, now representing area of diminished blood supply, and likely to complicate this inflammation gradually until a possible perforation, causing a more severe condition, many sometimes requiring surgical intervention. This process comprises four stages of evolution:
1 - inflammation and limited to the large intestine wall infection; 2 - abscess (pus) near the affected diverticulum; 3 - perforation of the abscess leaking pus to the entire abdominal cavity; 4 - leak feces into the abdominal cavity due to perforation colitis of the diverticulum.
Painful symptoms are similar to acute appendicitis, only on the left side. Pain has a slow but progressive onset, becoming constant with the evolution of the inflammatory process, and presents as intestinal colitis colic. Sensitivity or sudden pain in the abdominal area or back that worsens or is very severe, usually in the lower left abdomen, feeling of bloating or gas, fever, colitis chills, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, and malaise. Blood tests may be ordered colitis to check if you have an infection. Colonoscopy, which examines the entire colitis length of the colon. Ultrasonography and computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen are useful tools in the diagnosis of acute diverticulitis, they show inflammation of the large bowel wall and the presence of abscess. colitis The patient may have a history of being a carrier of diverticula colitis in earlier examinations with barium enema, but exams are virtually contraindicated colitis for a clinical picture suspicious of diverticulitis by offering rich drilling. Treatment
In the case of patients who are only carriers of uncomplicated colitis diverticulosis, just the orientation of the frame and kindness utmost importance that individual maintain a diet rich in fiber. In the case of a suspected diverticulitis, beyond clinical support, with hydration, broad spectrum antibiotics, rest and often hospitalization, we should give preference to non-invasive tests such as CT scan or abdominal colitis MRI. Some cases require colitis surgical intervention to varying degrees. Love yourself Take care of yourself. colitis Make an appointment! .: Tel (11) 3052-4335 Judge Elisha William Street, 200 \ 304 Set Paradise - Sao Paulo
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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Categories Food and Living Food Vegetarian Eating well to stay healthy natural food How to reduce s

When the pressure inside the colon is high (as is the case when the channel is filled with hardened feces), parts of the colon walls can have been unable to withstand the pressure and come to compromise salus on certain points, forming small bumps divenículos similar to scholarships, the colon itself (see the left). This situation is known as diverticula. Symptoms that can produce pain count up or stomach discomforts, nausea and bloating. In the case of the input of one of diverticula becomes blocked, the situation becomes more serious. The diverticulum may become inflamed (diverticulitis) salus and feces that can get trapped inside become infected. The disease becomes more common as we age: at 80, 50-10% of people suffer from this disease. In the last 70 or 80 years diverticula and began to victimize people middle-aged and older (the first death due to this disease was only registered in 1923) and is virtually limited to the prosperous West. In Africa and Asia the disease and almost unknown.
When the power is low in fiber, the feces to pass through the colon tend to be solid and dense, instead of being bulky, and the colon has a tendency to narrow. This can lead to the formation of an abnormally increased pressure when the colon is contracted to pass stool. The increased pressure (over many years to supply low fiber content) increases the risk of damaging the walls of the colon and the formation of diverticula. People who have suffered from diverticular salus disease tend to improve if they make a diet with high fiber content (although existing diverticula do not disappear). To prevent the appearance of this disease should eat more foods with higher fiber content.
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Diverticular disease
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2014 Clinic Dr. Miguel Duarte Ribeiro

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Arises when a focal area of inflammation occurs in the wall of a diverticulum in response to the i

Presence of constipation and lower abdominal pain in intermittent and unpredictable normal blood pressure colic. The patient with diverticulitis presents with fever and peritoneal irritation (absence of bowel sounds). The patient has bleeding diverticular ensaguentadas feces.
The diverticular disease results from acquired deformation normal blood pressure of the colon (sigmoid colon) where the mucosa swells. It is most common in people older than 40 years and in industrialized countries. Its prevalence is increased by a low-fiber diet with consequent increase in constipation.
Individuals with genetic disorder involving the connective tissue such as Ehlers-Danlos and Marfan, characterized by the appearance normal blood pressure of the disease at a very young age. The decrease of the fibers becomes more difficult propulsion of stool, causing vigorous muscle contractions of the colon wall, which may lead to abdominal pain, which is the main symptom of the disease. The pain may last several hours to days, and during these periods constipation or diarrhea normal blood pressure and flatulence can occur.
Arises when a focal area of inflammation occurs in the wall of a diverticulum in response to the irritation caused by the fecal material. The patient presents with abdominal pain, fever, intestinal necrosis and fistula formation.
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2012 (12) March 2012 (7) February 2012 (5) 2011 (46) November normal blood pressure 2011 (3) September 2011 (7) Doctors discover protein that is effective against r ... Diverticular Disease normal blood pressure Intestinal Disease inflammatory - Crohn's and Colitis Diarrhea Reflux Esophagitis normal blood pressure by (Gastro) Achalasia Esophageal Disorders Gastrointestinal August 2011 (14) July 2011 (22)
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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

1 - First of all only refer biomolecule

Research published in the British Medical Journal found that vegetarians are less likely to get a common bowel disorder (diverticular disease - small pouches in the intestinal mucosa, the present inflammation, characterized low blood sugar symptoms diverticulitis) people towards people who eat meat. The diverticular disease has been termed a "disease of western civilization" because low blood sugar symptoms of the larger number of cases in countries such as the UK and the United States low blood sugar symptoms compared to parts of Africa. The condition affects the large intestine or colon, and the cause is not related to the consumption of fiber. Typical symptoms include painful abdominal cramps, bloating, flatulence, constipation and diarrhea. Previous research has suggested that a diet low in fiber can lead to diverticular disease, low blood sugar symptoms and that vegetarians may have a lower risk compared to people who eat meat, but there was still little evidence that could lead to this conclusion. Therefore, Dr.. Francesca low blood sugar symptoms Crowe and her team from the Cancer Epidemiology Unit at Oxford University began to examine the link between a vegetarian diet and dietary fiber intake with risk of diverticular disease. Their findings are based on 47,033 British adults who were part of the study by the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) -Oxford. Those recruited, 15,459 reported being vegetarians. After a mean time of 11.6 years, there were 812 cases of diverticular disease (806 hospital admissions and six deaths). After adjusting for factors such as smoking, alcohol and body mass index (BMI), vegetarians had a lower risk of diverticular disease compared to non-vegetarians. Also, participants with a relatively high consumption of dietary fiber (about 25 g per day) had a lower risk of being admitted to hospital or die diverticular disease compared to those consuming less than 14 g of fiber per day. Having a vegetarian diet and a high intake of dietary fiber is associated with a lower risk of diverticular disease, say the authors. The Nutrition Survey of the UK National Diet showed that 72% of men and 87% of women were not taking the recommended average intake of dietary fiber - 18 grams per day - and so the proportion of cases of diverticular disease in the general population attributable a low-fiber diet can be considerable. These findings provide support for public health recommendations that encourage the consumption of foods rich in fiber such as whole grain breads, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. In an accompanying editorial, researchers low blood sugar symptoms from Nottingham University low blood sugar symptoms Hospital discuss the implications for the health of the population and the individual. Based on these results, David Humes and Joe West said that "about 71% meat eaters would have to become vegetarians to prevent one diagnosis of diverticular disease." They add: "Overall, the chance to prevent the occurrence of diverticular disease and other conditions, such as colorectal cancer, probably resides in the modification of diet in each population or individual level." But they point out that, on the evidence, "much more is needed before dietary recommendations can be made for the general public." low blood sugar symptoms
Dr. Frederick Wolf (GO-CRM 13.192), Brazilian environmentalist and general practitioner. 'm ASOMED low blood sugar symptoms scientific director, secretary and founder member of the Institute of Environmental Health (ISAM). Associated with the Brazilian Association of Nutrition (ABRAN). Graduate student in the medical Nutrology ABRAN. In my clinical practice low blood sugar symptoms use of therapeutic strategies Orthomolecular, allopathy, herbal medicine. Noting that orthomolecular NOT medical specialty or practice area and according to the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM). However the same is as CFM is regulated by Resolution No. 2004/2012 published in the official Gazette: In low blood sugar symptoms resolution published by CFM's description of it is the duty of orthomolecular doctor and investigate what it is forbidden to practice it. WARNING: Orthomolecular n will have nothing to do with anti-aging medicine, anti-aging, hormonal modulation. low blood sugar symptoms Orthomolecular aims to treat the body by correcting nutritional deficiencies, preferably through diet and through supplementation if necessary, always based on the clinical and laboratory tests (blood, feces and urine). NOT a genuine orthomolecular physician prescribes hormones, steroids or any substance without proof via well-grounded scientific studies. Also does not prescribe intravenous serums without laboratory low blood sugar symptoms confirmation of need. Be wary of most orthomolecular physicians experience who receives weekly low blood sugar symptoms reports (via the ASOMED site) of erroneous behaviors of orthomolecular doctors said.
1 - First of all only refer biomolecule

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

While inflammation is well-accepted in the model of acute diverticulitis, more and more research po

If you already went through a bout of diverticulitis, I'm sure, you will be the first to say that it is not a pleasant experience. I bet you're lumigan willing to do a lot of things to prevent it from happening again! Or maybe you're someone lumigan diagnosed with diverticulosis by his gastroenterologist, but you're not quite sure what to do to avoid those painful attacks lumigan of which have heard, and want to learn more. Whatever has brought you here, I'm glad you came. Today I will give tips on how to prevent attacks of diverticulitis naturally. lumigan
Diverticular disease is the term used to encompassar a spectrum of issues ranging from diverticulosis (the presence of bags in bag format, lumigan called lumigan diverticula, which protrude from the colon wall) to diverticulitis (inflammation of the awards and the resulting lumigan symptoms). Diverticular disease is common lumigan in the western world, with the highest incidence rates found in the United States and Europe. Even in these NETHE, the disease was virtually unknown until 1900, but from the 70s has become the most common disease of the colon. [1]
It has been shown that diverticular disease increases with age - at 80, it is estimated that approximately 70% of individuals develop the condition [2] The highest estimates suggest that approximately 20% of patients with diverticulosis (remember:. These are the people who have the bags, not the acute inflammation thereof) will develop diverticulitis at some point. [3] However, most new and accurate estimates suggest that the rate is somewhere between 1 and 5%, depending on how strict lumigan are . qualification criteria [4] It is important to note that those who have been diagnosed with diverticulosis but are currently asymptomatic - according to these new estimates, it is unlikely that you will develop diverticulitis. However, if you have diverticulosis and want to make sure to avoid any problems, or if you ever had attacks of diverticulitis in the past, read on!
Despite the fact that diverticular disease is so common, we know relatively little about it and the joint recommendations are based on limited data. If you have been diagnosed with diverticulosis may have received advice of your gastroenterologist lumigan about avoiding oil (nuts, walnuts, etc.) and seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, flax, chia, etc.) and eat more fiber. However, these recommendations are based on inconclusive research and can provide you much benefit. In practice, few studies show any benefit in preventing lumigan oil and seeds and a study shows that intake of nuts and popcorn were associated with a reduced risk of diverticulitis and diverticular bleeding. [5] Diets high in fiber are also often recommended, although the inconclusive evidence. [6] It is evident that these recommendations for diverticular disease need an update. lumigan
While inflammation is well-accepted in the model of acute diverticulitis, more and more research points lumigan to the involvement of low-intensity chronic inflammation in the development of symptomatic diverticulosis. In fact, of the 930 patients who underwent surgery for treatment of uncomplicated symptomatic diverticular lumigan disease (Sudd), approximately 75% had evidence of chronic lumigan inflammation of the diverticula and around them. [9] It is for this reason that drugs used for treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases, such as mesalamine, are being used to treat diverticular disease with good results too (but wait a minute, lumigan let's talk about natural ways to prevent diverticulitis, of course). It is also why the chronic use of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen were demonstrably linked to the risk of diverticular complications [10, 11], since they knowingly increase intestinal inflammation. lumigan [12, 13]
Fecal calprotectin can be measured to identify intestinal inflammation, and that is high in patients with symptomatic diverticular disease compared lumigan with those with gastrointestinal disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and diverticular disease asymptomatic. [14] If you are wondering if you can have intestinal inflammation, it is good to test. It is clear that chronic inflammation is involved in the development of diverticular disease, and that those wishing to avoid attacks should take measures to reduce intestinal inflammation.
Fortunately, one of the best ways to decrease lumigan intestinal inflammation is to eat a paleo diet! To avoid potentially irritating and inflammatory foods, lumigan such as grains and omega-6 fatty acids, can reduce intestinal inflammation and enteric encourage proper health. A paleo diet also influences positively the intestinal bacteria, which in turn also result in ignition reduzid

Monday, August 18, 2014

Brazilian Medical Association American College of Radiology Brazilian College of Radiology and Diag

Diverticular disease | Radiologist - Goiânia - Goiás
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The colonic diverticular disease is common, prostatitis affecting about 5% to 10% of the population over 45 years and 80% of that above 85 years. Diverticula are small mucosal and submucosal sacculations that protrude through the muscle layer of the strap between the tapeworm and colic mesentery wall at the point of penetration of the blood vessel, why are prone to bleeding. Can occur in any part of the colon but are most common in the descending colon, and sigmoid. The small intestine is rarely affected. Diverticulitis is the most common complications of diverticular disease, affecting approximately 40% of patients within 20 years. Comes after obstruction of the diverticulum, with consequent accumulation of secretion, bacterial proliferation, distension, ischemia, inflammation and micro-perforation.
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The Food rich in fiber may reduce complications of Diverticulosis. Thus, we recommend the consumpti

There are several terms related to the presence of protrusions on the scholarship, called diverticula, which arise in the large intestine, causing confusion in day-to-day format. In order to understand better when we received these diagnoses must understand that each term refers.
Diverticulosis is simply the presence of diverticula in the colon. When they cause symptoms such as pain, but there is no inflammation of the diverticula and diverticular disease called when there is inflammation of diverticulitis.
The appearance of Diverticulosis increases with age, affecting approximately 70% of individuals at 80 years of age. However, today has been increasingly common diagnosis in younger individuals.
The Diverticulosis can remain without causing symptoms in most patients, while some may develop complications such as inflammation, abscess, perforation getting pregnant and bleeding, requires immediate getting pregnant care, antibiotics, hospitalization or even surgery.
Some studies have shown that smoking may increase the risk of complications such as perforation, as well as some medications such as anti-inflammatories and corticosteroids may increase the risk of diverticulitis and diverticular bleeding. These two complications are also more common in obese individuals and those who do not engage in regular physical activity.
Diagnosis of Diverticulosis is usually made by routine colonoscopy for the detection of colorectal cancer after 50 years or when conducting this examination by another medical indication. getting pregnant The Diverticulitis is usually diagnosed by CT or ultrasound of the abdomen, not being the best colonoscopy examination in this case.
The Food rich in fiber may reduce complications of Diverticulosis. Thus, we recommend the consumption of fruits and vegetables and a daily intake getting pregnant of at least 25-30 grams of fiber, remembering that ingesting too much water is needed.
In cases presenting with symptoms of sudden onset of severe pain in lower left abdomen, fever region, getting pregnant malaise, diarrhea, bloody stools, nausea and / or vomiting is necessary to seek immediate medical getting pregnant help, they could represent a serious complication of Diverticulosis.
For patients who experience prolonged symptoms, recent studies suggest that the use of antiinflammatory agents such as 5-ASA (mesalazine), antibiotics and probiotics containing a mixture of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium spp may be used as treatment, whereas those cases the symptoms are the result of a type of chronic getting pregnant inflammation and altered intestinal microbiota. getting pregnant
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Sunday, August 17, 2014

HEALTHY EATING trigger finger (37) Bariatric Surgery (1) CHOLESTEROL (7) FOOD BEHAVIOR (11) DIABETE

Diverticula are small pouches formed in the wall and the lining of the colon) appear most commonly in the sigmoid colon (high pressure area of the colon), usually in people who are overweight and constipation. trigger finger
When bacteria and other irritants (feces) are in diverticula, there inflammation (diverticulitis) that may cause pain; abdominal distension and desconformto; nausea and vomiting; chills and fever; diarrhea or constipation (more common) type espático and other changes.
HEALTHY EATING trigger finger (37) Bariatric Surgery (1) CHOLESTEROL (7) FOOD BEHAVIOR (11) DIABETES (4) LOSE WEIGHT (20) fatty liver (14) Aesthetics (2) LIVER (1) HYPERTENSION (2) Hypothyroidism (1) BOWEL PROBLEMS (11) REPORTS (4) EATING DISORDERS (18)

If there is no response from the clinical treatment or if the patient is having recurrent attacks a

Select the Main Menu Page About Us What is Crohn's Disease What is Ulcerative Colitis Questions and Answers about IBD Crohn's & Colitis Articles Vocabulary Children and Adolescents Recent Searches Other Diseases Treatment and Medication Nutrition, Food and Diet Food Supplements and Medicinal Herbs Exercise Complications Truth or Lies Living best Food Intolerance Testing and Diagnosis Seeking a specialist? Site Map
Let's start by explaining what are the diverticula before understanding dentista what is diverticular disease, which is a condition that affects the colon (large intestine). Diverticula are small saccular dilatation (shaped "bag") or pockets formed by externalization or herniation of mucosa and serosa of the colon. Such protrusion occurs in areas of weakness in the intestinal wall can be single or be present in large numbers, typically measuring 5 to 10 mm.
The presence of diverticula is known as diverticular disease and consists of: Diverticulosis (presence of diverticula in the colon, diverticulitis (inflammation of the diverticula), diverticular bleeding.
In many cases, the presence of diverticula is known by accident by not being associated with any symptoms. This situation is referred to as diverticulosis. Symptoms arise when diverticulosis complicated and possible dentista complications include inflammation of the diverticula (diverticulitis) hemorrhage and intestinal perforation. In 75% of cases diverticular disease have no complications, but 25% of fistula, abscess, peritonitis, obstruction or sepsis may occur.
Diverticular disease is common in older people. Even 50 years is more common in men, and after age 70, more common in women. Seems less than 10% for the population under 40 years, reaches a third of the population over 45 years and is estimated to be between 50 and 66% for individuals over 80 years and can reach up to 80% of this elderly population. In patients less than 40 years the main cause is obesity.
The current theory of dietary fiber as a protective agent against the formation of diverticula, dentista and hence it is diverticulitis dentista of insoluble fibers cause the formation of bulkier feces, leading to a reduced effectiveness of the movement of segmentation of the colon. The result is that the intraluminal pressure remains close to the normal peristalsis in the colon.
About 80% of cases are asymptomatic and therefore often discovered "by chance". When symptoms appear dentista are complaints of abdominal discomfort, especially on the left side, constipation (constipation) and changes in bowel habits. In case of diverticulitis and she already be exacerbating symptoms include abdominal pain (also more to the left side), constipation or diarrhea, bloody stools, dentista difficulty urinating, fever, nausea, vomiting, bleeding and fistulas.
On physical examination, pain on palpation of the left lower quadrant is characteristic, often with pain localized to the rebound. Because the symptoms of diverticulitis are much like the other diseases it is essential to make the differential diagnosis.
The differential diagnosis of acute diverticulitis is broad. Acute appendicitis is the erroneous diagnosis most often raised. In our case also must be careful because the symptoms can be confused with the activity of Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Another important differential diagnosis is colon cancer.
The diagnosis of acute diverticulitis should therefore be conducted from well-conducted clinical history dentista and physical examination. dentista Imaging studies should also be performed, such as computed tomography. Barium enema and colonoscopy should be done carefully, as there may be risk of perforation of the diverticulum.
The treatment of uncomplicated acute diverticulitis is initially clinical by fasting or liquid diet without waste associated dentista with broad spectrum antibiotics. Patients with mild symptoms, no fever and poor general condition, with normal and able to feed traffic can be treated without hospitalization.
If there is no response from the clinical treatment or if the patient is having recurrent attacks and complications (fistulas, abscesses, obstruction) surgery may be indicated. For elective surgery, surgery of choice is sigmoidectomy or left colectomy with anastomosis anorectal. Surgery may be laparoscopic.
We've heard that those who have diverticular disease should not eat seeds and excess fiber. This is to prevent food particles accumulate in the bags, thus avoiding contamination by bacteria. However, their own feces can collect in these bags and cause inflammation of the diverticulum. But if they are

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Diverticular disease is a relatively common disease, reaching, in some countries, up to 50% of the

Diverticular disease is a relatively common disease, reaching, in some countries, up to 50% of the population. Its incidence is higher from the 6th decade of life. However, only a small proportion of infected individuals develop symptoms and, of these, few require surgical treatment.
Diverticula are small bags of prominent cervical wall, and is usually located in the sigmoid colon or left colon. They may, however, be present by all colonic segments. Are usually called "diverticulosis" (popular language). The term "diverticulitis" expresses the segment inflammation.
The most common symptom is abdominal pain (usually in the lower left side of the abdomen). May or may not be accompanied by cramps, diarrhea, change in bowel habits (constipation) and severe rectal bleeding. These symptoms occur sporadically and sometimes it becomes difficult to perform the differential acoustic neuroma diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome. Diverticulitis (or peri-sigmoidite) is an infection of the diverticulum, which may cause the following symptoms: pain, fever, colic, and altered bowel habits. The symptoms may intensify acoustic neuroma if perforation occurs, abscess or fistula formation.
Its pathophysiology is not completely understood, but appears to be related to an increase in intraluminal pressure of the colon, caused by a diet low in fiber and weakness of the colon wall.
Diverticular disease is usually treated by changes in dietary habits and occasionally with medications to help control pain and motility of the large intestine. Diverticulitis (perisigmoidite) requires rigorous treatment. Moderate and severe cases require hospitalization, use of systemic acoustic neuroma intravenous antibiotics and dietary restrictions. Elective surgery (scheduled) is reserved for cases where the recurrence of acute episodes are frequent or the patient does not respond acoustic neuroma adequately to medication.
NOTE: The material contained in this site aims to inform and guide patients who need medical information, not replace, at no time, a complete evaluation from a qualified professional.
Brazilian Society of Coloproctology Latin American acoustic neuroma Association of Coloproctology American Society of Colon and Rectal acoustic neuroma Surgeons International Society acoustic neuroma of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Mexican Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons of the Brazilian Society of Digestive Motility Brazilian Colleges of surgeons acoustic neuroma Brazilian College of Digestive Surgery Brazilian Society acoustic neuroma of Oncology National Cancer Institute of Medical acoustic neuroma Brazilian On-Line On-Line Association of America Society Cancer Foundation of America Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada Crohn's Disease and Colitis World Health Organization International Association acoustic neuroma of Ostomy Surgery Colo Rectal Coloproctogia Integrated Proctology On- Line
2014 Reis Neto Clinic | Gastroenterology Unit | Tel: (19) 3252-5611 | All Rights Reserved

Friday, August 15, 2014

The sigmoid colon is usually affected, probably due to its smaller size. Laplace

The DD is much more frequent in older people, with only 2-5% of cases occurring below 40 years. The DD this younger group is more frequent in men with obesity as a major risk factor colo (present in 84-96% of cases). Diverticula is usually located in the sigmoid colon and / or downstream. colo The handling of this subgroup of patients remains controversial. The concept that DD would be more "virulent" in young people is a matter of debate. The natural history really shows a tendency to recurrence of symptoms and an increased adverse change requiring surgery incidence. colo
Insoluble fibers cause the formation of bulkier stool that leads to a
There is no evidence of a relationship between the development of diverticula and smoking, consumption colo of alcohol or caffeine. It is observed, colo however, an increased risk of developing diverticular disease associated with diet rich in fat and red meat. This risk can be reduced by a diet rich in fiber, especially if they are derived from cellulose (fruits and vegetables).
The most typical presentation is that of a pseudodivertículo the drive (not the diverticulum containing all layers of the colon wall - the mucosa and submucosa protrude through the muscle layer and are covered by serosa).
There are four well-defined around the intestinal circumference points where the vasa recta penetrate the circular muscle layer. The vessels enter the wall on each side of tapeworm mesenteric and antimesenteric mesenteric border of the two tapeworms. Not formed distal colo to the junction colo retossigmóidea diverticula as tapeworms colo coalesce to form a longitudinal muscle layer.
The penetration points of the straight vessels in the intestinal wall are areas of weakness
designing. The cleavage colo may occur as a result of increased intracolonic pressure in certain areas. colo Represents strong muscular contractions of the wall that would serve to propel the luminal contents or interrupt their passage. The individual pressures in the chambers are temporarily higher than those found when the colon is not segmented. The segmentation of the colon in diverticulosis is exaggerated, causing colo occlusion of both ends of the chambers, resulting in high pressure inside.
The sigmoid colon is usually affected, probably due to its smaller size. Laplace's Law explains the development by the equation P = kT / R. (Where P is pressure, K is a constant, T is the wall tension and R is the radius). Most complications, however, is located in this area.
subclinical local inflammation to generalized peritonitis with free perforation handle.
thickened food particles can cause erosion of the diverticular wall, which progresses to inflammation, focal necrosis and perforation (micro or macro). The clinical manifestation of drilling depends on its size and how strong is your buffering by the body. Perforations, if well controlled, resulting in formation of an abscess, while the incomplete packing can lead to free punching.

The diagnosis made only with clinical data is incorrect in 33% of cases.
Colonic obstruction 12%
Enema contrasted colo - in the acute setting, is reserved specifically for when the diagnosis colo is unclear. Has a sensitivity 62-94% with a false negative rate from 2 to 15%. Diatrizoate meglumine colo is a contrast
Endoscopy - proctossigmoidoscopia / flexible sigmoidoscopy. The use of endoscopic procedure, with inherent air-blowing, is relatively contraindicated in the acute setting at increased risk of bowel perforation. +55 53 3222.9464 Rua Santos Dumont, 627 Center. Pelotas-RS colo CEP 96020-380

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Keep the salt shaker away from the table at mealtimes helps you not to abuse the sodium, which is o

A Japanese study found that yellow tea is rich in gallic acid - three times more than the eight green and the white. "This component protects the liver from the damaging physiotherapist effects of toxins, usually present in pollution and even in some foods," explains Ana Luisa Faller, functional physiotherapist nutritionist Soul Nutrition Consulting Nutrition, of Rio de Janeiro. Furthermore, gallic acid stimulates physiotherapist the production of liver enzymes, substances that maintain the enemy away. Thus, control of fluid retention and facilitates weight loss.
Keep the salt shaker away from the table at mealtimes helps you not to abuse the sodium, which is one of the causes of fluid retention. So that the food does not get dull, replace the salt per lemon and herbs like oregano, basil and mint.
If you spend a lot of time sitting, get up every hour and walk around - it supply the bottle of water during the ride. In the chair, climb up and down the heels keeping your toes on the floor and rotate your ankles.
Everyone knows that the drainage is a great weapon to combat fluid retention, right? But if you can not invest physiotherapist in this method physiotherapist for now, how about investing in self-draining? Check out the step by step: 1 Seated, physiotherapist slide sometimes wet hands cream ankle to the knee. 2. foot, repeat several times the same movement of the knee to the groin, giving special attention physiotherapist to the inner thigh. 3 with an extended arm forward, sliding physiotherapist the open opposite hand from the elbow to the armpit, passing through the circumference of the arm. Slide 4 hands (one over another) making small circles clockwise around physiotherapist the navel. Make massage after bathing.
No wonder physiotherapist that experts recommend consuming at least two liters of water a day: in the right amount, it retains moisture, ensures your body fully functioning and combat fluid retention. The more water you drink, the greater the volume of blood. With this, the cells are more irrigated and the body does not retain sodium. physiotherapist
A balanced diet is ideal for maintaining health and the way day. However, there are some specific foods that can help you sharpen and deflate, ending with fluid retention.
About 27 years Guilherme Cury, blogger, publicist and musician. As one third of children today, was obese as a child. Thanks physiotherapist willpower managed to change their eating physiotherapist habits and started exercising. Since then never left the sport, is passionate about martial arts, swimming, running and gym. First health, physical and mental.
Read also: Diet may also have beer! The four fruits physiotherapist that eliminate fat fatter with 10 health foods that speed up metabolism Detox Diet: Menu a week to cleanse the body without harming the health All about Albumin
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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Potassium is a mineral that stabilizes the fluid levels. When there is too much sodium and potassiu

Vitamins and minerals to water retention | I-vegetables - Health Benefits
Water retention, also known as edema is a condition in which excess fluid accumulates in the body. Retaining excess water can cause tissues to become c reactive protein swollen - most notably the face, ankles and feet. Though there are different causes of edema, a key issue is the electrolyte imbalance. c reactive protein The electrolytes are electrically charged minerals such as sodium and potassium, which regulate the levels of fluid and help to allow proper transmission of nerve signals. To balance the electrolytes and treat edema, your doctor c reactive protein may prescribe diuretics, which help remove excess water and sodium from the body. Besides prescribed for water retention medications, you may consider the use of natural therapies, including vitamins and minerals.
Potassium is a mineral that stabilizes the fluid levels. When there is too much sodium and potassium insufficient in the body, the imbalance of these electrolytes may cause water retention. The recommended value of potassium is 4,700 mg daily, which you can get by eating foods that are rich in this essential mineral, such as bananas, sweet potatoes, avocados, green leafy vegetables, apricots, soy products and fish.
Magnesium is a mineral also helps to balance electrolyte fluid levels in the body. Acts as a natural diuretic and has been shown to relieve the symptoms of premenstrual water retention. When there is very little magnesium present in the body, which may contribute to the retention of fluids. The daily recommended amount of magnesium is 400 mg. Foods that contain high concentrations of magnesium include nuts and seeds, green leafy vegetables and whole grains.
Calcium is a mineral that is best known for building strong bones and healthy teeth. c reactive protein It is also an electrolyte, the charge balance of body fluids. A diet that is lack of calcium can lead to water retention. The recommended daily value of calcium for most adults is 1,000 mg. Calcium occurs naturally and abundantly in dairy products and green leafy vegetables like kale.
The vitamin B-6 or pyridoxine, can help reduce the retention of water. According to Pauling Institute c reactive protein of Oregon State University, supplementation with vitamin B-6 has been shown to reduce the severity of premenstrual retained and swelling liquid. c reactive protein The recommended daily value of vitamin B-6 is 1.3 mg. You can get vitamin B-6 from food sources such as spinach, c reactive protein peas, potatoes, cereals fortified with vitamins and salmon.
Vitamin c reactive protein C is a necessary and powerful antioxidant that offers several health benefits. Supplementation with vitamin C may also treat the water retention in accordance c reactive protein with the University of Maryland Medical Center. The recommended for this diuretic effective dose is 500 to 1000 mg per day, which is several times the recommended daily dose for most individuals. Vitamin C occurs naturally in citrus fruits, c reactive protein berries, tomatoes, peppers and leafy green vegetables.
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This article and this information c reactive protein is not intended to serve as medical advice and should not nor can be followed as a substitute for medical c reactive protein consultation. The just list the nutrients and the possible health benefits of a diet based on vegetables. The site does not intend to advise on how to cure symptoms, conditions or diseases and list all the information here should never be followed to change your diet or health habits. Always consult c reactive protein your doctor for advice about their diet and health.
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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tags 31 days of the diet shakes smoothies accompaniments urinary tract infection green teas crudivo

Here ... I'll noting daily details of my dietary reeducation based on Crudivorismo. This is my new way of living, appreciating the small details, the medium in which we live, the animals, light, energy and life, will always be present
Fluid retention puts you on the edge of a nervous breakdown and can not eliminate it nor nothing? Let yourself trying to solve these problems with temporary solutions that only lead to minor temporary improvements! The cure 100% of these 2 problems women both try to fight is simple and definitive! These two problems arise only in acidic bodies and people too! As you know, our body has PH and the ideal is that this is the more alkaline as possible.
Do not spend money on expensive creams or radical solutions. Will only sweep the "trash" so to speak, under the carpet which means that the slightest thing, urinary tract infection cellulite back in force, why not eliminated from scratch!
With the program I created in January, Operation Bikini Program, that I had visible holes in the thighs and cellulite with plenty, eliminated all this looks awful, urinary tract infection despite weighing 49kg in just a month and a half! If I got it, all of you can too, since my cellulite was quite rebellious and have lived here since 9 years imagine my genetic tendency for the thing! We always hear of conventional urinary tract infection medicine once with cellulite forever with cellulite. But not so, make no mistake. They just say it is impossible to eliminate it because with the power that they advise as "healthy" in fact there is no doubt that this is impossible urinary tract infection to eliminate it. How would then be possible to eliminate these problems urinary tract infection that are based on fat cells (with fat) if this power called "healthy" foods recommended in so fat? It is impossible to eliminate it so clear. However, with adequate food and yes this healthy, balanced and vibrant, we can soon get rid of instead of these two problems and ensure a defined body, beautiful, harmonious and without cellulite or water retention! Now the cellulite and fluid retention are based on a single condition called urinary tract infection "acidosis", to address these issues of time, we just have to reverse the acidosis of your body and make it rather more alkaline!
Simple. Just eat a lot and certain foods. Meats, fish, cooked fats, starch, lactose, soft drinks, coffee and dairy products are very acidic foods that increase the acidity in your body and only aggravate cellulite and fluid retention. How then solve the acidity in our body? Ingest plenty of fruit and vegetables fresh and raw. Practice some exercise. Do not forget to brush your dry body before bathing. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Use superfoods once in a while to help us regulate the thyroid to increase metabolism and be healthy and energetic beings. Bet on vegetable juices, fruit smoothies, breathe fresh air and rest well.
Believe the method is effective and that it has more results and much shorter time than if they eat all the foods mentioned that aggravate these problems and if they kill the gym and fill with cream 2 times per day!
Food Specific Plan
Tags 31 days of the diet shakes smoothies accompaniments urinary tract infection green teas crudivorismo shopping challenge challenge urinary tract infection 1 months 5 days detox day blunder tips candy and snacks slim + state of soul phase 1 phase 2 phase 3 phase 4 Pregnancy holiday flowers fruit snacks daily menu miminhos sauces home partnership pbl thought of the day for revenue programs step-by-step ... knew soups salads desserts urinary tract infection juices green juice tonic surprise workout life more tags

Monday, August 11, 2014

Alcochete Alentejo dsm v Algarve Alcantara Amadora Mulberry Trees Av. Liberdade Av. Rome Bairro Alt

The Farmódietica responsible for dietary supplements EasySlim line shows the EASYSLIM DEPUR MAX , a dietary supplement whose membership promotes the elimination of fluid retention, dsm v with a detoxifying and thermogenic action, promoting weight loss.
This supplement is available in hydrophilic extract in 500ml bottle. dsm v It is advised to take a measure (15 ml) diluted to breakfast in a glass of water and dilute one other measure (15 ml) in a 1.5 liter bottle of mineral water and take preferably away from meals, to throughout the day. Being a product herbal is normal dsm v creation of deposit.
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Vascular insufficiency, hypertension, kidney problems, hypothyroidism, liver problems and even the

The human body is done with too much water, however, in some situations the body retains excess water, resulting in swelling which may disturb greatly. But the good news is it is possible to eliminate fluid retention in the body, and to do that you do not have to do anything difficult nor unpleasant.
Fluid retention in the body is because of a very poor extravasation of fluid in blood proteins. He moves the blood vessels and the subcutaneous tissue goes causing noticeable swelling.
Vascular insufficiency, hypertension, kidney problems, hypothyroidism, liver problems and even the heart can cause fluid retention. However, other factors may also be responsible for swellings, such as PMS, contraceptive use, postural issues, climate, among others.
Days before menstruation occurs an increase in progesterone production. This increase causes fluid retention, which can be felt in the breast and in the abdomen. When you start menstrual flow occurs falling progesterone levels, then the bumps tend to disappear.
All contraceptives may cause fluid retention in the body. However, some pills further favor the emergence of the problem. Older pills have much more estrogen than the more modern pills and can cause more water retention.
To stop the water retention would be necessary to abandon the use of contraceptives, however, this may not be a good solution. The ideal then is to talk to the gynecologist to see if the pill you are taking is the oldest type. If so, see if it is possible to change. 3 - Wearing high heels
Replace the grasshopper by an intermediary, however, if this is not possible, go to work with a more comfortable shoe, and when you get there, change. At intervals, again using the most comfortable footwear. In the afternoon, when returning home, take the grasshopper and put on the most comfortable shoe. These attitudes can help you reduce fluid retention. 4 - Staying too long sitting
To avoid this problem it is important that you do not just sit for more than 30 uninterrupted minutes. Every half hour, get up and walk for a few minutes. It is also important to sit well with the spine straight. Massaging your feet from time to time can also help. 5 - Staying long standing is also not good
Stay long standing causes the liquid moved down the ends of the legs. If the return of these net for the trunk does not work properly, can arise swelling in legs and ankles, and you will get a feeling of heaviness.
To avoid this discomfort is the ideal change of position from time to time, or sit for a few minutes or take short walks. If you can not do that, use compression stockings, they help improve blood circulation. 6 - salt in excess can cause fluid retention in the body
Salty foods can contribute to fluid retention in the body. The sodium affect the body's water balance, causing water retention, in addition, increases blood pressure.
To avoid water retention you need to lower your salt intake, increasing potassium intake (found in fruits and vegetables) and drink plenty of water every day. Potassium helps control sodium levels in the body, and water stimulates kidney function and helps to eliminate toxins. 7 - The heat also causes retention
The warm climate causes the blood vessels become more enlarged, thus a larger amount of fluid exits and is the space between the cells and is accumulated. This happens because the body seeks lower the internal temperature of the body to withstand the heat.
When possible stay in air-conditioned, great, however, environments this is not always possible. In this case, a tip is to lie down and put your legs on a higher level than the rest of the body (you can do this using pads). This simple approach helps the blood to circulate more easily. Fluid retention and fad diets
It can also be responsible for rapid weight gain after you do that fad diet that promised incredible results. This happens because often diets that promise prospan miraculous results just make you reduce fluid retention, or cause water loss.
It is possible prospan to eliminate fluid retention in the body, but it is important that you know that from time to time this problem can arise, even if you take every precaution. In this case, it keep following prospan the tips, so you lessen the effects of the problem. However, if nothing works, seek medical advice because as mentioned in this article, water retention can be a sign that something is wrong with your